The Alexandrian

Site Update – New Indices

October 12th, 2015

The Alexandrian was a little quiescent in September. I’m hoping to rectify that in October.

But although there weren’t a lot of posts in September, I hadn’t completely turned my attention away from the site. I’ve been making slow but somewhat-steady progress on improving the navigational features of the site so that people can find some of the cool stuff that’s nestled around in here. Since the site launched back in 2005, there have been 1,300 posts. (This is actually post 1,301.) That’s a lot of material for new readers to dig through. A few things I’ve been doing to make things easier:

First, from the very beginning of the site I’ve made it a point to have robust and accurate tagging. Unfortunately, most WordPress sites are terrible at doing this and people have generally been conditioned to just ignore tags. But if you’re reading this, now you know that if you’re interested in a particular article here at the Alexandrian, then the tags at the bottom of the posts should reliably deliver you to similar material.

Second, I’ve been slowly working to get a decent Recommended Posts feature working. I spent many more hours on this in September than I wanted, but I’ve at least got the formatting to work so that you can actually see the titles of the articles being linked. (My next goal is to get thumbnails to work so that they’re more visually appealing.)

Third, I’ve been slowly working on getting index pages back up and up to date: Gamemastery 101 and RPG Scenarios have been expanded. There is now a complete index of all my Reviews (over 200 of them!) and Shakespeare Sunday.

One Response to “Site Update – New Indices”

  1. Jonathan Hunt says:

    Congratulations on 1300+ posts and 10 years of blogging. That is an incredible achievement, you have provided so much amazing content along the way.

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