The Alexandrian

Site Update – Spam

April 24th, 2014

Spam on this site has gotten out of control over the past few months. I haven’t had a lot of time to dedicate to the Alexandrian lately and, unfortunately, most of that time gets chewed up just trying to stay on top of the spam.

So I’m increasing the moderation filters on the site: This means that your comments are much more likely to hit the moderation queue and will require manual approval before they get posted. Sorry for the inconvenience, but hopefully it will make this place look a little bit less like a Russian garbage dump.

2 Responses to “Site Update – Spam”

  1. Kinak says:

    Even if it all it does is make your life a little less annoying, slower comments are not a harsh price.

    If it leads to more content, bonus!


  2. Neal says:


    I don’t know how they operate, but it sounds like you are saying a moderation filter takes exception to long-winded posts (and maybe other things)?

    If so, what is the upper number of words limit for an acceptable post, that won’t trigger the filter?

    P.S. Are the spammers now getting around your Turing Test by checking the box, somehow?

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