The Alexandrian

Jovian Chronicles: CEGA Fleet Blueprint File - Dream Pod 9

Tagline: A very strong package, suitable for framing or for reference.

The CEGA Fleet Blueprint Files are the second blueprint files Dream Pod 9 produced. The first were the Jovian Fleet Blueprint Files, which I am reviewing simultaneously.

Everything I said about the various strengths and weaknesses of the Jovian Fleet product are true here, with three exceptions:

1. The blueprints found in this file are a Bricriu-class corvette; a Tengu-class escort carrier; a Hachiman-class destroyer; an Uller-class missile cruiser; a Poseidon-class Battleship (General View and Cutaway); a Valhalla-class Station; and a Wyvern (exo-armor).

2. The repeated text from the core rulebook is found on the Tengu-class escort carrier.

3. Since there’s no main bridge mentioned here, that is not a strength for the product (it would actually be a weakness since that possesses no interest a second time around with minor changes). The Valhalla-class station blueprint performs admirably and is very well done.

A couple other notes:

1. Consistency between product formats is generally good. Here it is bizarrely bad. On the table of contents located on the cover of the envelope for the Jovian Fleet Blueprint File there are six general categories – with a paranthesisized comment noting the three different blueprints for the Valiant-class ship. This makes sense, since there are six ships being covered (with the Valiant-class ship getting three blueprints). Here in the CEGA Fleet Blueprint File, however, seven different ships are being covered (with the Poseidon-class ship getting two blueprints). Despite this the table of contents on the front of the envelope has only six categories… apparently a Valhalla-class station is somehow a part of a Poseidon-class battleship. Very poorly done.

2. The Uller-class background text has a fascinating plot hook thrown in.

Again, these blueprint files are strongly recommended if you’re a Pod-phile, a Chronicles-phile, or just like this type of product.

Style: 5
Substance: 4

Author: n/a
Company/Publisher: Dream Pod 9
Cost: $10.95
Page Count: n/a
ISBN: n/a

Originally Posted: 1999/08/24


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