The Alexandrian

Sarah Palin… Seriously People

September 12th, 2008

First: She’s liar.

Second: She’s horrendously unqualified.

Third: She has revealed the seedy hypocrisy of the Republican party.

But probably the most impressive thing about Sarah Palin is that she is, in fact, the entirety of John McCain’s economic policy, health care policy, tax policy, education policy and foreign policy:

He said so himself when he claimed that, whenever Barack Obama is talking about John McCain’s economic policy, health care policy, tax policy, education policy, and foreign policy, he’s actually talking about Sarah Palin.

And did I mention that she’s using the same shady tactics of Richard Nixon and George W. Bush in her attempts to impede lawful investigations into her misconduct as governor of Alaska?

So if you want corrupt, unqualified liars, hypocrites, and smear-artists in the White House — Vote McCain-Palin 2008.

One Response to “Sarah Palin… Seriously People”

  1. Justin Alexander says:


    Heh, I came in as a reader when you first started posting your 4E skeptic pieces. And sharing that skepticism (hey, as a conservative, I automatically fear and distrust all change) I read all those posts, and it just got into my head somehow that this was a D&D blog. My misunderstanding, not yours! Wink
    Tuesday, September 16, 2008, 6:29:35 PM

    Justin Alexander
    Hey, Robert. I’m glad you found the roleplaying material here and that you’ve been enjoying it. I hope you’ll keep coming back for it.

    But when I launched this site back in July 2005, I laid out my intentions for it: “Here you’ll be able to find my reviews, my politics, my stories, and my thoughts.”

    The RPG material has always been a part of this site, but the first batch of content that went up on the site were archival postings of some SF book reviews. And the second batch of content that went up were archival postings of the political platform I used when running for the Minneapolis Schoolboard in 2002.

    POLITICS is right there in the top banner.

    I guess my point is that the site has always been kinda eclectic. It’s certainly been RPG heavy for a few months here, but looking through the archives I can also see entire months when RPGs didn’t crop up at all. (That probably won’t be true again for awhile, though, since I’m shamelessly mining my campaign journals for content.)

    I guess the best advice I can give is a subscription to the RSS feed. I think I’m pretty good about titling the entries clearly, so you shouldn’t have any problems avoiding the political stuff.
    Tuesday, September 16, 2008, 2:45:21 PM

    Well, I write about politics on my own sites, and I read a lot of other political sites, including sites whose positions are violently in disagreement with mine; it’s more interesting that way Wink

    So I’m not disagreement-phobic.

    I think it’s an issue of expectations. I have a certain mental picture of what this site contains – RPG goodness. I have a mental picture of what other sites contain – political ranting, or cat pictures, or cute baby stories, or whatever.

    Going somewhere and expecting one thing, and suddenly finding another, is off-putting. I love strawberry ice cream, and I love beef stew, but I don’t like them together.

    Now, the irony of my position is that my OWN site is pretty much a mix of ice cream, beef, soda, salad, and classy dining room furniture. It’s a conceptual mess – no theme at all, other than “this is what I felt like writing today”. And I imagine that if the Alexandrian was that kind of site, it wouldn’t annoy me in the least to find a nugget or two in the stew that I didn’t care for. But the site is generally strawberry ice cream, all the time – so the occasional nugget of beef is truly disconcerting.
    Sunday, September 14, 2008, 9:08:30 AM

    oops. It has only been 4 years. It feels like 8 though.
    Saturday, September 13, 2008, 9:49:19 PM

    I can partially understand Robert. I like listening to news on radios, but I find that I have to change the frequencies often because the inserted music is too tortuous to bear. Except that political thoughts are not just a matter of tastes like music, and I wonder why Robert would say what he said. There are several possibilities:

    1. Robert has no taste for politics. Except that Robert is running a page on politics which requires him to read about politics.
    2. Robert thinks Justin has poor reasoning power. Except that Robert likes Justin’s ideas on RPG designs. Although I sometimes disagree with Justin, I don’t think a poor analytical mind can achieve what Justin has accomplished.
    3. Robert does not like reading anything that opposes his politics. This is plausible. He has already said that he does not share Justin’s view on political matters. Except that Justin’s thoughts matter enough to Robert that he has bothered to write his comment. I rarely bother to lift a finger to respond to morons as they are not worth the trouble. I usually only respond to people worthy of my respect. Robert felt that he had to tell Justin to exclude his political opinions (despite of the fact that he claimed to not try to tell Justin what to do). There has to be more to this.
    4. Robert feels threatened by Justin’s political analysis. This is most plausible. Obviously Justin is not a moron and I can see republicans would want people like Justin to keep their political analysis to themselves.

    Why do I bother? I am not American so I don’t feel threatened by Robert’s politic. I do think politics like his are generally dangerous and should be dissected to bear their motives raw.

    I think Justin got it wrong. Sarah Palin is not “the most dangerous woman in politics”. She’s a comic relief. It’s the American voters that he should fear, or more specifically people like Robert. They have shown that would name a complete moron as their commander in chief, and have done it not just once but twice. And despite 8 years of failed presidency, it’s scary that they could repeat the process all over again.
    Saturday, September 13, 2008, 9:33:31 PM

    You know, it’s your site, and you can write about whatever you want, so please don’t take this as me trying to tell you your business, ok?

    I love reading about your ideas on game design. I love reading about your D&D campaigns, your design notes. I could give a **** about your political opinions.

    Although we disagree politically, I’d feel the same way if you were totally in line with my own views, although my irritation at seeing the gaming goodness interrupted by a turd of political thought would probably be milder.

    Again, your site, your life – do what you want. But please consider that if you are trying to build value on this site, that your political opinions might better find expression somewhere else.
    Saturday, September 13, 2008, 9:28:57 AM

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