The Alexandrian

Randi Rhodes is Flippin’ Insane

November 14th, 2006

Randi Rhodes is flippin’ insane. I was just listening to her on Air America Minnesota and this is what she proposed for an Iraqi exit strategy:

1. Pull every American soldier and contractor out of the country, starting immediately.
2. Move every single Iraqi citizen back to their hometown.
3. Give every Iraqi ownership of the house or apartment they’re living in.
4. Give every Iraqi a rifle.
5. Tell every Iraqi to use that rifle to defend their home.

This is like claiming that the best way to fight a fire is to send the fire department home, give everyone who lives in the building a can of gasoline, and then send them all back into the building.

Economically, she simultaneously suggests that America force every Muslim nation to match their monetary contributions to Iraq on a dollar-for-dollar basis, and that this money should then be evenly distributed and then given individually to every Iraqi. The money from oil revenues should also be evenly distributed and individually given to every Iraqi. The individual Iraqis can then be made “responsible” for fixing their own neighborhoods. (How is all this money being collected and distributed? By magical fairies, I suppose.)

She’s literally saying that, not only should America pull out of Iraq, but that they should take every step possible to impose complete and utter anarchy on the country before leaving.

Randi Rhodes is not the left’s answer to Rush Limbaugh, she is Rush Limbaugh. Her rhetoric is shrill, hysterical, and irrational. She is incapable of contributing anything to the public discourse except frothing fury.

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