The Alexandrian

Go to Part 1

Keep on the ShadowfellIf you own the 4th Edition Monster Manual, you can add the following encounter:

  • 1 kobold slyblade
  • 2 kobold dragonshields
  • 6 kobold minions

This is a kobold cansatak — a “war party which hunts vengeance”. They could be dispatched to kill the PCs by Kalarel, Irontooth, or even Issitek (if he finds out the PCs are responsible for wiping out the clan).

Use this encounter when the PCs are resting or traveling. It’s a good way to jack up the energy levels at the table if things are starting to lag. The cansatak could even attack them in the ruins of the keep if you feel that the PCs are getting too complacent in the sections they’ve already cleared out.

TRIGGER: The kobold slyblade tracks the PCs, moving two hundred feet ahead of the rest of the cansatak. When the encounter is triggered, the PCs can make a Perception check (DC 23) to notice the slyblade watching them from 50 feet away. A few moments later, the slyblade slips away and heads back to the rest of the cansatak. (If the PCs attack, the slyblade will turn and run with harsh reptilian cries which are quickly answered by the rest of the cansatak.)

If the PCs don’t notice the slyblade, a few minutes later the entire cansatak attacks: The dragonshields and minions charge in and surround the PCs, engaging them in melee. Once the PCs are fully engaged, the slyblade follows (allowing it to use its sly dodge ability to maximum effectiveness).


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