The Alexandrian

Legends & Labyrinths - Art Logo 1

Mountain Temple - Alex Drummond

Mountain Temple – Alex Drummond

Like Drummond’s Dove City, this is another vista designed to draw your eye and your imagination into the realms of fantasy: It makes you want to walk that long, jack-knifed road of dust-swept rock.

It’s also a radically different type environment, which was something else I was keeping firmly in mind while looking for art. Legends & Labyrinths is a radically inclusive game — pulling influences from every corner of the world; every nook of myth; and every aspect of fantasy. I wanted the art to reflect that by taking you to verdant forests; steaming  jungles; underground caverns; icy glaciers; and dark coasts.

One Response to “The Art of Legends & Labryinths #9: Mountain Temple – Alex Drummond”

  1. Doodpants says:

    Thanks to the links you provided to the earlier art pieces, I was able to review them in rapid succession, and the first thing that struck me about them is that they’re all primarily… blue. The Mountain Temple piece is the first one that uses a color other than blue as its primary. Even the rogue piece that you tout as portraying a “verdant forest” is more blue than green.

    I don’t know if these pieces are commissioned works, or if they are pre-existing pieces, but would it be possible to pursue a greater color variety for future pieces? I think it would improve the overall look of the book. I’m not saying each piece individually needs to be more colorful; it’s fine that each one has a single dominating color. But they don’t all have to be shades of blue.

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