June 21st, 2008
The 12th Day of Kadal in the 790th Year of the Seyrunian Dynasty
But when Tee woke up the next morning, she discovered that the Dreaming Apothecary had finally delivered the items she had purchased. They were laying, neatly displayed, on her bedside table.
There were two small, golden discs designed to be affixed to the temples. Tapping either of the discs caused a scintillating field of golden energy to cover Tee’s eye sockets. Although this effect prevented others from seeing her eyes, it enhanced her own vision.
There was an armband of black silk with Tee’s dragon sigil embroidered upon it in silver thread – thread that was not merely silver-dyed cloth, but actual woven silver.
And, at first, Tee felt there had been some mistake because there was no sign of the glamoured lockpicks she had requested. Instead, there was a large ring set with a faceted ruby. Closer inspection, however, revealed a tiny trigger near the base of the stone. Pressing the trigger revealed a set of tiny prongs, wires, and other small devices crafted from mithril. Slipping the ring on, Tee found that she could control the minute motions of these precision tools with a mere thought.
Since Tee had received her tools, it was decided that the entire group would first return to Ghul’s Labyrinth and finish their explorations there. (As a result, Ranthir’s researches into the golden key were delayed.)
Returning to the tunnels beneath Greyson House, they proceeded carefully past the point where the pit of chaos now lay entombed. The stone above it was now visibly warping and buckling, making it clear that the effort to seal away the pool would not last for more than a few more days at most.
But, soon after, their fears regarding the unknown intruders were laid to rest: Drawing near to the former bloodwight nests, Tee could easily distinguish the distinctive sound of elvish voices. Stepping into the open, she confirmed that this was a party of workers and scholars from House Erthuo.
The leader of the Erthuo expedition stepped forward and introduced himself as Faeliel. He grew quite excited when Ranthir introduced himself, shaking his hand vigorously. “Cordelia told me that you might pass this way. I’m most pleased to meet you. Would you like to see what we’ve accomplished with the orrery?”
Ranthir smiled with delighted surprise and eagerly followed Faeliel. With only a glance he could see that the orrery had already been partially restored.
“That’s right,” Faeliel said. “We’re trying to restore the orrery before moving it so that we can preserve as much of it as possible. The mechanisms are badly damaged, but we’re learning a lot by observing it in a relatively unchanged state. This damage over here seems quite extensive and recent, unfortunately.”
Ranthir explained about the bloodwight which had burst its way out of the orrery shortly after they discovered it.
“Oh!” Faeliel gasped. “Well… I’m glad we weren’t the first ones here, then!”
They both laughed, and then fell into a spirited conversation. Ranthir was able to offer several insights into the workings of the orrery before the others pulled him towards the bluesteel door.
They were careful not to let any of the workers from House Erthuo overhear the password as they passed through the bluesteel door.
Tee had been intermittently obsessing for weeks now over the cryptic mysteries hidden behind the locked secret doors near the alchemical laboratory. Now, with her new tools, she was eagerly looking forward to trying her luck with those locks once again.
But before she did that, as they passed through the first antechamber (where the four colossal statues of Ghul looked down upon them), Tee swung open the double doors leading into the strange and tainted temple of obsidian. Through those doors she hurled every artifact of tainted chaositech she carried, feeling her very soul lightened by the loss of their burden. With a deep satisfaction, she swung the doors shut behind her and then turned aside towards the laboratories.
One of the secret doors lay in the chamber with four alchemical pits, where the fetid fungus had threatened to overwhelm them in a living, undulating wave. While Agnarr and Tor moved cautiously towards the pits to ensure that no new dangers were breeding in their depths, Tee moved toward the section of the wall where she had discovered the concealed keyhole. Removing the ruby on her new ring, she slid the delicate mechanisms into the keyhole.
With a satisfying click, a section of the wall popped open with a burst of stale air. Sliding the wall panel to one side, Tee revealed the hidden chamber. To one side, a small wooden desk was half-rotten through. To the other, what appeared to have once been large crates had been stacked in the corner, but many of these had collapsed under the weight of many years.
And the sound of deep, laborious breathing echoed through the chamber…
Tee motioned for the others to keep silent and then moved quietly into the room.
She discovered the source of the breathing behind the desk: A large, gracile creature with chocolate-brown fur lay sleeping. Its neck and hind legs were curiously elongated, but it was clearly a hound.
Tee backed her way out of the room and told the others what she had seen. Then she moved back into the room, searching it while being careful not to disturb the dog. Agnarr followed her in to keep an eye on the creature and watch her back.
But as soon as Agnarr laid his eyes on the creature, a huge smile spread across his face. It was his dog! He had spent so much time looking for a faithful hound to rear and train, and now he had found it in the most unexpected of places!
Most of the room’s contents had decayed to dust and ruin, but among the shattered boxes Tee found three spears of solid steel and high craftsmanship that she felt might fetch a fair price in the city above. But her persistence paid off particularly when she found a secret compartment hidden inside the ruined remnants of the desk… and, inside the compartment, a half-rotted purse containing several dozen blood-red rubies.
As Tee stood up, slipping the gem purse into her bag of holding, Agnarr gestured towards the dog. “Try to wake it up.”
Tee gave the barbarian a skeptical look, her thoughts returning to the vicious, yapping, porcelain puppy that Agnarr had last fixated on in his quixotic search for a faithful companion. But she could tell that he wasn’t going to be easily dissuaded, so she gave the slumbering dog a half-hearted prod. It didn’t stir.
Tee shrugged. “No such luck! Let’s go.”
She headed towards the door, but Agnarr didn’t follow. Instead he sheathed his sword and gave the dog a more powerful prodding with his foot. There was still no response.
With a thoughtful look on his face, Agnarr reached into his own bag of holding and pulled out a raw steak. (Tee: “Why do you have raw steak in your bag?” Agnarr: “For the goblins.” Tee: “Well… that explains absolutely nothing.”) Agnarr waved the steak under the dog’s nose.
The dog didn’t stir.
But Agnarr was not to be easily dissuaded: Laying the steak down, he grabbed the dog with both his hands and gave it a mighty shake.
The dogs eyes popped open! It lunged at Agnarr’s face! Tee, cursing, whipped our her rapier—
… and the dog began ecstatically licking Agnarr’s cheek.
Running the Campaign: TBD – Campaign Journal: Session 24D
In the Shadow of the Spire: Index
Here’s a question: Was the Gentle Hound created with Agnarr in mind? Was the hound specifically meant as a sort reward for him?
He found a dog!
Angnarr got his dog! Yay!
(A better love story than twilight?)
@Some_Guy probably yes, but I would guess that he rolled pretty high on his handle animal check.
BTW, was this the second crucible you mentioned back in the Session 20E campaign notes? Agnarr finding and befriending the Gentle Hound?
With the benefit of hindsight I wonder — was it foreshadowing the possible vector intersection when you hit them with this line?
“Oh!” Faeliel gasped. “Well… I’m glad we weren’t the first ones here, then!”