The Alexandrian

Go to Part 1

BACKGROUND: A bandit gang had laid an ambush in the Hole in the Wall. About an hour ago, an Osiran serpent squad attacked the bandits. The Osirans were disappointed when the bandits fought to the death, denying them living prisoners for their nano-embalming vats (Encounter 4).

LAY OF THE LAND: This encounter was designed for a battlemap from Keep on the Shadowfell. (It can also be found in Fantastic Locations: Fields of Ruin.)

Roadside Ambush - Keep on the Shadowfell

  • The bodies of a half dozen bandits lie scattered around the hole in the Wall. Any inspection of the bodies will reveal distinctive circular brands on their shoulders.
  • Conspiracy (Easy): The tattoos mark these as members of the Circle Gang. They’ve nomadic raiders who cycle through these parts every few months.
  • Nature (Easy): There are clear signs that other bodies have been dragged away from the area.
  • Perception (Easy): In a nearby copse of trees, the PCs can find another 6 bodies wrapped in cerecloth.
  • Science (Moderate): There are puncture marks on the corpses. They look like snake bites, but the snakes must have been huge.

ENCOUNTER: Once the PCs have spent a little time investigating the scene, the Osiran serpent squad returns to finish collecting and prepping the bodies. They include a Serpent Commando, a silver drake, and three giant silver asps. All of them have silver scales that glisten like mercury. The serpent commando wears a tunic formed from bands of ebon and lapis lazuli

Egyptian Incursion - Serpent Commando

Egyptian Incursion - Silver Drake

Egyptian Incursion - Silver Asps


  • Bandits carry 1d6 pieces of Ancient Junk (Gamma World, pg. 81). (It’s strange that whoever killed the bandits didn’t loot the bodies.)
  • 1 Omega Tech card per PC from the Osirans.


  • The Osiran Snake-Warrior has a Ford Family Militia Badge pinned like a badge of honor to the front of his tunic. (Moderate Conspiracy check to recognize the badge as belonging to the Ford Family. See Encounter 3.)
  • The serpents’ trail leads to the Nano-Embalming Compound (Encounter 4). Following the trail requires a skill challenge (complexity 1, 4 successes, moderate DC).

Next: The Crater

2 Responses to “Gamma World: The Egyptian Incursion – Encounter 1: The Roadside Ambush”

  1. Confanity says:

    Why do the stats say “A missed attack never damages a minion” twice?

  2. Justin Alexander says:

    Apparently some sort of glitch in Monster Maker. I’ll see if I can fix it by editing the HTML/CSS output file directly when I’m back at my main computer.

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