The Alexandrian

Posts tagged ‘podcast’

Roleplay Rescue w/Justin Alexander

Roleplay Rescue invited me onto their podcast to talk about the upcoming So You Want To Be a Game Master! Our far-ranging conversation talks a lot about RPG scenario design and the Big Secret every new GM should know.

This episode is the final one for this season – no, really – and it’s my pleasure to bring you a conversation about a significant new book for the RPG scene.

Justin Alexander is a freelance writer and the author of the grand repository of ideas that is The Alexandrian. This is an interview with Justin about his forthcoming book, released in November 2023, So You Want To Be A Game Master.

Big thanks up front to Justin for agreeing to come and talk about his new book – it truly was another joyous and interesting conversation. I hope you find it illuminating too!

Listen Now!

You can find links to my two previous appearances on Roleplay Rescue at the Alexandrian Auxiliary.

Worldbuild With Us - Episode 213: An Interview with Justin Alexander, author of SO YOU WANT TO BE A GAME MASTER

Had the great honor of returning to the Worldbuild With Us podcast to talk about my upcoming book, So You Want To Be a Game Master. Pop over there for a sneak peek at the treasures I’ve hidden inside the book, but stick around for the amazing game setting we brainstorm at the end of the podcast.

This week, we’re honored to have author, RPG designer, and Game Master extraordinaire Justin Alexander back on the podcast to discuss his upcoming book So You Want to Be a Game Master: Everything You Need to Start Your Tabletop Adventure for Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder, and Other Systems!

Justin gives us a tour of this step-by-step guide and how it can help GMs new and experienced alike run their best games, avoid railroading, do quick-and-dirty worldbuilding, and more! Plus: early misadventures with homebrew Batman RPGs, the unexpected power of TV trays, questions from our patrons, a worldbuilding jam featuring the waters of Europa, and heaps of other topics in this XXL episode.

So You Want to Be a Game Master? is due out in November, so be sure to preorder it today or pick it up from your friendly local bookstore when it hits the shelves! Check out for more info and links.

Listen Now!

You can find my previous appearance over here.

Worldbuild With Us - Episode #81

Check out this long-awaited interview I did with the Wouldbuild With Us crew. We talk about stuff like the modules that inspired me the most and Scarface-inspired werewolves.

Episode #81: An Interview With Justin Alexander

Klaas of the RPG Heroes Podcast interviewed me for a great discussion about meaningful choice in RPGs. You can also check it out on Youtube:

Klaas has told me that it’s already proven to be one of the most popular episodes of the podcast. Unfortunately, it was also the last as he’s moving onto new projects. But you can still check out all 24 episodes!

Blogs on Tape - Spells as Parasite of the Mind

Nick LS Whelan has this really cool site where he reads RPG-related blog posts. They’re great whether you need accessible content or are just looking to load up some podcast-like audio for your commute.

Nick has posted readings of a couple different posts from the Alexandrian:

Blogs on Tape – Episode 74: The Day the Old School Died

Blogs on Tape – Episode 79: Spells – Parasites of the Mind

The first looks at the weird urban legends surrounding the publication of The Palace of the Silver Princess in 1983. The latter is an alternative look at what it means to prepare a spell.

You can find the original articles here and here if you’d rather just read them.


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