The Alexandrian

Posts tagged ‘in the shadow of the spire’

Ptolus - In the Shadow of the Spire


March 9th, 2008
The 7th Day of Kadal in the 790th Year of the Seyrunian Dynasty

From around the corner (and out of sight) a fair voice cried out: “Fall back to me, Servant of Ravvan!”

But even as the command was given, Agnarr surged forward. His blade ripped brutally through the brute’s throat, trailing a gout of blood. The brute gave a gurgling cry, stumbled back, and fell.

The unseen voice muttered a bitter curse and then gave an arcane cry. Before any of them had a chance to react, a small dart of flame shot around the corner. Striking the wall it burst into a massive explosion.

ShilukarThe arcane flames passed quickly, leaving in their wake scorched flesh and smoldering garments. Ignoring these wounds, they rushed forward. Agnarr rounded the corner just in time to see a young and handsome elf hovering in the air and completing the incantation for a second time.

The others dived for cover as the second explosion roared around them, but Agnarr simply ignored the flames, charging forward and slamming his greatsword into the arcanist.

The elf spun away, blood gushing down his side. “You fools! You don’t know who you’re meddling with!”

Tee smirked. “I’m guessing we’re meddling with Shilukar, right?”

Shilukar cursed and waved his hand, disappearing instantly from sight.

Tee instantly whipped up her dragon pistol, firing blindly at where Shilukar had been. Unfortunately, the elf had already ducked away. “Agnarr!” she cried. “Hit the floor!”

Agnarr swung his blade high and cut down into the pulpy flesh. And from the wound a spray of blood burst forth, coating the walls and floor… and Shilukar.

Tor leapt between Agnarr’s legs, rolled to his feet, and swung away. But Tor’s blade met only air, as Shilukar – hurling epitaphs behind him – ran for the door at the end of the hall.

Tor moved to pursue, but was stopped by a cry from Ranthir: “Look out!” (more…)


Session 17A: Shilukar’s Lair

The features revealed as their hoods fell back were those of goblins – but goblins possessed of sickly gray skin. More disturbingly, the eyes and mouths of each goblin had been sewn shut with thick, black string. Despite this, all of them moved with sure, fluid motions.

In the Shadow of the Spire is actually the fifth campaign I’ve run in my Western Lands setting. I believe I’ve actually previously discussed that Ptolus first appeared at my gaming table 5+ years earlier when a group passed through the city and noted its distinctive Spire as they passed from the Southern Sea back towards Deepfall Pass in the west.

Ptolus - The City By the Spire

One of the players in that campaign, Dave, was Agnarr’s creator. Two other players had also previously played in Western Lands campaigns.

One of the cool things I think you can do when running multiple campaigns in the same setting (whether concurrently or over time) is to have crossovers between those campaigns. And also to have deep, long-term mysteries that are intrinsic to the setting and which are only slowly revealed

A good example of this sort of thing, from Monte Cook’s original Ptolus campaign, is the revelation that the entire world of Praemal is actually a planar prison for demons. Everyone else is just stuck there by accident, and the demons are constantly trying to dissolve the bonds of the prison and escape. That’s the kind of thing which can be quietly true for any number of campaigns – with various enigmas suggesting the truth only for the final revelation to really blow people’s minds.

(This particular set of metaphysics, it should be noted, isn’t true of the Western Lands, which is one of the reasons why my version of Ptolus diverges from Monte Cook’s, and does so rather severely in some key areas.)

Of course, this sort of thing doesn’t require tapping into the fundamental metaphysics of the entire campaign world. Sometimes it might be, “Hey, you know Good King George? The guy who’s been the beneficent monarch ruling over the kingdom for the last three campaigns? Turns out he’s actually a mind-controlled puppet and the whole kingdom is being run by the drow. And he has been his entire life.”

It’s also fun to have references to the PCs from the other campaigns and/or the things that they did. Those enduring legacies across years of play can really invest players into the setting, knowing that their actions will resonate not just in the campaign itself, but across campaigns. That perhaps players who they have never even met will be affected by what they’ve done today.

(The most ambitious example of this I’ve ever attempted was when the players in one campaign met the future versions of their PCs from the other campaign. Have I told that story?)

On the other hand, sometimes these crossovers are just, “Hey! Remember that cool character/monster/location from the last campaign?!”

Dave, for example, recognized the name Ritharius from that previous campaign. The revelation of Ritharius’ actions later in the campaign would have carried a little extra oomph because of that, I think. (And when Dave left the campaign I made a point of building Ritharius into Tor’s background to reposition that oomph.)

These creepy goblins are a little bit of both.

They first appeared in one of the earliest scenarios I ever ran for 3rd Edition, a remix of The Sunless Citadel in which the lower levels of the scenario had been transformed into a much more horrific venue. In both cases, the nature of these goblins points towards the much deeper truth that [SPOILERS REDACTED] and also that [SECURITY CLEARANCE REQUIRED]. But mostly they would have just been a cool cameo that players from that campaign would recognize.

Unfortunately, the player who would have recognized the goblins left the campaign before they showed up. C’est la vie.

This does highlight, however, that this technique can be of arguably limited value because there is a limited audience capable of appreciating the full context of these crossovers and callbacks. I would argue, however, that when done properly these things still have value even when no one is necessarily there to directly appreciate them.

Silmarillion - J.R.R. TolkienConsider, for example, the success J.R.R. Tolkien had in using the then-unpublished Silmarillion to create mythological depth in The Lord of the Rings. Queen Berúthiel’s cats (a reference in Lord of the Rings which, infamously unlike many of Tolkien’s other “historical” allusions, was created off-the-cuff as he was writing) are also a thing, of course, but there is, I believe, both a qualitative and practical difference between such off-the-cuff improvisations and a fully-integrated body of lore.

The problem, of course, is that creating fully-integrated bodies of lore is a time-consuming process. And as cool as it can be a player digs into something and discovers that there is, in fact, a vast ocean of lore to explored there, the odds of wasted prep are quite high. Campaigns you’ve previously run, however, are inherently “fully-integrated bodies of lore”, and thus this can work both ways: Stuff you’re calling back to is “free prep” for the current campaign (you’ve already prepped it). And, on the flip-side, designing material that’s intended to be useful for campaign after campaign after campaign can be very high value prep indeed.

And, honestly, I find these callbacks and crossovers entertaining and rewarding in their own right on a purely personal level, even if no one else at the table is ever aware of it. In that sense, I am like the watchmaker who carefully filigrees the gear of a pocket watch which the owner will never be able to see: There is a pride and a pleasure in seeing the pieces of a job well done slide into place.

Ptolus - In the Shadow of the Spire


March 9th, 2008
The 7th Day of Kadal in the 790th Year of the Seyrunian Dynasty

The clattering commotion of the dislodged debris echoed down the vertical tunnel. The six of them looked at each other.

“We should go quickly,” Elestra said. “Before whatever’s down there to hear the noise can respond.”

“Right,” Tee said, and swung herself over the edge and onto the wooden ladder.

Agnarr followed her, cracking a sunrod and sticking it into his backpack.

At the bottom of the stairwell, Tee found herself in a plain room of worn, dull gray stone. A solid door of iron was set in the far wall.

As the others descended, Tee approached the door and inspected it. It was quite sturdy, but she was able to make short work of the high quality lock. Easing back she let Agnarr step up to the door and open it.

Beyond the door the next room widened considerably. The sole exit from this room was a set of two iron doors marked with a bas relief of a large claw. Standing directly before these doors, however, were four emaciated figures. They stood with perfect stillness, their features obscured by charcoal-colored cloaks and hoods.

After a long, silent moment in which neither the strangely disturbing figures nor the wanderers moved, Tee drew her dragon pistol and fired a shot.

The blast of energy neatly clipped one of the figures, catching it in the shoulder. The reaction was immediate: All four of the figures threw back their heads with an eery, wailing ululation and darted forward, their hands lashing forwards with fingers ending in long, tapered claws.

The features revealed as their hoods fell back were those of goblins – but goblins possessed of sickly gray skin. More disturbingly, the eyes and mouths of each goblin had been sewn shut with thick, black string. Despite this, all of them moved with sure, fluid motions.

Mouth Stitched Shut

Tee fired again and then these strange, gray goblins were upon them. (more…)


Session 16D: Zavere’s Need

Rastor ran his claw gently down the length of the blade, as if caressing a lover. “The markings here upon the blade are not merely gold, but taurum – the true gold, mined from the Mountains of the East. And there is a thin core of it in the heart of the hilt. The enchantment worked upon this blade sings from the taurum, and its name is nainsyr.”

Ptolus - RastorThe subject of whether or not PCs should be allowed to buy magic items is a contentious one. It is felt by many that magic items are That Which Must Be Quested For. They believe that “magic item marts” and the like rob magic items of their majesty, and they consider it absurd that Excalibur might be bartered at some corner store.

Maybe so.

But I’ll note that the buying and selling of magic items has been part of D&D since before it was D&D: The stories of actual play from Arneson’s Blackmoor all suggest a robust magic market, and a number of major powers controlled laboratories and workshops that would crank out magical items for sale (and use!) on a weekly basis.

And as I mentioned in The Local Magic Market, positing a setting where wandering mercenaries go delving into dungeons in order to pull out vast hordes of wealth which frequently include magical treasures, having those wandering mercenaries sell those treasures for gold coins, and then concluding that there’s no way to buy magic items seems unreasonable.

(Although, as I noted at the time, a campaign in which the PCs truly are the only sellers of magic items would be an interesting one, albeit wholly different from a typical D&D campaign.)

In practice, I’ve also found that being able to buy a magic item doesn’t inherently detract from its mystique. Oddly many of the people lamenting the ability to buy magic items are also those who promote minimal backgrounds at character creation because the only thing that matters is what actually happens at the table. In quite a similar fashion, the place where you picked up your +2 sword is only the tiniest fraction of the tales you’ll forge with it. (If it is, in fact, destined to become a memorable and unforgettable treasure.)

At the word, blue lightning sprang from the hilt and ran along the length of the blade – crackling with a vicious smell of ozone. Under her breath Tee murmured, “Let there be lightning.”

You can see an example of this beginning in this week’s campaign journal: The sword Nainsyr goes on to become one of the most recognizable touchstones in the campaign, and its deeds are many and renowned. Perhaps even more remarkable, this specific incident – the shopkeeper pulling out the sword and saying its command word – seems to live quite vividly in the memories of the players who were there. (Most likely because the sword becomes so important.)

Obviously this all happened because I’d put a ton of loving preparation into this sword and was just waiting for an opportunity to give it to the PCs, right?

Well… not really.

Here’s how it went down in play:

  • The PCs said, “Tor, you need to get a better sword.” Tor said, “You’re right.”
  • They walked across Delver’s Square to Rastor’s weapon shop and said, “Do you have any magic swords?”
  • They wanted something better than a basic +1 sword. (If I recall correctly, they’d already looted several of those.)
  • I rolled a random magic sword, improvised some cool details about its appearance, and checked my modest lexicon of Elvish words for a command word.
  • I delivered these details in character as Rastor.

I then reached for my dice to roll up the next random sword because I had been planning to give the PCs two or three different options to choose from, but never got that far because Tor had already fallen in love with the sword.

This particular incident was one of the anecdotes from actual play I offered in Putting the “Magic” in Magic Items, which I recommend checking out if you’re interested in a discussion about making the magic items in your campaign special… whether you’re buying them from a litorian named Rastor or not.

Ptolus - In the Shadow of the Spire


January 19th, 2008
The 6th Day of Kadal in the 790th Year of the Seyrunian Dynasty


Another day of delving had left them exhausted, bloody, and battered. But, thanks to Dominic’s faith and the power of the gods, not dead.

They were, however, in desperate need of rest. So they headed back to the surface, looking forward eagerly to the clean sheets and warm beds of the Ghostly Minstrel.

When they arrived, most of them staggered straight up to bed. But Tellith called Tee over to the front desk – she had received a letter. Cracking open the seal of purple wax, Tee saw that it came from Lord Zavere: He had heard from Mand Scheben and was concerned. He would like to meet with all of them in the morning, if it would be possible.

As she finished reading, Tee looked up into the common room and spotted Iltumar Shon nursing a drink. She was clearly the worse for wear, but she had been hoping to run into the young blacksmith’s apprentice for a couple of days now.

With a smile she came up behind him: “It’s an anchor.”

Iltumar jumped in his seat and twisted around to look at her. “Mistress Tee?! Wha–?”

“The answer to your riddle. It’s an anchor.” Tee caught Zade’s eye from across the room and signaled for a drink. Then she pulled out a chair and sat down.

Iltumar’s face split into a wide grin. “It is an anchor!”

“Now I’ve got one for you:

Of all my siblings, which I have many,
I am the number, wise old twenty,
I always wear my long thin hat,
And stand on one leg; I’ve never sat.
I’m last of the last, and last of the first,
I’m last of the best, and last of the worst.
Who am I?



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