The Alexandrian

Posts tagged ‘ennies’

2024 Gold ENNIE Award Winner

August 18th, 2024

Best RPG Related Product - Gold 2024
So You Want To Be a Game Master

Official certificate, pictured with gold medal.

I’m very pleased to announce that So You Want to Be a Game Master has won the 2024 Gold ENNIE Award for Best RPG Related Product.

I’d like to take a moment to repeat a few words of thanks from my acceptance speech:

First, thank you to Elliot Wren Phillips at Page Street Press. Without them, this book would not exist.

Thanks, also, to my wife and daughter. When I got COVID midway through writing the book and ended up staring down a nearly impossible deadline, they rallied to support me through some real literary crunch to make sure the book happened.

And thanks to everyone reading this! This award would not have been possible without the entire Alexandrian community.

Speaking of which…

The Alexandrian - Best Online Content - Gold ENNIE 2024

The Alexandrian also won a 2024 Gold ENNIE for Best Online Content!

I think a testament to the true value of online content is the community which supports it and, hopefully, is supported by it. Whether you’re a website-reader, a Twitch stream chatter, a Youtube watcher, a mailing list subscriber, or a Discord member, thank you for being a part of this community. And a very large thank you to all of the patrons of the Alexandrian. This website really could not exist without your support.

I’m looking forward to creating even more amazing books, videos, articles, games, and adventures in the years to come!

But for now, here’s So You Want to Be a Game Master nestled among the other award-winners at the ENNIES Gen Con booth:

So You Want to Be a Game Master (Justin Alexander) with an ENNIES Gold sticker on the cover.

PIctured in the Gen Con booth near other winners, like Level 1, Kobolds Ate My Baby!, Mazes, Stories, and Koriko.


Have you ever been sitting at a game table and the players start talking to each other about what they want to do next? But they aren’t really talking in character. They’re just kind of chatting with each other as players. Here’s what you can do!

Also: Don’t forget to vote for for the 2024 ENNIE Awards! The Alexandrian is nominated for Best Online Content and So You Want To Be a Game Master is nominated for Best RPG Related Product! Vote now!

Subscribe Now!

So You Want To Be a Game Master- 2024 ENnie Award Nominee

So You Want to Be Game Master has been nominated for the 2024 ENnie Award for Best RPG Related!

The Alexandrian as a whole has been nominated for the 2024 ENnie Award for Best Online Content!

Although the nomination process for the ENnies is juried, the actual selection is based on a popular vote by fans like you. You can vote until July 21st, 11 PM EST.

If you enjoyed the book, the website, the Youtube videos, the Twitch streams, the Discord, or the amazing community that makes everything at the Alexandrian possible, please join in by VOTING for the book and the site!

If you want to vote for the Alexandrian:

1. Go to this website.

2. Go down to “RPG Related.”

3. Under “So You Want to Be a Game Master,” select Rank 1 (the best rank!).

4. Now go down to “Best Online Content”.

5. Under the title “The Alexandrian,” select Rank 1 (the best rank!).

6. Click the “Vote!” button at the bottom.

7. While you’re there, look through the other categories and vote for anything else you’re familiar with that you think deserves a reward. There’s a lot of great stuff nominated this year!

Thank you!


Magical Kitties ENNIES - Ekaterina Kazartseva

Magical Kitties Save the Day, the RPG I co-designed with Matthew Hanson (the game’s creator) and Michelle Nephew, has been nominated as the Best Family Game for the 2021 ENNIES Awards!

The nominations are juried, but the final awards are based on a people’s vote! That means we need YOU to vote for the game by August 27th!

A few things to know about voting in the ENNIES:

  • You should only vote once.
  • There are several different categories. You’ll vote in each category by selecting it. Magical Kitties is nominated in the Best Family Game category.
  • You vote by ranking the nominees from 1 to 5. The best rank is 1 (that’s what you want to select for Magical Kitties). You can also select “No Vote” if it’s a game or book you’re unfamiliar with or don’t think deserves an award.
  • Make sure you hit the “Vote!” button at the bottom of the page to register you vote for Best Family Game.
  • You don’t need to vote in all categories. You also don’t have to vote in all categories at the same time! So if you want to wait to vote for Best Adventure until you’ve had a chance to check them out, you don’t have to wait to record your vote for Best Family Game.

Also take the opportunity to check out all the other great games, supplements, and books that have been nominated! There’s a lot of cool stuff to discover!

Magical Kitties Save the Day

2019 ENnie Nomination

July 3rd, 2019

ENniesThe Alexandrian has received a 2019 ENnie Nomination for Best Online Content.

I’d like to take a moment to thank everyone who has ever been a patron of the Alexandrian. Without you, this nomination honestly never would have happened: The content would almost certainly not have been there to be nominated.

UPDATE: Voting is now open! If the Alexandrian has ever entertained you or given you insight or proven useful, please consider ranking me on your list for Best Online Content.

(1 is a good rank.)


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