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Ptolus - In the Shadow of the Spire


October 12th, 2008
The 16th Day of Kadal in the 790th Year of the Seyrunian Dynasty

Ancient Fortified Town - FrankBoston

Agnarr beat on the wall where the umber hulk had disappeared.

“Maybe it’s gone away to die,” Elestra suggested.

Agnarr took small comfort from that small hope, but pursuit was impossible and they didn’t dare to go any deeper into these unknown caverns in their current state. Nursing their wounds, they retreated back towards the Banewarrens.

When they returned to where Kalerecent was waiting for them, they found him with his sword drawn. Seeing that it was them, he sheathed his sword and hailed them. He had heard the sounds of combat and been worried for their fortunes.

They described their encounter with the lamia, the arrival of the reinforcements wearing bone rings, and their eventual triumph. Kalerecent nodded. “I’m not sure how many goblins there were, but I think you’ve disposed of those I fought before.”

“Except for the green-skinned crone who went through the door,” Ranthir said.

“Yes. Except for her.” Kalerecent’s face was grim.

But with the other creatures slain, Kalerecent felt the complex was secure enough that he was willing to return to the surface with Rasnir’s body… as long as some sort of watch was kept on the door. Tor had sworn himself to help Kalerecent in bearing Rasnir back to the Godskeep, but the others agreed to stay behind and keep a watch over the Banewarrens.

Kalerecent carried the body himself. Tor walked at his side. The others came as far as the mansion before bidding them goodbye.

Once Kalerecent was out of earshot, they returned to the closet where they had left the orc woman tied up. Yanking it open, they found her still bound and gagged inside.

They removed her gag and showed her the weapons and rings of her comrades. “We killed them,” Tee said. “We can kill you. Now tell us what you know.”

But the orc woman was reticent. She sneered. “You have only made it more certain that I will never speak to you.”

“Aren’t you speaking to us now?” Agnarr frowned.

Dominic leaned in close. “Can’t we speak to the dead?”

But the orc woman said nothing.

“I don’t think it’s working,” Elestra said.

“No, seriously, I’m asking: Can’t we speak to the dead?”

Tee gagged her again and shut the door.


Kalerecent only had to carry Rasnir’s body as far as the Emperor’s Road. Once there, Tor was able to hail a carriage. (They had to pay the carriage driver a little extra to bear Rasnir’s body.)

They rode in silence down into the Temple District. As they were approaching the Street of a Million Gods, however, the carriage began to slow. They were still a few blocks away from the Cathedral.

Tor leaned out the window and looked up at the carriage driver. “What’s going on? Why are you stopping?”

“Some sort of disturbance, sir,” the carriage driver said. “We should be able to ride through, though.”

Tor could see it now: Clotted groups of people were streaming down the street in the opposite direction.

Kalerecent frowned. “I don’t like this.” He opened the door and stepped out of the carriage. To the driver he said, “Wait for us here. And guard the body of my friend with your life.” To Tor he said, “Are you coming?”

Tor nodded and climbed out of the carriage, as well. He tossed a few coins to the driver to “compensate for his pains” and followed Kalerecent down the street.

As they approached Discourse Street, the furrow of Kalerecent’s brow deepened. “The gates of the Godskeep have been shut.”

“Is that unusual?” Tor asked.

“I’ve been a knight of the Order for seven years. I’ve never seen them shut before.”

Something was wrong. Kalerecent led the way as they circled around towards the south gate of the keep. As they passed between two of the Cathedral’s outbuildings and emerged into the courtyard between the Cathedral and the Godskeep, they were met with a grisly sight: The south gate, too, had been shut and dozens of bloodied bodies were strewn across the grassy sward. Members of the Order wearing red sashes were moving between the bodies. Some where being healed… most of them were not.

Kalerecent stepped out into the open and Tor followed his lead. One of the red-sashed knights inspecting the corpses spotted them and stood up. “Halt!”

He approached with his sword drawn. Tor and Kalerecent stood calmly, careful to give no cause for alarm. As the knight drew nearer they raised their hands and displayed their rings. The knight relaxed slightly, but kept his blade on guard.

“What happened here?” Tor asked.

“Sir Kabel attempted to assassinate the Novarch.”

Running the Campaign: Cut on the Cliffhanger  Campaign Journal: Session 30B
In the Shadow of the Spire: Index

Descent Into Avernus - DMs Guild Support

Go to Table of Contents

The Alexandrian Remix of Descent Into Avernus utilizes a number of additional books from Wizards of the Coast, the DM’s Guild, and other third-party content. (This wealth of support material is one of the great things about using published D&D campaigns.)

By popular demand, here’s an authoritative list of all the resources referenced/required by the Avernus Remix (not including Descent Into Avernus itself).


The hex key for the Avernian Hexcrawl includes locations referencing these books:

Warlords of Avernus
Forges of Avernus
Bitter Rivals
Dance of Deathless Frost
Vysianter’s Guide to the Red Wastes of Avernus
Tyrants of the Purple City
Encounters in Avernus
Infernal Encounters
Ruined Prospects
Diabolical Dive
Infernal Insurgency
Abyssal Incursion
Temple of the Broken Prince

Note that several of these were used for a single location and could be swapped out if you don’t want to go whole hog.


The Avernian random encounter tables pull demons and devils from a wide array of awesome monster manuals:

Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes
Volo’s Guide to Monsters
Encounters in Avernus
Infernal Encounters
Emirikol’s Guide to Devils
Scientific Secrets of Avernus
Book of Fiends 5E
Avernus Rising: Fang & Claw


If you’d like more information about the books listed above, most of them were detailed as part of the reviews series done as part of the Avernus Remix:

Capsule Reviews: DMs Guild
Capsule Reviews: Rhodarin Avernus
Capsule Reviews: Adventurers League (Season 9)

Links above are affiliate links and help support the Alexandrian! Hope this helps!

Vintage Alchemy - shaiith

In the Shadow of the Spire – Session 29C: Skirmish in the Cauldron

“Friends of that meddlesome paladin!” The minotaur turned back towards the northern passage. “Stop hiding like cowards! Attack!”

The minotaur dashed forward, quaffing a potion that caused him to suddenly blur with speed. Bunching his powerful leg muscles he leapt up onto the thick rim of the immense iron cauldron.

“They’re drinking our wealth away!” Tee cried, firing at the minotaur.

I’m a big fan of consumable magic items: Drink a potion, it’s gone. Use up the charges in a wand, it’s done. 5th Edition D&D turning a bunch of consumable items into permanent items via recharging charges is somewhat inexplicable to me.

See, the great thing about a consumable item is that you can give it to the PCs with an almost completely clear conscience: If you give them a permanent item and it screws up game balance, then you’ve got a permanent problem. Miscalculate and give them a consumable item that’s more powerful than you thought it would be? It’s a self-correcting problem.

In fact, you can do this deliberately: Here’s an incredibly powerful item far beyond anything you’d normally be able to get your hands on. It can literally change the course of the entire campaign… but it’s only got one charge. Use it wisely.

(You’ll see some of these uber-powerful consumables show up in future sessions.)

Monte Cook’s Numenera is a game that leans in hard on consumables: A billion years in the future, cyphers are the enigmatic remnants of the mega-civilizations which lie between our own time and the neo-Renaissance of that far-flung epoch. All cyphers are consumables and the vast majority of them are one-use items. Furthermore, due to strange interactions between cyphers it’s very dangerous to carry more than a few of them, so you’re heavily motivated to use the stuff you’ve got so that you can pick up more.

It’s a fantastic mixture of lore and mechanic: The cyphers are constantly injecting a wild mixture of new abilities, keeping the game fresh and exciting.

Even when treasure hordes get larded with consumables, though, I too often see GMs ignore them during encounters. As you can see here, that’s not my philosophy: My bad guys will use their personal stockpile of consumables to best effect, which has the dual effect of (a) injecting them with unexpected abilities and (b) enraging players who are being blasted at the expense of their own reward!

But it’s a good rage: It motivates players to think strategically and strike hard to preserve “their” loot. It’s a very diegetic way of rewarding better performance with bigger rewards.

When I’ve set up an encounter, I actually enjoy rolling on some random magic item tables to generate one or two or a grab bag of consumables. It’s a great way to shake up an encounter and make it a unique experience: An elite squad of goblin commandos who suck down potions of giant strength are very different from the ones with potions of gaseous form or invisibility.


In Running the Campaign: Dungeon as Theater of Operations I talked about how you should stop thinking of an encounter as “belonging” to a specific room and instead start thinking of the dungeon as a holistic environment.

I mentioned that when you, as the GM, think about the dungeon this way and run encounters this way, that the players will also learn to think that way. And you can really see that in this session:

Banewarrens - Broken Seal Area (Monte Cook Games)

  • The lamia flees from Area 11 to Area 10.
  • NPC reinforcements arrive from Area 1.
  • Agnarr is forced to flee down towards Area 17.
  • Ranthir blocks the hallway between Area 10 and Area 17 to cut off the reinforcements.
  • Later, Ranthir races up through Area 6 and into Area 3 to try to cut off the goblins’ escape.
  • Missing some of them, he chases them through Area 1 and down the long hallway, while Tee also fetches up in Area 3 and takes out some of the other goblins.

This is an encounter that could have stayed locked to Area 11. Instead, it ranged across almost the entire dungeon level.

Campaign Journal: Session 30ARunning the Campaign: Cut on the Cliffhanger
In the Shadow of the Spire: Index

Ptolus - In the Shadow of the Spire


September 20th, 2008
The 16th Day of Kadal in the 790th Year of the Seyrunian Dynasty

Black Hole with Starry Vortex - Ekaterina Glazkova (Edited)

The lamia ran down the staircase. Agnarr pursued it, finding himself back in the room with the iron cauldron. Agnarr managed to back it up against the cauldron. It howled again. The answering howl was closer.

While Agnarr kept the lamia pinned, the others descended the stairs, their shots ricocheting off the cauldron as the lamia desperately dodged back and forth. Then Tor used his lasso – catching the lamia by the legs and yanking them out from under her.

They moved in to finish her off, but at that very moment a second lamia – this one male – came racing into the room through the northern door. Seeing the female lamia injured and entangled he gave a howl of rage and bounded forward, throwing a healing potion to her as he came.

Tor moved to engage the second lamia while Agnarr stayed on the female. But as Agnarr closed in, her eyes locked onto his. Her pupils expanded until her eyes were a solid, tawny gold and Agnarr could feel them reaching out towards him. He could feel her mind reaching into his mind.

You should run away.

He couldn’t deny the command. Agnarr fled. The female lamia took advantage of the distraction to slink away around the cauldron, drinking the healing potion as she went.

Tee used her boots to levitate up to the ceiling. Pulling herself along she was able to emerge into the room out of the range of the lamia’s vicious claws, and from that elevated position she tried to get a clear shot.

But the male lamia wasn’t the last of the reinforcements. A large, muscular minotaur emerged from the northern passage “Verochin! What’s happening?”

“It’s Derimach!” the male lamia shouted back. “She’s hurt! There are at least six of them!”

“Friends of that meddlesome paladin!” The minotaur turned back towards the northern passage. “Stop hiding like cowards! Attack!”

The minotaur dashed forward, quaffing a potion that caused him to suddenly blur with speed. Bunching his powerful leg muscles he leapt up onto the thick rim of the immense iron cauldron.

“They’re drinking our wealth away!” Tee cried, firing at the minotaur.

Tor and Agnarr could do little about it because Verochin’s claws were keeping them thoroughly harried. Where the lamia’s blows landed, not only were huge gouges of flesh torn away, but a supernatural chill seemed to spread from the wounds – racing up into their minds and clouding their perception.

And now, scurrying down the hallway, came four vicious-looking goblins wielding serrated blades.

But then Ranthir dashed down the stairs, lowered his hands, and webbed the whole northern half of the room – trapping Verochin, the goblins, and the minotaur.

Tor seized the opportunity, turning and heading around the cauldron in pursuit of Derimach. As he came around the corner, however, the lamia’s eyes caught his and he could feel it trying to weave its way into his mind…

But he shook it off. With a bitter growl she threw herself at him.

Verochin, finding himself trapped in front of Agnarr, tried to wrench himself backwards out of Ranthir’s web. But he was too late. Agnarr took advantage of the moment and plunged his sword through the lamia’s back, ripping down through its front hips. In a gush of blood, Verochin fell.

The minotaur, meanwhile, was ripping his own way out of the webs. Moving along the rim of the cauldron he drew his massive greatsword. The blade – nearly as wide across as Agnarr’s thigh – flashed out and ripped open Tee. She fell from the sky, landing on her neck with a sickening snap.

Ranthir dashed to Tee’s side and raised his hands. A gout of fire rushed out of them, singeing the horns of the minotaur as he swung down into the cauldron for cover.

The minotaur levered himself back out of the cauldron and swung his sword low. Agnarr, who had been trying to move around to where Tor was engaging Derimach, only narrowly managed to dodge the blow. Fortunately, his help wasn’t needed: By the time he had gotten back to this feet, Tor had already killed the second lamia.

Ranthir recognized that the minotaur’s supernatural speed was ruinous. He quickly worked an enchantment that stripped the effects of the potion from the minotaur’s limbs.

The minotaur growled and then shouted back over his shoulder. “Verochin and Derimach are dead! I cannot escape! Flee! Get word to the others!”

“The others…?” Elestra, who was trying desperately to heal Tee’s grievous wounds, blanched.

Ranthir cast his own enchantment of speed, cracked a sunrod from one of his many pouches, and raced back up the stairs – hoping to circle around and catch the goblins before they could escape… although, truth be told, he wasn’t quite sure what he was going to do with them if he did catch them.

The minotaur lumbered down the length of the cauldron and then hurtled off the end. Flipping in mid-air his greatsword swept down along the floor, ripping open Agnarr’s back. Landing nimbly he spun to face Tor.

But Agnarr refused to fall. Stumbling forward his own greatsword ripped into the minotaur’s hide.

The minotaur’s counterstrike smashed Agnarr to the floor, but now he was bleeding profusely. He backed away from Tor and tried to cut his way out through the others… Tee, who had only just gotten back to her feet, was cut down again. (“I just healed her!” Elestra cried with dismay.)

But Tor’s furious flurry of blows would not be denied. The minotaur’s heavy blade couldn’t keep pace. He fell.


Ranthir, arriving back in the octagonal entrance chamber, found that most of the goblins were still stuck fast in his web. But one of them had ripped its way free and disappeared. Scarcely pausing for thought, he raced down the excavated tunnel – hoping to use his supernatural speed to catch it before it could reach the Nibeck Street mansion and disappear into the streets of Ptolus.

Tee, meanwhile, wasn’t far behind. As soon as her wounds had once again been healed by Dominic and Elestra, she had raced up the stairs and started circling around. Agnarr, meanwhile, began burning his way through the webs.

When Tee reached the entrance chamber, she drew the same conclusion Ranthir had. But without his enhanced speed, she didn’t think she would be able to catch up in time to make a difference. Instead she crossed over to the bewebbed goblins and started shooting them.

The last goblin, seeing his comrades picked off, suddenly found the desperate strength to rip his way free… but he had only stumbled a few steps when Tee placed a shot straight through his eye.

A few moments later, Agnarr finished burning his path through the webs… only to find Tee standing happily with her hands on her hips.

Tor, meanwhile, had hacked off the minotaur’s head – holding it up triumphantly by the horns.

But while the others celebrated, Ranthir was still working. He had raced several hundred feet down the length of the excavated tunnel and begun to think that the goblin had escaped after all. Just as he was about to give up hope, however, the sound of scampering feet came clearly to his ears. He redoubled his efforts.

As they drew near the side passage they had left unexplored, the goblin finally appeared in the light of his sunrod. Ranthir fired his crossbow, catching the goblin in the back.

With a screech of pained terror, the goblin veered off into the side passage.

Fearing an ambush, Ranthir cautiously cast his spells of clairvoyance and used them to peer down the passage from a safe vantage point. He watched as the goblin ran around a second corner and into a larger cave—

Which suddenly collapsed with a thunderous crash!

The goblin gave a final, squalling cry and then fell silent. A cloud of dust and debris billowed out of the catastrophe.

Unsure what to think – had the goblin triggered some sort of trap? or was it an elaborate ruse? – but confident now that the explored side passage represented a danger, Ranthir cast a different spell which would allow him to send a short message of exactly twenty-five words to his comrades:

I chased him to the cross corridor. He hit a trap. Come here now. I need help… Because I’m Ranthir. Hope they hurry, Erin.


The others were stripping anything that looked valuable off the creatures they had slain. Tee shook her head sadly at the empty vials. Tor was disturbed to discover that Verochin, Derimach, and the minotaur had all worn bone-grafting rings like the one worn by the orcish woman in the Nibeck Street mansion. (These rings, however, could be removed. Possibly because it was post mortem.)

But when the wind whispered Ranthir’s message to them, they all ran up through the path that Agnarr had burned and down the excavated tunnel. When they had caught up to him, Ranthir quickly explained the situation.

Tee moved cautiously into the side passage. With Ranthir keeping an eye on her through his clairvoyance, she crept past a large boulder and up to the edge of the pit and looked down.

The goblin’s body was gone. But there were sharp stone spikes and she could see where it had landed. A trail of thick blood led towards a tunnel on the other side of the pit.

Everyone moved forward. Agnarr took the boots of levitation from Tee and used them to ferry the others across to the far side of the pit one at a time.

The tunnel on the far side of the pit ran up into a four-way intersection. Back to the south they could see where it curved back to dead-end in a boulder – the same boulder they had passed before in the original tunnel. Something had levered the boulder into position, concealing this passage in order to guide others into the collapsing pit trap.

They crossed the intersection into the far tunnel, which began to slope back down again. After thirty feet or so, this tunnel opened up into a larger cave with a slightly domed ceiling about ten feet high. Every surface in the cave was wet with the greasy-residue of mineral-choked water. Cracks in the walls revealed the moisture slowly seeping in and pooling, mostly along the north wall.

At the last possible moment, Tee – as she crossed the threshold of the room – was suddenly reminded of the caverns in which they had fought the olive slimes… and the tactics the slimes had employed. She dove forward and rolled onto her back—

Narrowly avoiding the gelatinous, iridescent, and (most importantly) motile blob of ogre-sized protoplasm that dropped from the ceiling! It wasn’t an olive slime, but it was just as disgusting.

Tee managed to squeeze off a shot, but then the creature sent out a thick pseudopod that caught her and began squeezing the breath from her body. The creature’s touch burned painfully and thick, acidic fumes tore at her throat.

Ranthir, recognizing the creature, shouted out a warning: “If you cut it, pierce it, or deliver an electric shock, it will split into multiple, smaller, and deadlier creatures!”

“You’re kidding!” Tor cried, pushing his half-drawn cutting, piercing, electrical sword back into its sheath.

Agnarr moved up and start beating on the creature with the flat of his blade, hoping that the bludgeoning and fire would force the creature to drop Tee… but it just kept tightening its grip.

Tor grabbed Tee’s dragon pistol from where it had fallen and began firing. Elestra drew her dragon rifle and did the same.

Tee’s vision was turning black by the time that Agnarr’s beating finally convinced the jelly to release her and attempt to grab him instead. The barbarian nimbly avoided the first pseudopod, but then the jelly lurched forward, slamming into Agnarr and smashing him into the wall.

As Tee climbed to her feet, Tor tossed the dragon pistol back to her and grabbed a club proffered by Dominic. He stepped up and swung away… the entire side of the jelly suddenly welled into a horrible, purple-black bruise that spread like dye through syrup.


Ranthir gave a sudden cry. A large, insectile creature with a dull-golden carapace was lumbering down the hall towards him. Beady eyes stared out from a face dominated by half-domed membranes and curved, viciously-serrated mandibles. He recognized in it the tell-tale marks of a mage-warped creature… and the far more obvious signs of its danger.

Umber Hulk - Wizards of the Coast

Agnarr glanced at Tor. Tor waved for him to go. Agnarr ran back up the corridor towards where Ranthir was rapidly backpedaling.

Tee, meanwhile, took careful aim and shot the dragon pistol directly into the middle of the bruise Tor had raised. The blow punctured the thick, rind-like membrane of the jelly – viscous fluid seeped from its side.

The jelly twisted in place, turning its injured side away from them. But Tor swung again, raising a smaller bruise on its opposite side.

Ranthir was falling back towards the rest of the group. Agnarr reached the intersection where he’d been standing, but as he rounded the corner the umber-colored hulk was already there – its claws whipped out and ripped at his skin, and then, as Agnarr was spun about by the force of the blow, the creature’s long, vicious mandibles closed about Agnarr’s neck. The only thing that saved Agnarr’s life was the heavy iron collar that he wore.

Back by the jelly, Tee fired again. And again her shot struck the middle of the bruise that Tor had raised. This proved too much for it. With a horrific shudder, the creature’s insides burst through the twin holes, leaving nothing behind but a spreading pool of thick slime. Its gelatinous skin lay like a disgusting, discarded garment.

Trapped between the mandibles of the umber hulk, Agnarr’s torso was ripped again and again by the creature’s claws. And then, whipping its head about, it threw him against the wall. Agnarr’s head struck hard and he slipped into unconsciousness.

The creature took a menacing step towards Ranthir. But then Tor was there, racing up the passage and drawing his sword.

But as the rest of the group rallied toward it, the bulging membranes on the creature’s face began to vibrate. The sound seemed to reach into their minds and scramble their thoughts. Some of them turned on their comrades. Others began to babble incoherently (although it was hard to tell the difference with Agnarr).

Complete confusion reigned. Erin screamed in Ranthir’s mind: “I don’t like the buzzing!” But the hulk did it again and again and again, even as its claws were battering away at Tor.

Elestra, resisting the mental barrage, slid in next to Agnarr and healed his wounds. But as Agnarr tried to struggle back to his feet, the creature slammed one of its massive claws into his back. Agnarr, nearly slain by the blow, feigned his own death… allowing the creature to turn its full attention back to Tor.

Tor’s blows, meanwhile, were proving ineffective. Besieged both mentally and physically, he was barely able to catch his balance under the frenzied battering he was receiving from the creature’s claws.

But he was keeping the creature engaged. And while he did, Tee was blasting away with her dragon pistol. Each shot was blowing away large chunks of the creature’s carapace.

And then Agnarr, choosing his moment carefully, rolled to his knees almost directly beneath the creature and thrust up through its lower thorax.

This horrific distraction allowed Tor a moment to catch his footing. He took advantage of the moment and brought his blade down heavily onto the creature’s head. From the point of impact, a horrendous pattern of cracks spread down its face.

It stumbled back and Tee, taking careful aim, placed a shot precisely where Tor had struck it. The entire top of the creature’s head was blasted away, revealing a pulsing, purplish-green brain.

The creature roared three times, its membranes vibrating their staccato patterns of psychic turmoil. Tor and Agnarr were driven to senseless babbling. Dominic fled in terror down the hall. Seeaeti, driven mad by the noise, leapt at his own master’s throat – his vicious attack sending the badly-wounded Agnarr back into unconscious oblivion.

But the creature, perhaps mortally wounded, suddenly lurched to one side. The vibrating of its membranes stopped and its claws began vibrating instead – vibrating faster than their mortal eyes could see. It pulverized the stone of the tunnel wall and passed from sight. Heavy stone fell into its wake, preventing any thought of pursuit as the befuddled troupe gathered its wits.

Running the Campaign: Looting Consumables Campaign Journal: Session 30A
In the Shadow of the Spire: Index

Call of the Netherdeep - Torog Statue (Wizards of the Coast)

Go to Part 1

I’ve already provided a detailed breakdown of how you can prep and run the Betrayers’ Rise dungeon to best effect in Call of the Netherdeep: Running Betrayers’ Rise. You can just check out that article to provide the spine for this section of the campaign.

But here are a few extra things to think about.


Where are the Rivals and what are they doing? If they aren’t working with the PCs, you might consider having them enter the dungeon after the PCs and begin exploring. (Maybe they’re there to help; maybe hinder. Maybe working with another researcher. Having the Rivals and PCs end up in a proxy fight for the researchers they’ve been independently hired by is certainly a viable option here.)


The prayer site and even the iconography around that site are a great opportunity for injecting more Lore of Alyxian into the campaign. Take a peek through your revelation lists and see what clues you can lay down here.


As a bonus, here’s a hyper-specific tip. In Area R13, there’s a puzzle. The designers include a hint which can be accessed with a relevant check:

Hints. A character who makes a successful DC 14 Intelligence (Religion) check recalls one of Torog’s commandments: “Seek and exalt places where no light touches.” If they aren’t sure what that means, a character can guess that the darkened passages of the labyrinth are related to this commandment by making a successful DC 10 Wisdom (Insight) check.

This is okay as far as it goes, but in my experience it’s more effective to have information like this in a different room. And it turns out that there’s a statue of Torog over in Area R12:

A beam of light from above illuminates a statue in the middle of the room. The statue, made of pale marble, is shaped like a man on his knees, arms pinioned behind his back, trussed up in chains that cut into his skin. Hooks line the corners of the figure’s mouth, pulling his lips away from his teeth, and smaller barbs encircle his eyes, holding the eyelids open.

So what you can do is either (a) have the players make the DC 14 Intelligence (Religion) check in Area R12 to recall Torog’s commandment, or (b) actually just inscribe the commandment onto the statue.

The point is that it now requires the PCs to actually put information from two different areas to solve the puzzle. That’s a more satisfying experience than, “Oh, you’re struggling? Make a check and I’ll give you a hint.” And connecting information in a dungeon like this makes the dungeon more dynamic and interesting. Even having stuff just a couple rooms away makes the place feel like a total environment, rather than a sequence of isolated rooms. As a result, it also encourages exploration and strategic thinking.

Go to Part 7: Cael Morrow


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