The Alexandrian

Posts tagged ‘adventurers league’

Fang and Claw

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The next two adventures  — Fang and Claw and Where Devils Fear to Tread – form the Red Hunt series and the conclusion of Season 9 of the Adventurers League.

Fang and ClawFANG AND CLAW (DDAL 09-19): The Red Hunt duology is about the PCs hunting down Commander Rotger’s corpse. Or possibly his soul? (The authors seem collectively a little confused about this.) In any case, this is essential, because the Bloody Hooves have absolutely no chain of command, so without Commander Rotger they are completely incapable of doing anything. (No wonder the Hellriders got utterly wrecked on the battlefield.)

The usual litany of senseless continuity errors aside, Fang and Claw gets off to a good start. The PCs are ambushed while receiving their mission briefing, and the encounter is given a unique flair because the bad guys can make the PCs’ allies’ heads explode. Will Doyle provides a random table of Exploding Head Effects (splatters of brain, shrapnel shards of skull, and so forth) to provide a memorable, cool, and totally gross experience.

Doyle continues to deliver the awesome when the interrupted mission briefing resumes and the PCs are told they need to stage a raid on a mobile, quadrupedal colossus built from the corpses of devils and demons slain during the Blood War and piloted by followers of Yeenoghu (who have intercepted the Commander’s corpse).

The interior of the colossus is a three-dimensional dungeon (which, blessedly, has a properly keyed map), studded with memorable locations chock full of devilish flavor as the PCs worm their way into the heart of the machine.

  • Grade: B+

Where Devils Fear to TreadWHERE DEVILS FEAR TO TREAD (DDAL 09-20): Fang and Claw ends with the PCs staring into a portal into the Abyss, through which Commander Rotger has been hurled. Leaping through it themselves, they arrive in the Death Dells, where Yeenoghu is now hunting Commander Rotger for sport.

(Commander Rotger, however, is a floating ball of light that is completely defenseless, so I’m a little unclear on what “sport” is to be had here.)

The structure in Where Devils Fear to Tread for hunting down Commander Rotger is rather well done:

  • There are multiple methods of potentially tracking Rotger, some being generally applicable and others being specific to the individual scenes along the way (which are triggered as random encounters).
  • If the PCs are following a good path, they get an Advancing encounter.
  • If they are not following a good path, they get a Delaying encounter.
  • The situation they encounter at the end of the trail depends on how many Advancing or Delaying encounters were done, dynamically responding to the PCs’ success (or failure).

The confrontation with Yeenoghu is weighty with purpose: With the Commander as unwitting bait, Yeenoghu has been lured into a confrontation on his home plane. If he’s destroyed here, the multiverse will shift. (It’s even possible for one of the PCs to end up as a new Demon Prince.)

The PCs then return to Avernus and discover that a huge battle has broken out around the colossus and its Abyssal portal. Using all of the allies and resources they’ve gained over the course of Season 9, they now have the power to turn the course of the Blood War.

This all adds up to a fairly satisfying finale, but there are two major Chekhov’s Guns left curiously unfired and a squandered opportunity:

  • In the last adventure, the PCs have the opportunity to learn how to control the quadrupedal colossus. As they stand on top of the colossus’ head and gaze out at the raging battle between demon and devil, it curiously never occurs to anyone that the PCs might just take control of the giant demon mecha.
  • I don’t understand why Season 9 framed itself as, “Save the Hellriders, save Elturel,” knowing that it was absolutely, positively not going to deliver on the “save Elturel” part of that equation (since that was reserved for the Descent Into Avernus campaign). As a result this final adventure just kind of goes… “Gee, I really don’t know why you did all of this.” Even Dara, who has ostensibly been on a holy mission this whole time, literally just shrugs her shoulders.
  • Where Devils Fear to Tread also struggles to explain WHY this battle is of such crucial importance in the balance of the Blood War. But the answer is right there just waiting for someone to pick it up and run with it: Zariel has disappeared, leaving Avernus’ forces disorganized and vulnerable to the sudden demonic assault.

Regardless, despite the overall disjointed and discordant mess which is the totality of Season 9, both halves of this final adventure do an admirable job of delivering a satisfying and momentous conclusion.

  • Grade: B-


As I just mentioned, Season 9 is inconsistent at the best of times. Large chunks of it are, sadly, utterly useless. So what are we to make of it? What can be salvaged from it?

I think the first step is to cut away the cancerous material and assess what’s left.

The first chunk of the season consists of the PCs leading a refugee caravan into Baldur’s Gate and then getting tangled up in a second-rate carbon copy of the Zarielite murder investigation from Descent Into Avernus. The refugee caravan scenario is passable, but the rest of this is (a) poorly conceived and (b) poorly executed. So my first suggestion is to cut it:

  • Escape From Elturgard (DDAL 09-01): The PCs help defend a refugee caravan from the ruins of Elturel to Baldur’s Gate. Twist this up so that the murder victim is a Hellrider, establishing that the Hellriders are being targeted At the end of the adventure, Dara, the leader of the caravan, reveals that she is actually the Chosen of Ilmater and has been approached by two celestials with a holy mission. She was impressed by the PCs’ deeds of heroism and asks them to accompany her.

At the beginning of the next scenario (picking up from that exact same moment), Fai Chen appears, kneels before Dara, and says, “Milady, I have awaited your coming and am in your service. What would you have me do?”

And then Dara says, “We must journey to Avernus to save the souls of those Hellriders wrongfully imprisoned there. Can you take us to a place of safety within the burning fires of Hell?”

And Fai Chen smiles and says, “I know just the place.”

This sets us up at Mahadi’s Wandering Emporium. You’ll want to cull the disparate references to the caravan and its denizens from across Descent Into Avernus and the Season 9 adventures to give yourself an authoritative reference. It might also be useful to:

  • Use a long-term party-planning or Tavern Time™ structure to bring the Emporium to life.
  • Develop a more coherent motivation for Mahadi’s interest in Dara, preferably with some sort of conclusion or, at least, intended endgame.

Now ensconced at the Emporium and running missions for Dara, let’s simply pull out the adventures that are worth keeping:

  • Faces of Fortune (DDAL 09-05): PCs arrive at Mahadi’s Emporium.
  • Infernal Insurgency (DDAL 09-06): PCs raid a munitions dump.
  • The Diabolical Dive (DDAL 09-07): PCs raid Plagueshield Point and get the Bloody Hooves’ battleplan.
  • Ruined Prospects (DDAL 09-09): PCs raid Weatherstone Keep to save a Hellrider.
  • The Breath of Life (DDAL 09-12): PCs perform a heist at a devil’s party to steal an angel’s skull.
  • The Swarmed Heist (DDAL 09-13): PCs invade a hellwasp nest to save another dead angel.

But now we run into a problem, because hypothetically all of this has been leading up to rescuing the Bloody Hooves, but those adventures are garbage.

What we can do is reach over to our copy of Descent Into Avernus and grab Haruman’s Hill and the Crypt of the Hellriders. To do this, we just swap a couple McGuffins:

  • In The Diabolical Dive, instead of retrieving nonsensical “battleplans,” what the PCs instead recover is information indicating that the souls of Hellriders taken during the Fall of Elturel and the subsequent murders in the refugee caravans and Baldur’s Gate are being taken to Haruman’s Hill.
  • In Ruined Prospects, the Hellrider in suspended animation is one who fled with Jander Sunstar during the Charge of the Hellriders, but later returned with an expedition who attempted to rescue their former companions. They discovered that those who remained loyal to Zariel until the end had their souls bound to the Crypt of the Hellriders and they attempted to rescue them, but ultimately failed.

Okay, so now the PCs know that the Hellrider souls they’ve come to save are at Haruman’s Hill and the Crypt of the Hellriders. What about the angels? Well, Dara needs those powerful allies to form a triad that can perform the ritual at both locations which will free the Hellriders.

(Throughout this section you could also have Dara uttering cryptic prophecies alluding to the ongoing events of Descent Into Avernus. For example: “The Tome of the Creed has been destroyed, clearing the path of salvation for these false-damned souls.”)

With all the pieces in place, the PCs mount raids on both the Hill and Crypt. The Hellriders are freed.

Honestly, this is probably a pretty solid campaign and you could easily have a big, satisfying conclusion right here.

But the last two scenarios in Season 9 are quite good. Is there some way we could incorporate them?

  • Fang and Claw (DDAL 09-19): The PCs infiltrate a demonic mecha to save the Commander of the Bloody Hooves.
  • Where Devils Fear to Tread (DDAL 09-20): The PCs pursue the Commander’s soul to the Abyss and then return, only to find themselves in the middle of a giant battle that will determine the future course of the Blood War.

Here’s my suggestion: While the PCs are mounting their raids on Haruman’s Hill and the Crypt of the Hellriders, a demonic strike team raids Mahadi’s Emporium and kidnaps Dara! Dara takes the role of the kidnapped Commander and the PCs have to go rescue her.

A few things:

  • Structure the mecha raid so that the spectral Hellriders the PCs just freed can help. For example, the Hellriders can engage the demonic outriders defending the mecha while the PCs sneak onboard.
  • Information onboard the mecha reveals why Dara was kidnapped: Demonic divinations have revealed that recent events in Avernus may soon leave the Stygian defenses vulnerable. To bolster their forces, the local demonic commanders have kidnapped Dara in order to offer her as a hunting sport to Yeenoghu in exchange for troops. Lots and lots of troops. (You might leave this mysterious for the moment and then later reveal that the “recent events” are the death and/or redemption of Zariel; or you might just spill the beans here.)
  • When the PCs get back with Dara and look out over the battlefield, have Dara say something like, “I thought our purpose was to save Elturel. But I see now that task belonged to others. We stand here upon the brink, and I see with divine clarity that we have gathered the strength to turn the demonic tide. If we are brave enough to use it.”

Finding opportunities to lace this concept – that without the eternal vigil of Hell’s fiends, the multiverse would be overrun by demonic hordes – into the rest of the adventure (Zarielite cultists prattling Asmodean ideology; devils discussing Blood War logistics at the party; additional strategy documents found at the munitions dump or Plagueshield Point; etc.) will help sell this ending.

And then the PCs lead the Second Charge of the Hellriders while piloting a demonic mecha.

Go to the Avernus Remix

Go to Part 1

The eighth through eleventh adventures of Avernus Rising are a sequence of stand-alone, Tier 2 side quests with the PCs based out of Mahadi’s Emporium.

In the Garden of EvilIN THE GARDEN OF EVIL (DDAL 09-08): This adventure has an interesting premise – a knight of Zariel’s crusade and her unicorn mount fled the battle and were chased down by devil outriders who forced the unicorn to make an infernal pact in exchange of the life of her knight and companion – but it doesn’t hold together.

In the Garden of Evil takes place in a forest which is supposed to be a primeval remnant of the paradise that Avernus was before the Blood War tore it apart, but this concept doesn’t really go anywhere. The forest is primarily “explored” through a series of random encounters, which are mostly confusing in their execution. The adventure states that the Ride of the Hellriders took place long ago, but nevertheless repeatedly frames encounters as if it happened like three days ago. (For example, with devils still hanging around the corpse of a fleeing Hellrider they pursued and killed.)

Meanwhile, the pact at the center of the story makes no sense: The devil promised to save the knight’s life in exchange for the unicorn submitting to captivity, but it didn’t actually do that. It killed the knight and “hid” the body like three feet away from the unicorn where the unicorn can clearly see it. Nevertheless, the unicorn remains imprisoned as if the pact were still in force until the PCs helpfully show up and tell her that she could leave at any time.

Which she does.

  • Grade: D

Ruined ProspectsRUINED PROSPECTS (DDAL 09-09): Is it just me, or is the rigid formatting of Adventurers League scenarios actually pretty awful? You can see this really clearly, I think, when an author just wants to present a simple dungeoncrawl and the format forces them to contort it into a weird linear-ish narrative built around “Story Objectives.” But even scenarios that would ostensibly be suited to the milestone-obsessed AL formatting nevertheless seem to founder on the rocky shores of its bloated, repetitive presentation (which never seems to sequence the information in a coherent fashion).

But I digress.

Ruined Prospects is a pretty straightforward dungeoncrawl in which the PCs are attempting to reach yet another errant survivor of the Charge of the Hellriders who wandered away from the battle and is now held in stasis within Weatherstone Keep. It’s quite literally a 5 Room Dungeon, following the recipe fairly strictly, but to good effect before culminating in an entertaining boss rush.

  • Grade: C

Tipping the ScalesTIPPING THE SCALES (DDAL 09-10): The PCs learn that there is an adult silver dragon who has been playing a game of chess against an ice devil for the past 1,000 years in an effort to win back the soul of his lady love. The PCs journey to the deep Avernian pit where the chess game is being played to intervene and rescue both dragon and lady love.

My favorite bit in this adventure is the bearded devil Sadazah, who carries with him a lemure in a bowl. The lemure was a devil who displeased their master and was demoted, but Sadazah hopes that their master “will eventually promote his friend once more. They had plans together.” The adventure has a lot of really nice details like this.

Where the adventure falls down, unfortunately, is the execution of its central premise.

When the PCs show up at the 1,000 year old chess match, they attempt a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check. If they succeed, they realize the ice devil is cheating and can use this knowledge to force him into a wager for the souls of the dragon and his lady love. If they fail… I guess the PCs just shrug and go home?

Even the successful result on the check is kind of a head-scratcher, though: Despite the relative ease of a DC 15 check, we are told that the silver dragon – who, it should be noted, has a legendary action that specifically allows them to make Wisdom (Perception) checks – has simply never noticed (in a thousand years?!) that the devil is cheating!

I’ll note that, like In the Garden of Evil, Tipping the Scales involves trekking across a swamp to reach the devil lair. The swamp trek in In the Garden of Evil is significantly superior (in detail and structure), while the finale of this adventure is significantly more interesting (and its weaker bits relatively easy to salvage). You might considering breaking these down for parts and combining them into a single adventure using all the best bits.

  • Grade: D

Losing FaiLOSING FAI (DDAL 09-11): “Fai Chen has gone missing from Mahadi’s Traveling Emporium.”

To be honest, my first reaction to that premise is, “Good riddance.”

This is not, however, James Introcaso’s fault. In Losing Fai he’s crafted a decent little mystery in which the PCs are given three leads to pursue, each of which can lead them to Fai Chen’s kidnapper, albeit with varied consequences depending on which leads they choose to pursue and how they pursue them.

These consequences, coupled to the camp politics surrounding Fai Chen’s disappearance, provide a nice amount of texture to the scenario. Everything wraps up with an utterly creeptacular boss fight against Fai Chen’s kidnapper.

  • Grade: C+

The next three adventures – The Breath of Life, The Swarmed Heart, and The Vast Emptiness of Grace – form the Call for Aid series.

The Breath of LifeTHE BREATH OF LIFE (DDAL 09-12): In The Breath of Life, Dara informs the PCs that she has been given a divine vision of a dead angel’s skull that is being held by an archdevil and she needs the PCs to get it. Fortunately, the archdevil is holding a party and Mahadi has invitations, so the PCs just need to get themselves invited as Mahadi’s +1s and then perform an improvised heist once they’re inside.

Jared Fegan does a good job here, creating a multi-layered security system around the skull that the PCs can unravel if they pump the party guests for information. The party guests themselves are colorful, entertaining, and well-drawn.

I’m picky about party-based adventures and there are things I would certainly do to enhance this scenario if I were running it at my table. (Notably adding a main event line and some topics of conversation would go a long way. The latter, in particular, is a missed opportunity here, as the conversations could’ve been linked to other Avernus Rising adventures that the PCs might have been part of or will become part of in the next tier.) But what’s here on the page is good, and very ready to be built upon.

  • Grade: B-

The Swarmed HeartTHE SWARMED HEART (DDAL 09-13): In Bianca Bickford’s The Swarmed Heart, Mahadi’s Emporium is attacked by a swarm of hellwasps and the PCs have to figure out why.

The main event here is invading the hellwasp hive, which is distinguished by being the best-realized dungeon I’ve seen in Season 9 so far. It’s got some light xandering, three-dimensionality, a solid key, and support for multiple approaches.

The only blemish on this adventure is a weird interlude where the PCs have to protect a cleric for multiple rounds of combat while the cleric casts plane shift… a spell with a casting time of 1 action.

This is definitely a highlight of the season, and I’ll most likely be looking to incorporate it in some fashion into the Remix

  • Grade: B-

The Vast Emptiness of GraceTHE VAST EMPTINESS OF GRACE (DDAL 09-14): Over the past couple adventures, the PCs have brought a couple angel corpses back to Dara, who has used her mystic connection to Ilmater to return them to life. Both angels hear the tortured call of a third angel named Yuriall who calls out to them even across planar boundaries!

… so they definitely won’t be joining you in saving Yuriall. And, in fact, the only reason they’re bothering to send you to save Yuriall (who has been imprisoned and getting tortured for decades) is because they’re pretty sure he has an artifact that they need.

Celestials in this series are just the worst.

The thing I find almost overwhelming about this adventure is how broken its continuity is.

At a high level, the premise is that Descent Into Avernus is over and Elturel has been returned to the Material Plane… but the overarching plot of Season 9 nevertheless assumes that Zariel is still in charge of Avernus, which doesn’t seem to be the endorsed ending of Descent. The DM is told that they can choose to keep Elturel in Avernus if they want, but they’ll need to make a bunch of only semi-specified adjustments to the adventure. And then, later, the DM is instructed that they MUST do this (i.e., adapt the entire adventure on the fly) if the PCs are only playing Season 9… which makes sense, because the PCs are literally going to Elturel to retrieve an artifact that will help them get another resource in the next adventure which can help “turn the tide in the struggle to save Elturel.”

The whole thing is dizzying.

At the low level, there’s a constant stream of contradictions. One of my favorites is when a group of bandits is said to attack the PCs because they mistook them for undead, and then in the very next paragraph we’re told that they attacked the PCs so that they could murder them and steal their stuff. It also seems as if the PCs are assumed to know that the place they’re going is infested with vampires, even though, as far as I can tell, they have absolutely no way of knowing that. And so forth.

Other aspects of the adventure are inane. For example, there’s a locked door that requires the PCs to solve a puzzle to open it. The solution to the puzzle? Someone has conveniently nailed it to the door. Later, a system of random encounters is proposed in which the GM should check once each hour… for a dungeon with only six rooms that the PCs are virtually certain to clear out in less than an hour.

The Vast Emptiness of Grace, however, is not without its moments. For example, there’s a very atmospheric encounter with chain devils in a library where all the books are chained to the shelves. And the dungeon that the PCs are seeking (and eventually find) is a decent bit of horror, only somewhat sabotaged by poorly executed boxed text that is constantly telling the players what their characters are going to do.

  • Grade: D

Go to the Avernus RemixGo to Part 5: Doors and Corners

Faces of Fortune

Go to Part 1

The next three adventures – Faces of Fortune, Infernal Insurgency, and The Diabolical Dive – form the Behind Infernal Lines series.

Faces of FortuneFACES OF FORTUNE – THE STORY OF FAI CHEN (DDAL 09-05): At the end of our last adventure a couple celestials revealed that they had been hiding among Elturian refugees from the very beginning! A mission to Hell is proposed… and apparently the celestials immediately bow out. A conversation which I imagine going something like this:

Celestials: Our work here is done.

PCs: You did nothing.

Celestials And you’re welcome!

PCs: People are dead.

Celestials: Celestials out, bitches!

In any case, the PCs and ten-year-old Dara are heading to Hell to rescue the trapped souls of innocent Hellriders. So they all hop in a cart drawn by a goat and driven by somebody named Fai Chen and somehow they all end up in Hell.

I’m so in the weeds on Fai Chen!

Some research indicates he also showed up in Season 8 of the Adventurers League, but even with this information I’m at a loss: Who is he? What does he want? How did he know to show up in Baldur’s Gate (but then not know anything about Dara or her celestial connections in this adventure)? What power does he possess to bring people to (and from?) Hell?

No idea.

Which seems particularly perverse given the subtitle of this adventure.

This was a frequent malady back in the ‘90s, when RPG supplements were more heavily driven by serialized metaplots which would slowly evolve their worlds over time. Often these metaplots were driven by J.J. Abrams-style mystery boxes and, in order to preserve the sense of enigma, these secrets were even kept from the GM reading the book. Which becomes a problem when the GM lacks the context necessary to understand how they’re supposed to be running the adventure at the table. That’s what happens here: I don’t know what Fai Chen wants, so I don’t know how he’d respond to anything the PCs might do or say. I don’t even know what he is, so if he gets into a fight (with the PCs or anybody else) I don’t even have the tools to resolve it.

But Fai Chen does, in fact, bring everyone to Avernus. At which point, apparently, Dara reveals she has no plan whatsoever. She doesn’t even have a plan to make a plan. So Fai Chen shrugs and says, “Weird. Well, I guess we’re all heading to Mahadi’s Emporium, renting a stall, and joining the flea market!”

Which is what this adventure is all about.

The frankly surreal framing aside, Ted Atkinson carries off the adventure itself adroitly.

The one thing we do discover about Fai Chen is that he’s basically the Han Solo to Mahadi’s Lando Calrissian. As the PCs approach Mahadi’s Emporium they’re attacked by an Avernian warlord gang, and after fighting their way through they discover that this warlord has been regularly harassing travel to and from the Emporium. Mahadi believes that there’s a traitor within the Emporium who’s assisting the warlord and he wants the problem solved.

This “traitor within” plot has a significant similarity to the one found in Hungry Shadows. This creates an interesting thematic resonance (the evils of the Material Plane are echoed in Hell), but the contrast largely just serves to demonstrate how this sort of plot can be handled without making your eyeteeth ache.

Mahadi’s Emporium is detailed and enhanced with a dozen or so colorful and well-rounded inhabitants, there are several side-quests designed to both accent the main quest and draw the PCs further into the social circles of the Emporium, and the whole thing is studded with some flavorful combat encounters.

Faces of Fortune is just solid adventure design, and well worth grabbing for any campaign that will be featuring Mahadi’s Emporium.

  • Grade: B

Infernal InsurgenctyINFERNAL INSURGENCY (DDAL 09-06): Fai Chen can now infinitely duplicate himself and the PCs are suddenly not allowed to leave the Emporium so they need to sneak out. (This will never be mentioned again.)

Would someone please hire a continuity editor for the Adventurers League?

Speaking of poor continuity, the Firesnake Forge from Descent Into Avernus which became Gears of War in DDAL 09-05 is now the Gearbox. Other than that, all the Emporium NPCs and locations which have been previously established are abruptly swapped out for a completely new roster. (The silver lining here is that you can pillage from both scenarios to flesh out your version of the Emporium.)

Weird inter-adventure continuity aside, Infernal Insurgency is a pretty good scenario. The concept is that the PCs need to raid an Avernian munitions dump. Their goal is to wreak enough havoc (i.e., blow stuff up) to pull devils away from a nearby facility (leading into scenario DDAL 09-07). The scenario struggles a bit as it gets awkwardly forced into an inappropriate structure, but a simple adversary roster and just ignoring the scripted elements of the ending will go a long way here.

  • Grade: C

The Diabolical DiveTHE DIABOLICAL DIVE (DDAL 09-07): Having successfully drawn defenders away from Plagueshield Point in the previous adventure, the PCs are now ready to raid Plagueshield Point and steal the original battleplan used by the Hellriders when they charged into Hell! They then promptly discover that nobody knows where Plagueshield Point is, so they’ll have to start by finding someone who does.

… uhhh. If the people planning this operation don’t know where Plagueshield Point is, how did they know that raiding the munitions dump in the previous adventure would pull defenders away from it?

Seriously. Continuity editor. Look into it.

There’s a number of internal continuity errors and other oddities, too, like a creature without telepathy inexplicably communicating telepathically.

Once again, annoying continuity glitches aside, The Diabolical Dive is a rather nice adventure featuring two modest dungeon crawls. The first, Shadowswimmer Tower, is rather cleverly designed to be handled through either a frontal assault, social maneuvering, or sneaky stealth. It also features some nicely evocative touches of lore which help bring to life its owner’s obsession with studying the arcane properties of the River Styx.

The second location, Plagueshield Point, is starkly memorable in its concept: A drow citadel built around a magical geode which serves as a prison and which has been transported to the bottom of the Styx as part of an infernal bargain gone wrong.

  • Grade: B-

Go to the Avernus RemixGo to Part 4: Interlude at Mahadi’s

Escape From Elturgard

Go to Part 1

Escape From ElturgardESCAPE FROM ELTURGARD (DDAL 09-01): It’s not really surprising that both I (in the Avernus Remix) and Rich Lescouflair in Escape From Elturgard conclude that the best way to start the saga of Elturel’s fall is in a refugee caravan heading from the outskirts of the fallen city to Baldur’s Gate. There’s just no better or more immediate way of introducing the PCs to the crisis and, importantly, the lives most dramatically affected by.

Escape from Elturgard employs a clever design that can be used as four stand-alone, one-hour sessions or one longer, cohesive session with the caravan encountering multiple challenges. Three of the scenarios involve gathering supplies for the caravan before it departs, while the fourth takes place on the road.

The custom illustrations of every significant NPC in the caravan are a particularly nice touch and a great resource for this kind of adventure.

The grit in the wheel here, however, are the continuity errors. None of them are particularly large or fundamentally crippling, but they are everywhere – a constant, pervasive annoyance that never really goes away.

A good example of what I mean is the opening paragraphs of the second interlude/adventure, which has the quest giver say, “See that cart? It belongs to Ippon the Miller. Take it to the mill and gather supplies.” So the PCs walk over to Ippon and he says, “See this cart that definitely doesn’t belong to me? I think we should take it.” You can see how that doesn’t really break anything, but is nevertheless remarkably jarring.

The three “prep the caravan” sections of Escape From Elturgard are the scenario’s best parts and easily scavengable for a Remix campaign, with a couple provisos: First, the wacky “go on a shopping trip for paper and ink for a poet who otherwise refuses to join the refugee caravan” is, in my opinion, tonally inappropriate for the post-apocalyptic setting. Second, some of the adventures include devils roaming the countryside around Elturel as if they had “attacked” the city, but the continuity leading to that is a little hazy. (Elturel was sucked into Hell; it wasn’t attacked by devils.)

The fourth section of the scenario involves a secret cultist in the caravan murdering one of the other refugees and the PCs needing to solve the crime. This section of the adventure is not very good. The mystery is simply not handled very well, in no small part because the murder doesn’t actually make any sense.

  • Grade: C-

The next three adventures – Stopped at the Gate, Hungry Shadows, and The Day of the Devil – form the Betrayal in Blood series.

Stopped at the GateSTOPPED AT THE GATE (DDAL 09-02): Like other seasons of the Adventurers Guild, Season 9 reflects the events of that year’s major campaign book, in this case Descent Into Avernus. But this one reflects the campaign book rather more closely than other seasons that I’m familiar with, and, frankly, the effect is rather ludicrous.

Whereas Descent Into Avernus features the PCs being hired by a Flame of the Flaming Fist to investigate a Cult of Zariel in Baldur’s Gate murdering refugees under the instructions of a devil named Gargauth, these Adventurers League scenarios feature the PCs being hired by a different Flame of the Flaming Fist to investigate a different Cult of Zariel in Baldur’s Gate who are also murdering refugees for a different reason while being instructed by a different devil whose name starts with G (Gharizol).

With all the fascinating stories that could be told within the period of upheaval created by the Fall of Elturel in both Elturgard and Baldur’s Gate, the fact that the only thing the Adventurers Guild could think of was, “I dunno… I guess just the exact same story?” is not only incredibly disappointing, but also a huge disservice to anyone playing in both an AL and Descent Into Avernus campaign.

And it’s a millstone that none of the individual scenario writers are really capable of overcoming.

In Stopped at the Gate, the PCs need to investigate the murder of Marcus Hallgate. The poor design of the mystery can be exemplified by the first scene. The PCs can get two clues, both delivered by the victim’s wife:

  • There have been other murders. The PCs are not expected to investigate any of these, but they can talk to a city watchman who “knows more.” (He doesn’t.)
  • A friend of the Hallgates purchased a gift for the wife several days ago. (The gift has absolutely no connection to the murder, but apparently the PCs are supposed to follow up on this out of desperation.)

So the PCs leave the scene with two clues (sort of), and then this happens:

If the characters choose to see Dovis first, he’s at his post by the Heap Gate (Scene C). If they choose to go to Harwin’s shop first (Scene D), they end up encountering Dovis before they get there.

It’s not just that it’s railroading. It’s that the railroading is both transparent and completely pointless. In any case, they (hopefully) go to Harwin’s shop and his assistant tells them:

A couple of days ago, Harwin left to check on the shearing operations outside of town. This was strange; they had wool and Harwin didn’t like the sheep. Harwin must have left before Zook got to the shop this morning, since the tea in Harwin’s mug was still warm.

So he left a couple of days ago, but the tea in his mug was still warm this morning?

It turns out that Harwin is being controlled by a devil named Gharizol. Gharizol hatched a “brilliant” plan for killing Marcus Hallgate:

  • Make a fancy dress for Marcus’ wife so that she would go dancing!
  • She will not, of course, take her husband to go dancing with her!
  • Then, having gotten his wife out of the way, kill Marcus… while he is walking down a busy street and in no way in a location where his wife’s presence or absence would be meaningful!

Just… astounding.

In my opinion, this scenario is completely unusable.

  • Grade: F-

Hungry ShadowsHUNGRY SHADOWS (DDAL 09-03): In Hungry Shadows, the PCs are engaged to investigate another murder related to the Cult of Zariel.

The fundamental problem here is the continuity. Initially, I thought it was just presented in an utterly baffling fashion, but having read backwards and forwards through this thing several times, I’m forced to conclude that the whole thing is, in fact, utter nonsense.

A cultist has been “murdered” in their own home with all the doors and windows locked. How did he die? Well, either some sort of devil broke down his door and killed him (what all the evidence says) OR he was casting a summoning spell, it went wrong, and something appeared in the room with him and killed him (which is what the appendix says).

Who found the body inside the locked house that no one had been inside? No idea. The adventure doesn’t say. What we DO know is that the first members of the Flaming Fist on site are actually moles who are loyal to the cult. So what do they do? Well, first they report the murder to their superior officer and wait for the PCs to be called in. And THEN they arrange a meeting with a cult member at a local tavern to tell them that they need to cover up all the evidence of the cult’s involvement.

Where is the cult located? UNDER THE MURDER VICTIM’S HOUSE.

“Features” of this adventure also include:

  • A group of moles working within the Flaming Fists who conveniently self-identify themselves as moles by all wearing black kerchiefs around their necks.
  • A dungeon map that not only lacks a numbered key, but also labels of any kind, making it ludicrously and unnecessarily cumbersome to run.
  • A serious recommendation that PCs pause in the middle of a six room dungeon to take an eight hour long rest while the cultists in the next room politely wait before starting their ritual to summon a devil to fight the PCs.

I would consider this scenario nigh unusable, and certainly not worth the effort required to salvage something vaguely serviceable out of it.

  • Grade: F

Day of the DevilTHE DAY OF THE DEVIL (DDAL 09-04): I talk about this adventure in Part 3J of the Remix, where I loosely adapt the continuity around Duke Portyr’s assassination. And the reason I wanted to adapt it is because M.T. Black has done a bang up job of it.

The Day of the Devil opens with the PCs listening to Duke Portyr give a speech to a large crowd. Midway through the speech, he’s shot by an infernal arrow that causes his body to explode as several devils leap out of it. The PCs’ first order of business is to deal with the devils in the midst of a panicking crowd. It’s both an explosive opening (pun intended), but also handled with great elegance through a combat complications table that neatly captures the chaotic nature of the scene in an easy-to-run mechanic.

This is followed by the revelation that the cultists are also targeting some of the refugees the PCs have befriended, triggering a great chase sequence across Baldur’s Gate to reach the warehouse where the refugees have been staying in time to stop further tragedy. This is followed by a decent siege scenario (with the PCs defending the warehouse from cultists and devils).

The only real false step with the adventure are the loose ties to the other AL adventures, which mostly crop up in the final scene: Dara, who was the leader of the refugee caravan in Escape From Elturgard, has confusingly de-aged into a ten-year-old girl (this is just a continuity error). Then she reveals that two other refugees have secretly been celestials this whole time, she has just been consecrated as a priestess of Ilmater (as a ten-year-old child?), and they’re all heading to Avernus to rescue some souls.

At which point a character the PCs have never seen before blows up one wall of the warehouse (that the PCs have just bled to defend and which the refugees are still living in) and comes riding in on a mule-drawn cart, offering to give them all a ride to Hell.

All of which I recognize is supposed to elicit a response of, “WTF?” But I suspect not quite in the tone of derision I have for it.

But, honestly, if you just ignore that entire tacked-on ending, it’s a good adventure. (It does not, however, bode well for where the series is heading.)

  • Grade: B-

Go to the Avernus RemixGo to Part 3: Behind Infernal Lines

Avernus Rising, the ninth season of the Adventurers League, featured a bunch of Avernus-related adventures and content. As with my reviews of Avernus-related DMs Guild products, I thought it would be worthwhile to do a Infernal Encounterssurvey of these adventures and see what might be useful for the remix. I’ve also written up my impressions in these short capsule reviews.

A few things to keep in mind:

  • I was reading these adventures with a specific question in mind: Can I use this in the Remix? That’s not what they were designed for, and although my reviews here are aiming for a wider perspective, it’s probably a good idea to keep in mind my POV here.
  • Unless otherwise noted, these are not playtest reviews.
  • There’s a guide to how I use letter grades here at the Alexandrian: 90% of everything is crap, and the crap gets sorted into the F category. All the other letter grades are an assessment of how good the non-crap stuff is. Anything from A+ to C- is worth checking out if the material sounds interesting to you. If I give something a D, it’s pretty shaky. And anything with an F, in my opinion, should be avoided.

For better or worse, I also won’t be reviewing these as Adventurers League adventures, per se. I don’t have a lot of AL experience and my primary interest is in home tabletop play, so that’ll be my primary focus.

Part 2: Betrayal in Blood
Part 3: Behind Infernal Lines
Part 4: Interlude at Mahadi’s
Part 5: Doors and Corners
Part 6: Red Hunt & Season 9 Remix

INFERNAL ENCOUNTERS (DDAL00-12): As with Baldur’s Gate: City Encounters (see my review over here), Infernal Encounters features a bunch of “encounters” which are actually scenario hooks. Bizarrely, several of these do not even remotely resemble an encounter. For example:

An eccentric merchant commissioned the construction of a keep within the Nine Hells and when he died, none of his beneficiaries were willing to claim it. It’s now fallen to one of the characters – his last living relative. If they think that getting to the keep is difficult, wait until they’re forced to clear out the devils that are trying to claim squatters’ rights.

This excerpt also highlights another “feature” of these encounters: Although ostensibly designed as random encounters for use in the Nine Hells (including a table distributing them throughout the Nine Hells), a baffling number of them are clearly designed to be used on the Material Plane and bring people to the Nine Hells. For example:

A local madman claims that his cat is a portal to the Nine Hells.

This largely renders the random encounters unusable, although there are a handful of encounters that can be salvaged (and which I’m using in the encounter tables for the Remix).

Of more use are the Random Devils in Chapter 2, which provide a lot of customization options for making individual devils distinct characters. There’s also the Impaler, a new infernal war machine that you can use to help vary those, too.

The book is rounded out with four “expanded encounters” which are various side quests. These are associated with some of the random encounters (although, bizarrely, NOT the encounters which are structured as scenario hooks). They are something of a mixed bag: One is a pretty decent raid scenario based on a Dyson Logos map, but another, for example, consists entirely of the PCs “distracting” some bad guys by engaging in fifty rounds(!) of combat while standing on a featureless hilltop. A third is a heist without a map (which is problematic, but it’s a micro-heist on a target with only two rooms, so it mostly works).

Overall, there’s some value to be found here, but it’s very inconsistent. You’ll need to sift a lot of chaff to find scant wheat.

  • Grade: D

Note: The following epic adventures were sent to me by a patron who thought they might be useful and that they should be included in my reviews here. Unlike the other Adventurers League books we’ll be looking at, they are non-trivial to obtain copies of, so I won’t be directly incorporating elements from them in the Remix.

Infernal PursuitsINFERNAL PURSUITS (DDEP09-01): This is a multi-table event, designed to be run by multiple GMs simultaneously for four or more groups of PCs. I’ve had a great deal of fun with such events in the past, and there are certainly compromises that have to be made in order to make events like this work. But Infernal Pursuits seems particularly stilted, with PCs not even being given the vaguest semblance of meaningful agency as they’re arbitrarily shoved from one combat encounter directly into the next.

Something else I’ve noticed in my (admittedly brief) experience with Adventurers League adventures is that (a) they’re clearly designed to tie in with the current adventure path release, but (b) the “tie-ins” seem to have been written on the basis of someone describing a conversation about the adventure path that they overheard in a noisy bar. So here, for example, characters like Mad Maggie are not so much off-model as they are completely different people with almost unrecognizable motivations and personalities.

There are some interesting resources here: Infernal Pursuits provides a different set of mechanics for handling war machines, including rules for stuff like rams and sideswipes that aren’t found in Descent Into Avernus. There are also two new war machines in the form of the Earth Ripper and Soul Reaper.

  • Grade: D

Hellfire RequiemHELLFIRE REQUIEM (DDEP09-02): This is another multi-table event that takes place in the village of Torm’s Hand, an otherwise unknown settlement supposedly “on the outskirts of Baldur’s Gate.” Here the recently deceased paladin Klysandral is being laid to rest and his mortal remains transformed into holy relics. Asmodeus is unamused and has sent agents to suck the whole temple into Avernus so that Klysandral’s remains can be corrupted.

(Grand Duke Ravengard is also in attendance, and frankly I’m going to stop going to places he’s visiting. Get sucked into Hell once, shame on Asmodeus. Get sucked into Hell twice, shame on you.)

Compared to Infernal Pursuits, the interactive elements between the tables are handled quite well and look to be very interesting and dynamic in actual play. The adventure itself, unfortunately, is a fairly mediocre rehash of Monte Cook’s A Paladin in Hell. It is also plagued with sloppy design and confusing continuity. For example:

  • The adventure opens with the PCs clearing out Asmodean cultists.
  • But then it turns out that the REAL cultists working for Asmodeus are the Cult of the Dragon!
  • But not all of the Cult of the Dragon! Some of the Cult of the Dragon are supposed to be your allies!
  • There is absolutely no way of telling them apart! But it is mandatory that you rescue some and slay others, with no clear instructions for which are which!
  • And then, despite having killed dozens of cultists, it turns out there is only ONE bad cultist! And it was one of the ones you rescued! Oh no! (I mean, the other ones want to free Tiamat from Avernus and bring an age of terror and flame to the world, but… I guess that doesn’t count for some reason?)

One of the weirder elements of this adventure is Grand Duke Ravengard making the PCs honorary Hellriders… which is a little like Queen Elizabeth declaring someone an honorary member of the U.S. Marine Corps. (I’m kind of baffled this adventure wasn’t set in a principality of Elturel. It would take little more than a few name swaps to make this true. Then just ditch all the weird and pointless Cult of the Dragon continuity and you’d have an eminently playable adventure.)

  • Grade: D+

Forged in FireFORGED IN FIRE (DDOPEN2019): Forged in Fire is a tournament scenario with pregenerated characters. Three warlocks stole a puzzlebox from Thavius Kreeg. They have been captured by three paladins. But before the paladins can deliver them to justice, they all get sucked into Hell.

(Running into these three paladins and warlocks in Avernus could make for a fun random encounter. They could also be used as new or replacement PCs should the need arise.)

This is an exceedingly well-organized and well-presented adventure. Events are clear, information is presented when and where you need it, and the protocols for running the tournament are clearly communicated. The railroad is a little fragile (potentially being derailed if a single player doesn’t understand a clue or proves obstinate), but mostly serviceable as such things go. Reading this immediately after Infernal Pursuits and Hellfire Requiem was a night-and-day experience.

The opening scene is real humdinger: The characters are literally plummeting out of the sky above Avernus and, if they can’t figure out how to slow down, they’re going to go SPLAT! in the middle of the Blood War.

There’s a bunch of cool Avernian terrain features:

  • Craters filled with bones
  • Ichor bogs
  • Weeping salt flats (the thin layer of salty water is formed from the tears of the damned and filled with howling, ghostly faces).
  • Tar pit plains

And if you’re looking for locations to flesh out your hexcrawl, you have:

  • Xalzair’s Library (featuring, among other things, a swarm of vampiric tomes!)
  • Falgrath’s Forge (built in the middle of one of those tar pit plains)
  • Bragacon’s Menagerie (featuring riddles and mazes built into a titanic sword)
  • Yaltomec (a volcano formed from the petrified souls of the damned)

The first three are the abodes of the pit fiend patrons of the pregenerated warlock PCs (a quite clever device), but all are quite easy to plug-and-play in any campaign.

In short, Forged in Fire is a truly vivid and memorable tour of some truly unique and creative vistas of Hell. Well worth checking out if you can figure out how to get your hands on a copy of it.

  • Grade: B-

Note: Because Forged in the Fire is not widely available, I have not incorporated these locations or terrain features into the Remix. But if you’re lucky enough to have a copy, I encourage you to do so.

Go to the Avernus RemixGo to Part 2: Betrayal in the Blood


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