The Alexandrian

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Tagline: An excellent story which, unfortunately, has some flaws as a module, which are further compounded by some truly baffling design decisions.

Running the Darkness Revealed trilogy in its entirety is on my bucket list. I’ve tried on three occasions, but have never managed to actually make a campaign congeal. Some day…

(In other words, if you’re potentially one of my players you shouldn’t read this review!)

Note: This product is a module. In the following review there will quite likely be spoilers of various sorts. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Trinity: Darkness Revealed 1 - Descent Into DarknessDescent into Darkness is the first of a three-part adventure series for White Wolf’s Trinity. It contains three separate adventures which are joined thematically, thrusting the PCs into the heart of a major development in the Trinity universe. At $15.95, its a great deal in this age of $20 single-sheet modules and $25-$35 sourcebooks.

That being said, this product possesses some serious – although not irreparable – flaws.


The adventure is based on some rock-solid material. The vast conspiracy plot being described in this adventure is nefarious, wicked, and cleverly conceived – my mouth was practically salivating thinking of running players through this puppy and having them slowly piece the puzzle together. Unfortunately I discovered that, having this rock-solid material in place, the writers then fell down flat in presenting it. In two of the adventures the full picture has absolutely no chance of being revealed until the very end – where we are instructed to have the PCs discover what’s been going on by looking at the minicomps possessed by the NPC conspirators. In the third you might be able to discover some of what’s going on, but only if you possess a specific psi power and make a specific die roll which will send you down the right path. Otherwise you have to wait until the end and disseminate the data files. The writers here wanted a mystery, but apparently didn’t have either the skill or the patience to see it carried out properly – so instead the PCs are onslaughted by forces they don’t understand in a series of segues they can’t comprehend, until the end where the GM is apparently supposed to lecture them for several minutes explaining the really excellent story they didn’t understand while experiencing it.


This problem is further compounded by the three glossy color sections found in the book. These are designed to be given to the players as briefing files from the Aeon Trinity organization. Besides the obvious problem that these three sections are spread throughout the book so that you are faced with a decision of (a) ripping them out and completely destroying the product; or (b) xeroxing them (and thereby removing the entire reason for having them in color to begin with), these sections also successfully serve to completely destroy the plots of the adventures and suspension of disbelief.

For example, in the first adventure the PCs are supposed to be investigating shady activities of the Aesculapian Order on Luna. Eventually they will discover that this secret “biorg project” is being conducted under the supervision of Dr. Jerzy Grabowski, that it is using Aberrant taint to genetically alter psions in order to greatly increase their power, and that these new bioapp-enhanced psions were field tested in destroying Freak Alley while fighting Aberrants at a Lunar Base; and, finally, that a Dr. Malachi Ross was tested with these bioapps, escaped, and is now hunting Dr. Grabowski.

Reading the color briefing section for this adventure (to be disseminated to the players before the adventure starts) we are given the following pieces of documentation: (1) A transcript describing the attack on the Lunar Base in great detail; (2) An autopsy report of a John Doe found at the site of the attack who died of bioapp-feedback and then subsequently had all the bioapps removed from his body before the docs arrrived at the scene; (3) a hand-written note at the bottom of this autopsy report saying (essentially), “Jerzy—this guy knows too much, we need to transfer him to a place where he’ll never bother us again”); (4) excerpts from the diary of Dr. Malachi Ross which not only tells us his name, but also that he’s involved in the “Huang-Marr” bioapp project.

Do we see a pattern of similarity here? By the time the players finish reading their mission briefings they already know everything they need to know; they just have to go through the motions. Not only that, but the material found in these Aeon Trinity briefings pretty much invalidates the PCs actions: If you are wondering whether or not Jerzy Grabowski is involved in something fishy, is it really necessary to have the PCs look for that something if you’ve already got a memo with an incriminating note on the bottom of it?


The other major problem I was having with the adventures as described is that they are awfully brief and light on character activity. The first adventure, for example, has the players go to the clinic where Grabowski works and accomplish very little. Then they go to the site of the Aberrant attack, look around, and find nothing of much interest. Then they go to Freak Alley and find (you guessed it) little of interest. Then they go back to the clinic and, for some reason, they are now supposed to have enough evidence to arrest Grabowski (despite the fact they have uncovered NO evidence that wasn’t already in the briefing report, unless they randomly decied to hack into the clinic’s computers and discover the completely non-incriminating evidence that Grabowski is scheduled to go to Earth soon). Assuming they do this, Ross breaks into his cell and Grabowski is killed. Once Grabowski’s dead they hack into his minicomp and find out the details.

At no point (as a result of the color inserts) do the PCs really learn anything, nor do they really accomplish anything (the real work is done by the people they’re supposed to call in to arrest Grabowski), nor is it really ever explained to us what drives them along the course they’re supposed to take. However, the module does imply that they are supposed to waste great quantities of time (for example, when going to Freak Alley it is apparently assumed that they will spend great amounts of time talking with those who saw the accident… but no one will know anything of any interest).

The second adventure is the strongest of the three, but still suffers from unsubstantiated leaps of “logic” which the PCs are supposed to be making. In my experience, this type of module design inevitably leads to a necessity of dropping “subtle GM hints” in order to prod the players along the railroad.


No, the book doesn’t have location-coded maps, but one of the more egregious plotting stupidities they pull takes place in the third episode. The PCs arrive at Summit Center, a giant complex which literally circles the peak of Olympus Mons on Mars on a rail. Once there they are apparently supposed to wander around the place accomplishing absolutely nothing until such time as they end up standing in front of the power core (which, for some idiotic reason, is located at the very center of the complex and is highly visible to the public). At this point a would-be assassin launches a grenade at them.

Why? Because it’s necessary to blow up the power core so that Summit Center will collapse and go rolling down the side of Olympus Mons. Huh? The number of things ignored in this railroaded plot (what if the PCs split up? what if the PCs never go anywhere near the required location?) is mind-boggling.


One nice touch is the way in which the designers don’t simply gloss over PC involvement. Throughout the work several different methods are mentioned as to different ways PCs can become involved (fresh starts, skipping certain episodes, etc.) and then these are actually followed up later on, with pointers on how various PC involvement strategies will affect the way certain sequences play out.

This is a nice touch, especially in comparison to many other adventure products out there (which either leave the work up to the GM entirely or gloss over a few weakly inspired ideas and then drop them – as if why the PCs are involved in an adventure has no impact on how they will approach the events which envelop them).


The quality of the artwork is quite excellent in some cases, and never worse than average. However, in several cases little connection between what the art is representing and the text can be made (although often you will realize that the art was depicting something that would be discussed later in the text), and is often recycled several times through the work (confirming that no connection is actual, although often it is implied).

The text is very readable, full of information, and nicely laid out on the page. Even the sidebars are placed in such a way that they are informative and easily digested (too many products just stick the sidebars in any old place, and it becomes difficult to assimilate what they are trying to tell you).


Having said all these negative things about the plotting and construction of these adventures I’m going to do a rather surprising thing: I’m going to suggest that you buy this product.

No, White Wolf isn’t paying me sizable amounts of cash to say this (or even insignificant amounts of cash). I say it because the background-material on which these adventures are based is, as I said at the beginning of this review, rock-solid and highly worthy of your consideration. Naturally they need a bit of work. Here’s what you’ll need to do to make this product worth your while:

(1) Don’t hand out those color sections.

(2) Redesign the flow of the adventures so that they operate like true mysteries. Only a hack designs a mystery where everything is discovered at the last minute: Have the PCs gather clues slowly throughout the process, and then have them put it together before the big finale (not in the aftermath by finding a handy minicomp).

(3) Seriously work at the connective material. Right now the modules are driven along a railroad; find a reason for the PCs to progress. Better yet, find many possible reasons, and many possible routes. Your players will probably still thwart you, but at least you’ll be better prepared to deal with them.

So I guess that’s my conclusion: The adventures are crummy, but they rest on such a fascinating, rock-solid set of background information that the product is still worth picking up (particularly at $15.95 – great price!). Just be aware you’re going to have to put a little bit of elbow grease into making this one serviceable.

Style: 4
Substance: 3

Author: Bruce Baugh and Richard E. Dansky
Company/Publisher: White Wolf
Cost: $15.95
Page count: 120
ISBN: 1-56504-751-6
Originally Posted: 1998/12/11

For several years after writing this review, Bruce Baugh would publicly cite me as his favorite reviewer and credit the useful critiques of this specific review for greatly improving the second and third volumes of the series. (And they were, in fact, very much improved, as you’ll see in later reviews.) I enjoyed Baugh’s work before, but after that I respected him greatly. Not because he was praising me (although that was nice), but because he was willing to take a critique that wasn’t sugar-coated and grow from it.

I wrote this a few years before formulating the Three Clue Rule, but you can already see some of its roots here. I’ve had a long dislike for the “mysterious shit happens and the PCs have no way of figuring it out” method of adventure design, though. It goes all the way back to reading the Touch of Death module in junior high, as I describe here: Stop playing poker with your players!

I’m also faintly amused by the quaintness of my complaints vis-a-vis xeroxing the color sections of the modules. These days, of course, I’d just pop open the PDF and use my color printer to crank out as many copies as I thought might be useful. (I wouldn’t in this case, of course, because they really do suck as handouts. Although it should be noted that a few pages can probably be salvaged.)

Read the review of Darkness Revealed 2: Passage Through Shadow

For an explanation of where these reviews came from and why you can no longer find them at RPGNet, click here.

Tagline: It’s FUDGE. It’s the 1st edition DMG. It’s a campaign. It’s not great, but it’s not bad. It is worth the money.

This review requires a bit of history to put it into its proper context.

Multiverser became the first game to become an official RPGNet Pariah, a status which actually originated on various Usenet groups. Basically, the game was released, the creator pitched it as the greatest thing since sliced bread (using basically all the same rhetoric you’d expect from a fantasy heartbreaker), and was then sandbagged by the internet.

Hilariously, one of the biggest complaints was that they were charging $50 for the core rulebooks. $50! (This was hilarious partly because this included two books totaling 710 pages, and even in 1999 $50 was hardly an outrageous or unusual price for that. In retrospect it’s even more hilarious, because within a couple years the entire industry was finally forced to accept that they had been undercharging for their products for at least a decade and $50 core rulebooks became relatively commonplace.)

In response to the sandbagging, Mark Young, the creator of the game, asked for reviewers. I volunteered. He sent me a digital copy of the rules. This is what I found…

Multiverser RPGNote 1: It is important to note right up front that the price of $50 represents not only the core Multiverser rulebook, but also a volume called The First Book of Worlds. This review only deals with the core rules. A future review will deal with The First Book of Worlds.

Note 2: Secondly, I want to explain how this review came about. It sprang from a series of debates regarding the Multiverser system which took place on the Usenet newsgroup Following the debate several people, including myself, stepped forward to offer reviews of the system in order to prevent some solid facts regarding the system in a debate which had otherwise consisted largely of unfounded supposition versus extravagant claims. Valdron, Inc. provided me with an electronic review copy. Valdron, Inc. did not solicit this review; nor do I feel in anyway indebted to them – but you deserve to know from whence the review came.

The first thing I should say regarding this game is that it was extremely difficult to get a grasp on it in order to review it. With most games that I review its relatively simple to quickly catch onto what the system and setting are attempting to do and then proceed from there. With Multiverser I had an amazing amount of difficult doing this. I think this is because I had some extremely incorrect expectations coming into this game, and then had to completely change my POV before it began to make sense.

Here, then, is my conclusion:

Multiverser is a campaign game wrapped up in an extremely complicated system which is a fascinating mixture of FUDGE and the 1st Edition AD&D DMG. It is completely unlike anything I’ve seen before – and that either means its a game perched on the edge of breakthrough success, or instant obscurity. It’s not for everyone, but it just might be for you.


The first, and biggest, breakthrough for me was the realization of exactly what this game was attempting to be. The title and various discussions concerning the system had completely mislead me into believing that Multiverser was a generic gaming engine in the spirit of GURPS, Hero, and others. It took me nearly fifty pages before I realized this wasn’t what their goal was at all – rather what was being presented was a very basic, very broad multi-genre campaign in the spirit of Sliders or GURPS Alternate Earths.

What distinguishes this particular campaign is the idea of scriff – possibly the most original and thought-provoking concept I personally found within the covers of the book. The basic idea is that all the PCs are imbued with a substance known as scriff. The concept of scriff makes Multiverser possibly the only RPG on the market where the PCs are expected to kick the bucket on a regular basis – because whenever they do so they reappear in an alternate universe. This mode of play obviously has certain drawbacks (for one thing no long-term development of setting or NPC interaction), but these are common limitations of the dimension-hopping genre.

Another interesting facet of this campaign is that Multiverser positively goes out of its way to encourage the GM to have the players split up – reawakening in separate universes – before finally reuniting together in a single universe after several side-trips. This, of course, makes for much more difficult campaigns to run – but Multiverser states right up front that this game is not for amateur GMs and that this concept, in particular, is much more difficult to run than a standard RPG environment where all the PCs stick together. In many ways I was reminded of the type of campaign described in the Amber Diceless Roleplaying System. There is, of course, no requirement that you play your games in this manner – although I would then suggest figuring out some reason why the players always seem to appear together and go places together. You will also need to define a much tighter plot since it will be necessary to kill off all the PCs in a fairly narrow section of time in order to have them all be in the same place at the same time.

A far more nebulous decision for the campaign comes in the form of having the players play themselves. Although I have known some campaigns based on this premise to work, these success stories are vastly outnumbered by horror stories – particularly of the variety wherein the GM doesn’t seem to think that Joe Average Player is as intelligent as Einstein. The decision to stress this as a campaign necessity, rather than simply an option, is even more puzzling considering that character creation is entirely descriptive – you assign whatever you feel to be appropriate without worrying about points, classes, levels, or other balancing mechanisms. This is so completely easy to ignore, however, that is little more than an irritating artifact.


Reading my summary of the system probably left many of you with a serious question: “Wait a minute, its a complicated system which is like FUDGE? Is that even possible?”

Well, not quite. But the methodology is more than slightly similar: Provide a basic system which can be extrapolated, changed, and added to as the GM sees fit. Of course with a complicated system its a far more difficult to “fudge” things than in a simple system like FUDGE, but the Multiverser designers more than compensate for this by providing you with a wealth of options as well as a peek into the game theory which went into designing the system.

To give you an idea of the type of material included let me point towards Appendix 3: Basic Dicing Curves. This Appendix deals exhaustively with how the probability curves of dice work. This information is provided because the central resolution mechanic is designed in such a way that the GM is expected to modify the type of dice used to resolve an action, in order to obtain precisely the result they want.

Sound familiar? It should. FUDGE uses an identical methodology. Of course FUDGE’s system is so simple that it’s not necessary to explain probability distribution. I, personally, prefer FUDGE, but it is also easy for me to see how the Multiverser system could hold appeal – it has a precision which the extremely low granularity of FUDGE will never possess. This precision, of course, comes at the cost of complexity – and you should ask yourself which compromise you want to take.


Another question which probably sprung to your mind was, “The First Edition DMG? And you think this is favorable review?”

In short: Yes.

One of the things which came out in the discussion on was that the Multiverser designers considered the DMG1 to be one of the greatest gaming manuals ever produced. This naturally baffled quite a few people, myself included. It was only once I saw Multiverser that I understood why they had said that and why they believe that.

First, you won’t find much artwork in this book. The thing is 515 pages long and all but a dozen or so of those are packed full with words and nothing else. Those of you who have been bemoaning the rise in art-content in books to the detriment of practical gaming content would rejoice to see that the Multiverser creators have embraced this spirit as well. Information is what the gamer needs, the thinking goes, and information is what we’ll give him.

In fact, the only art in the book is a full-page piece at the top of each chapter. If you’ve seen the art in the 1st edition of AD&D you’ll know what to expect – plain ink drawings, with often humorous content (my personal favorites include the robotic hand dropping a set of dice into a three-fingered alien palm, and the two pilots sitting next to their crashed ship of fantastic technology attempting to light a fire by rubbing two sticks together).

Second, as I’ve said before, this book is packed with information. Sure we all laugh at Gygax’s Table of Courtesans, but some of the stuff in the DMG1 was invaluable for those who like having a separate, specific rule to cover everything. The Multiverser designers, again, took this to heart. Again, it’s not a style I personally enjoy – but it is a style I can easily appreciate the appeal of.

Multiverser of course does this without adopting Gygax’s atrocious and opaque prose style.


The biggest concern, by far, concerning the Multiverser system is the price tag – you have to spend $50 to get the basic book.

$50?!?! Forget it, right?

Well, first realize that the basic book isn’t actually $50. Included in that total is the First Book of Worlds, which (as its title suggests) contains several different worlds which your players can travel to. The reason you can only buy these two books together is because the Multiverser team feels very strongly that everything you need to play a game should be found in one book – and although they couldn’t print everything in one book for various reasons, they thought they could at least include it under one price tag.

Personally I think they’re nuts. It’s a good philosophy, but frankly everything you need to play Multiverser IS in the core book and the First Book of Worlds strikes me as completely optional. They should separate the package and, thereby, lower the price to a level where gamers would feel much better about sending money to them in order to try their game system. This become even more true since you can’t get Multiverser in stores to my knowledge, only through mail order.

To be fair in judging the value of the core rulebook though, let’s judge it at a cost of $25 (split it evenly right down the middle between the two books). Is Multiverser worth $25?

The answer is, “Hell yeah!” If nothing else this system is exhaustive in the detail and options it provides – providing ammunition and material for other games you may choose to run. Of particular use, I’ve found, is the aforementioned Appendix 3 – which very nicely summarizes probability theory concerning dice and allows easy calculation of the probability spread in any system you might choose to run.

Compare the densely packed text of these 515 pages to the $30-$35 game books that are coming out now from other companies, and you can clearly see that if nothing else, you’re getting your money’s worth.

(I will be reviewing the First Book of Worlds at a later date when I have had time to more properly study it. Allow me to state again that $50 for this two book package is not at all a bad price when compared with the rest of the industry. For example if you look at Heavy Gear (one of my favorite systems) a comparable purchase there would be the core rulebook and the Life on Terra Nova sourcebook, a combined total of approximately $55.)


All that being said, Multiverser does possess a rather sizable flaw and it’s a flaw which is large enough to suggest that a second edition of this game would be well advised. My suggestions if such a thing were to ever come to pass:

1. As mentioned before, drop the “play yourself’ requirement from the rules. At most offer it as a suggested method of play, but also include other suggestions.

2. The book is in need of reorganization. Clearly delineate your various ideas into separate, distinct sections. This need is particularly poignant since the primary strength of the system, in my opinion, is the way in which you can mix-and-match elements.

3. Clarify your system mechanics. They are good mechanics and achieve what they are aiming for, but they also vaguely expressed in some places.

A further suggestion which might be immediately implemented, and has already been implied, is that you begin selling these books separately. There’s no real need to mandatorily sell them together, and I believe you are doing nothing but injuring your sale potentials by marketing the books in this fashion.


The quick-and-dirty summary of this product?

The content is great, the lay-out and presentation need some work (although there’s nothing wrong with the information-heavy approach, clarification and distinction is particularly needed considering how much material is present). This system is not for those who dislike complicated systems – you will absolutely hate it. Those who do like more complicated systems will, however, find a plethora of ideas to use elsewhere even if they don’t like the system itself.

Style: 2
Substance: 4

Author: E.R. Jones and Mark Young
Company/Publisher: Valdron, Inc.
Cost: $25 ($50 for both books)
Page count: 551
ISBN: n/a
Originally Posted: 1998/09/25

At the time, this review seemed to have the effect of quashing Multiverser’s pariah status. I don’t think it won the game any particular fans, either, but people stopped treating it like a trampoline. (So it served a kind of inverse function to Darren MacLennan and Jason Sartin’s review of F.A.T.A.L., which righteously ensconced that game into a private hall of eternal infamy.)

Looking back, I’m somewhat bemused by my discussion of the 1st Edition DMG. At the time, it really was basically impossible to find anyone online who would profess any particular love for that book. It really is remarkable the degree to which (a) 3E rehabilitated D&D’s online reputation and (b) the OSR has rehabilitated that book in particular. My own opinion of the book has grown a little fonder in light of its assistance in stocking my OD&D hexcrawl, but is largely unchanged: A lot of useful stuff in there, but the idea of trying to actually run a game from that disorganized morass is completely abhorrent to me.

Multiverser still sits on my shelf today. Much like the 1st Edition DMG it is a treasure trove of nifty utility which I value but will never actually play. I can’t actually recommend it in good faith. But what I can recommend whole-heartedly is The First Book of Worlds. That review, however, will have to wait until another day…

For an explanation of where these reviews came from and why you can no longer find them at RPGNet, click here.

Tagline: Return of the Eight is pathetic. The first Greyhawk product since the line was canceled, it suffers from trying to fill the needs of two diametrically opposed extremes.

This is the first time I really ripped a product to shreds. As a reviewer, there really is something incredibly satisfying about flaying a terrible product. In fact, you can easily see that some reviewers get so addicted to the hit of ripping into stuff that this becomes all that they do.

Hopefully, I’ve managed to keep a more balanced head on my shoulders over the years. But I’m also clearly not one of those namby-pambies who think reviewers should adhere to the already dubious maxim that “if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all”. If there is any profession where that maxim almost intrinsically does not apply, then it’s reviewing. I think you should be deeply suspicious of any reviewer who never has a bad thing to say.

Greyhawk: Return of the Eight - Roger MoorePersonally I looked forward with great anticipation to the return of the Greyhawk setting to the TSR line-up. When the line was canceled several years back I was among the protesters who thought this a bad idea. Greyhawk was your all-around “typical AD&D campaign world”, with good cause since it was one of the first. Its loss meant that you had very atypical settings (Ravenloft, Dark Sun, etc.), the super-powered Forgotten Realms, and the legend-oriented Dragonlance setting. Besides, there’s a lot of interesting stuff on Oerth – it may not have sold well in comparison to TSR’s other settings, but that might have had something to do with the fact that unlike the “three supplements a month” Forgotten Realms, Greyhawk was never adequately supported after Gygax’s departure from the company. Properly supported it would definitely, I thought (and continue to think), be a strong part of TSR’s line-up.

So when Peter Adkison and Wizards of the Coast announced that Greyhawk was to be brought back from the dead and properly supported I thought it was a great idea. When the product line was finally announced, I began looking forward eagerly to Return of the Eight, the first new Greyhawk product to be released since the line was canceled.

Having now read Return of the Eight I am bitterly disappointed, and have many unanswered questions, such as:

Why restart the Greyhawk setting with a module? Why use such terrible artwork? Why abandon all sensible lay-out? Why railroad the PCs? Why have caricatures for NPCs? Why abandon all logic in the final act? Why have an anticlimax? Why is there an elevator? But above all else…

What were they thinking?


Return of the Eight is a 64 page module written by Roger Moore. It begins in the city of Greyhawk a year after the end of the Greyhawk Wars. There’s a bunch of weird politics involved here, but you need a Greyhawk sourcebook which hasn’t been printed in half a decade in order to make sense of it all, so let’s cut to the chase: The Circle of Eight was a group of powerful wizards dedicated to fighting the good fight (these are the Good Guys). At the end of the Greyhawk Wars Ivid V (the Former Bad Guy) convinced one of the Eight (a bloke named Rary) to assassinate two other members of the Eight (Otiluke and Tenser). Simultaneously all of Tenser’s cloning material was destroyed, so he was really, really dead – there was no coming back this time. The really powerful wizard Mordenkainen even confirmed it through divination.

Which brings us to today when, naturally, Tenser is going to show up again. The Circle of Eight is attempting to reform itself and the PCs have the dubious pleasure of making acquaintances with one of them (a chick named Jallarzi). Now things get complicated again and you need that out-of-print sourcebook again. The demon Tuerny is involved in a plot with the witch Iggwilv and her son Iuz the Old (these are the Current Bad Guys). They corrupt Jallarzi and make it appear as if she has betrayed the Circle of Eight. Why they do this is never really explained, because the only thing it seems to accomplish is to lead the PCs and the Circle right to Tenser’s Castle – which is where these three hope to open a gate to one of Oerth’s moons and bring through their army within quick striking distance of the defenseless City of Greyhawk. Needless to say, the PCs go to Tenser’s Castle, go through the gate, and beat the bad guys.

Did I mention that for another unknown reason the Current Bad Guys activated Tenser’s cloning machinery on this moon of Oerth and cloned him, only to alter his clone into an extremely ugly, mute, blue-skinned midget? No? Well, I won’t. It’s too painful.


The first odd thing that struck me about this product was the lay-out. The text is a nice, reasonably sized font and the margins aren’t too bad (the left, right, and bottom margins average less than an inch – but the top margin is about 3″ for no particular reason except that it allows them to interchange three repetitive sets of graphics over and over and over again).

But then it gets weird. If you’ve ever seen a GURPS manual you know exactly what this text in this module looks like – two columns, one narrow and the other wide. Except that in Return of the Eight that narrow column isn’t a sidebar – it’s just another column. Yes, that’s right – it’s two column text, but for no apparently good reason the columns are different widths. (What’s even more confusing is that after the first five pages the side on which the narrow column is located switches – I’m assuming this was just a lay-out error that nobody bothered to notice or fix.)

I initially thought someone had discovered that their word processing program could vary the widths of two-column text and thought, “Whoa! Cool!” and just hadn’t thought things through. What I learned later on was that all of the Greyhawk product line was to be laid out this way in order to give it a “distinctive look”.

This is even worse. There is nothing “distinctive” about this look – it looks just like a GURPS book. Except that in a GURPS book it actually serves a purpose!

(This plan has since been dropped because TSR’s customers pointed out that it was a really dumb layout technique. It will still infect the first few Greyhawk products, however.)


The art in Return of the Eight is atrocious. The cover is not only downright ugly it is flat-out stupid – depicting the short, blue midget we will learn is actually Tenser inside grabbing onto the skirt of a buxom woman fighter (at least she isn’t wearing a chainmail bikini) and a male fighter with his shield and sword raised against this tiny, pathetic, blue midget. Meanwhile in the background about two feet away from the male fighter is a ten foot tall demon with four foot fangs. HELLO?! I don’t think the blue midget is the biggest problem you’re facing at this moment.

The interior art is no better. The poses are stiff and are helped little by the fact that the subject matter is so utterly boring and atrocious.


The plot focuses on several key points:

1. The PCs must meet Jallarzi, her friend Marial, her pseudo-dragon Edwina, and another wizard named Warnes Starcoat all in the same evening in an amazingly contrived sequence.

2. One of the PCs must be hit on the head by Edwina falling out of the sky, which will lead to them discovering she was attacked, which will lead them to Jallarzi’s Tower.

3. The PCs must explore Jallarzi’s Tower.

4. The PCs must must go to Tenser’s Castle (not that anything they discovered in Jallarzi’s Tower will actually lead them to go there – they will be informed by Warnes that it is “obvious” they should go).

5. The PCs must must go through the gate to Oerth’s moon (not that they will have any clue why this is important).

6. The PCs must must defeat the Current Bad Guys and thwart their plans (not that there is any way for them to know who the Bad Guys are or what their plans were until after it’s all over).

As you may have gathered from all the “musts” above this is a fairly contrived plotline. It is made worse by the fact that Moore doesn’t even bother in many cases with pretexts to carry the PCs from one event to the next – they are either forced into the encounter (it just happens – for example, Edwina hits them on the head with no if’s, and’s, or but’s) or a handy NPC will say “go this way”.

Even odder to me is the transition between Act Two and Act Three – where the players leave Tenser’s Castle through a gate that takes them one of Oerth’s moons. Previously these PCs have been railroaded from one location and event to another, suddenly however there is no good explanation given for what happens. The gate in question is tucked in a back room of the keep and no particular importance is attached to it. In addition, Moore has gone out of his way to make it difficult to get through the gate – anyone entering the room is blown right back out again unless they really fight against it by the mysterious power of the gate. The problem here is that since the gate is not discussed as being important, no mention of dimension travel is made prior to this in the adventure, and the PCs are heartily discouraged from exploring that particular avenue. So why should they? My players said, “Right, Tenser the Mighty Magician doesn’t want us in there… let’s trust him.” After they had completely cleaned out Tenser’s Castle and were beyond irritation into downright frustration I eventually had to say, “Look, you’ve got to go through this gate so we can finish playtesting the adventure.” At which point we all commented how stupid it was to attach no importance to the gate and then make it nigh-to-impossible to get through, despite the fact that going through it is crucial to finishing the adventure.

It was initially pointed out to me that perhaps this was because the product line is being targeted towards “Old School” gamers who aren’t really interested in plots or character motivations, but just in dungeon-delving. I considered this awhile and then realized two things.

First, the “dungeons” (a Tower and a Keep) are pathetic for dungeon-delving – although there are several creature encounters that make no sense whatsoever. (How Tenser or Jallarzi live or lived in the places that are supposedly their homes is beyond me.)

Second, the plot revolves around highly complicated political intrigue that you need footnotes to figure out (particularly since the PCs will never be informed of what the hell is going on until it’s all over).

Perhaps it suffers from trying to be both — a story-oriented adventure, but with all the trappings of classic dungeon-delving. Whatever the case, it is among the worst examples of either I have ever seen.


Now we come to another design flaw of the product – the location of the maps (as well as the occasional absence of maps).

First there is a map of the first floor of Jallarzi’s Tower inside the front cover, and a map of the second and third floors inside the back cover. These are very nicely done – detailed and highlighted in a style reminiscent of watercolors. On page 10 we have an exterior view of Jallarzi’s Tower, showing us what it looks like and how it all fits together – this little illustration tells us that the tower has six floors. We can only hope that the PCs never attempt to venture beyond the third floor because not only are no details of these floors provided, but no maps are either.

Moving onto Tenser’s Castle is where we begin to encounter serious problems. The castle and the approach to the castle are detailed in 8 maps scattered throughout the text describing various locations in the castle. This would be really handy… if whoever had placed the maps had done so with some relation to the text. Indeed, the order of the maps proceeds very naturally (1st through 7th floor, than the lower levels in order).


My other favorite trick with Return of the Eight is the manner in which they reference OOP products as if everyone had them. This feature of TSR’s modules (telling you where to find the complete write-ups for the monsters and NPCs they provide iterative stats for) is usually quite handy, allowing you to find out more information. I found it quite infuriating, however, when no useful information is given to me (requiring me to look it up if I am to use the creature or NPC in question) and the references point me towards:

Greyhawk Adventures. A 1st edition product that has been out of print for at least a decade.

The guide from the 1983 World of Greyhawk boxed set.

The Rogue’s Gallery. A 1980 product that no one has ever heard of.

Monster Manual II. A first edition product that has been out of print since 1989.

The oddest reference was to either The Dancing Hut of Baba Yaga (1995) or “The Dancing Hut”, from Dragon issue #83 (March 1984). Not only is it an odd reference, but it’s completely outside of Greyhawk.

The worst reference? D&D Original Set Supplement III, Eldritch Wizardry. Although you could also look that one up in the first edition DMG as well.

There are other examples as well, but they usually aren’t so bad – pointing to products which were still produced just before Greyhawk went defunct, or which discussed the monster or NPC in enough detail that I did not actually need the reference. What puzzled me most was that the more likely it was that the reader would actually own the material in question, the more detail was given in the text. The more obscure the reference, the less information given.


Act III, as already noted, takes place on one Oerth’s moons. The DM is cautioned multiple times and in great severity to not let the players in on this secret – do not tell them explicitly that they are no longer on Oerth, and only “let them slowly discover they are not” there.

My first reaction to this was: “If someone dropped me on a moon the first thing I’m going to notice is looking up into the sky and saying, ‘Hmmm… I wonder why there’s a big planet hanging up there instead of the moon I’m used to.’”


In Tenser’s castle there is an elevator. It is referred to as “The Great Lift”, but it is operated by pushing a button and it even has a chime. About the only thing that is missing is a set of bombs to take out the cables, and another set to take out the breaks if someone doesn’t pay a million dollar ransom.

Maybe the sequel to Return of the Eight will feature Teurny, Iggwilv, and Iuz planting a magical bomb on a chariot. If the chariot drops below 10 mph…

An elevator.

In a fantasy setting.

What were they thinking?


About the best thing you can say about Return of the Eight is that they were attempting to appeal to two very dichotomous groups of gamers – the role-oriented gamers and the hack-oriented gamers (and the latter should not be taken as an insult) – and they failed.

The worst thing you can say about Return of the Eight is…

What were they thinking?

This is an abysmal way to re-introduce the Greyhawk line (about the only thing I can figure out is that they though it would be “cool” to have product with the word “return” in the title to signal the “return of Greyhawk”). I have much higher hopes for future products in the line, but this is not a good start.

Stay away from this product. You’ll do nothing but waste $14 that could have been spent on something far more worth your while.

Style: 2
Substance: 1

Title: Greyhawk: Return of the Eight
Writers: Roger Moore
Publisher: TSR/Wizards of the Coast
Price: $13.95
Page Count: 64
ISBN: 0-7869-1247-2
Originally Published: 1998/07/29

I actually don’t mind a little science fantasy in my D&D fantasy. I’ve always been a fan of Tekumel and S3 Expedition to the Barrier Peaks currently appears in my OD&D hexcrawl campaign, for example. But I do tend to like it to possess a strong fantasy flavor (like Monte Cook’s chaositech, for example). And that elevator from Return of the Eight still sticks in my craw. I think the problem is that it’s such a wholehearted anachronism. I don’t have any problem with the idea of Tenser having a floating platform in the middle of his citadel — he is, after all, the creator of Tenser’s floating disc — but for it to literally be a modern elevator just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

For an explanation of where these reviews came from and why you can no longer find them at RPGNet, click here.

Ex-RPGNet Reviews – Fading Suns

December 22nd, 2011

Tagline: Fading Suns is AD&D in space, but it keeps the best parts and gets rid of the worst. Its system is much like what AD&D could have become if it had kept pace with the rest of the industry and its setting combines the best of pulp sci-fi and moody Dark Age fantasy. Fading Suns is flawed only by a surprisingly poor organization.

Writing reviews for RPGNet is what first taught me rudimentary HTML coding skills, and it started with this review. (I know this because my original copy of this review is a Word document filled with HTML coding.) The reason for this was simple: My reviews were getting longer and more complex (I’ll talk about this a little more at the end of the review), and I needed to use HTML coding in order to format the reviews into something that could actually be read. So it wasn’t just a new set of skills: It was also a burgeoning understanding that format and structure is important in clear communication.

Fading Suns (1st Edition) - Holistic DesignFading Suns is a game full of surprises – not all of them good.

When I first read through the game I was pleasantly surprised by a background which teemed with exciting possibilities and unexplored avenues, by a rule set which seemed simple and well conceived, and by evocative and primally powerful artwork. It was a package which was surprisingly well done and with quality material inside it. I sat down to prepare a properly enthusiastic two-thumbs-up, five-star review.

In doing a review of a main rulebook the first thing I prepare are my “cheat sheets” for the game. These cheat sheets summarize all the rules of the system – from character creation to basic resolution to combat resolution to any optional, secondary rulesets (for disease, etc.) that might be used by the system in question. I also include the game’s lists (skill list, equipment list, etc.). I can then use these “cheat sheets” to both create characters for the game and also to run the game in question. They are exceptionally useful, and I have also found that in preparing a review for the game they improve my explanation of the basic mechanics and help me put my thoughts in order so that I don’t just ramble on and on.

In creating the cheat sheets for Fading Suns, however, I began running into some rather unpleasant surprises. The rules are not well laid out or organized. There are combat rules in the character creation section, and character creation rules in the combat section. Crucial information for running combat is relegated to what appears to be a summary sidebar and poorly explained. Repeatedly through-out the creation of the cheat sheet I would find myself mysteriously leaving the sheet devoted to combat in order to return to character creation because I had stumbled across yet another rule which properly belonged in a chapter fifty to one hundred pages earlier.

When I first read through Fading Suns I was struck by its similarities to the AD&D game. In my mind the setting (a mix of feudalism, fantasy, and pulp science fiction) was the best “AD&D/fantasy in space” I’ve seen in a long time. The rule mechanic (based around a d20) looks much like what AD&D might’ve looked like if the designers at TSR had kept abreast of industry developments during the past 20 years. The two magic systems (Psi and Theurgy) looked much like what AD&D’s magic systems would look like if the problems were fixed (they are based on levels of ability, but use a much more logical system of usage). Fading Suns, in my mind, was everything AD&D could have been and should be in a space setting. It’s as if Holistic Design is actually a company from another dimension in which AD&D is actually a good system in comparison with other systems on the market today and they are merely licensing it from TSR in order to create this game.

After spending 12 hours of work creating the cheat sheets for the game (which normally takes me no more than 3-4 hours), I decided they had also decided to emulate AD&D’s editors. Rules and information scattered wherever it had “first occurred” to the designers, and then kept there through iteration after iteration of the rules. At first glance Fading Suns seems to be a book which is well organized, but in actually attempting to access that information (either in gameplay or for the creation of my cheat sheets) you discover a distinct lack of intuitiveness about where information is placed and some downright stupid omissions from charts which are supposedly central reference points. Fortunately there is an index, but this doesn’t wholly solve the problem because you will still be thwarted in some situations because you continually receive the impression you’ve gotten all the rules for covering a certain situation, but in actuality there is still one rule floating around 50 pages away from where all the other rules for this situation are located.

Fading Suns still receives my approval, but be aware of this poor lay-out and organization of material. Keep in mind that you’re going to have to be well-versed in this material (or create the equivalent of my cheat sheets and organize the information yourself) unless you want to have frustrating delays during game play while you try to track down a rule.


The Fading Suns rules are elegant and simple. Character Creation is based on the selection of a Character Role and the expenditure of points in different areas. Resolution (combat and otherwise) is based around a single d20 roll with the degree of success or failure specifically interpreted by the ruleset.

These mechanics, as mentioned, are difficult to get a firm grasp on because of the way in which they are presented. However, once you’ve got that grasp I believe you’ll find them to be an incredibly simple, but powerful, set of tools for your roleplaying sessions.


Character creation is a six-step process, only five of which actually have anything to do with rules.

Step one is practically a given, but it’s still nice to see game designers specifically mention it for any new players out there: You have to formulate a character concept (who your character is, what they’ve done, etc.)

Step two is the selection of your character’s Role. The first thing that crosses your mind as you enter this section of the rules is, “Oh my god, it’s a class system.” As you begin to look at what’s being done here though, you become impressed by the way in which it is being handled. Don’t think of these Roles as classes, think of them more as mandatory templates. First, they are much more basic in the degree to which they define your character. Second, they don’t restrict your options as to which directions you wish your character to develop. Finally, because they are tailored for a very specific and limited setting they don’t present a problem. Again, it’s as if AD&D’s class system had been repaired. (Although, actually, it’s more like BECMI D&D’s class system because non-human races are treated as separate roles – again, it works because of the way the setting is constructed.)

Step three is the selection and buying of Characteristics. The characteristics are split into three groups (Body, Mind, Spirit). There are three Body characteristics (Strength, Dexterity, and Endurance) and three Mind characteristics (Wits, Perception, Tech). Spirit characteristics are split into four pairs — Extrovert vs. Introvert, Passion vs. Calm, Faith vs. Ego, and Human vs. Alien. You receive 20 points to split between the characteristics (on a one-for-one correspondence). Body and Mind characteristics start with a base of 3. The player must decide which one of Spirit characteristics in each pair is primary for his character – that characteristic starts at 3 while the opposing characteristic starts at 1 (except for Alien, which starts at 0 if it is secondary). No characteristic can be bought above level 10, but there is a further stipulation that no pair of Spirit characteristics can total more than 10 together.

Step four is the selection of skills. Fading Suns is a broad-based skill system (meaning that each individual skill covers a great deal of territory). The player receives 30 points to split among skills (again, on a one-for-one basis). Learned skills start at a base of 0, but there are several Natural skills (dodge, etc.) that practically everyone knows and these start at a base of 3.

Step five is the selection of Benefices and Afflictions. These are basically advantages and disadvantages, with a couple of setting-specific twists. Only 10 points can be spent on Benefices, but Afflictions naturally give more points for additional Benefices.

Step six is the expenditure of “extra points”. 40 extra points are given and then used to flesh out the various aspects of the character in any way which the player chooses. In addition to the stuff mentioned above, extra points can also be spent to purchase psychic or theurgic powers (magic) and specific fighting techniques.

There’s some other minor calculations to be carried out (figuring out Vitality for combat and Wyrd for psychics), but that’s character creation in a nutshell. It is a very simple system – reminiscent of AD&D, GURPS, and the World of Darkness games all at the same time. There are some oddities with the chapters which detail both the process of character creation and the specifics of characteristics and skills.

First, there is a bonus to damage inflicted during hand-to-hand combat which is based on the Strength characteristic. Why is it listed here, but not in the Combat chapter? There’s no practical use to it being located here (there’s nothing you write down on the character sheet), and every logical reason for it to be included in the combat section (where all the other rules you’ll be referencing during combat are included).

Second, and more annoying, is the fact that Skills and Characteristics are lumped into a single chapter entitled “Traits”. Referring to these two facets of character quantification under a single title makes sense for FUDGE (which treats them identically for all intents and purposes), but doesn’t make any sense for a game like Fading Suns in which they are treated entirely differently from each other. Using the term “trait” (which has no real meaning in the system) adds an unnecessary layer of complexity and possible confusion. Organizing both skills and characteristics into a single chapter without definition between them (despite the fact that the system treats them distinctly from each other) is simply confusing.


The basic resolution mechanic of Fading Suns is cunningly designed to absolutely minimize the modifications and additions which must be made to it in order to handle combat.

The first step is to determine initiative (if necessary) – this is done by comparing the skill levels of everyone who is attempting to go faster than everyone else. Hence, the more skilled you are in something the faster you will be able to do it – if you’re doing something you are very skilled in and the other person is not, you’re going to be able to do it faster than the other person and hence get a chance to go first. It’s a very nice system which, in a few decoy runs I performed, seemed to create a very nice effect – particularly when two people are trying to use the same skill against each other (swordfighting for example). A slight problem immediately crops up here, however. In the case of ties the Wits characteristic of the two characters is consulted – whoever has the highest Wits rating will go first. If the comparison of Wits again results in a tie, the two actions are considered to happen simultaneously.



There is a certain sort of tenuous logic there, but wouldn’t Dexterity make a far more logical choice in determining the speed with which you respond? If you felt that created unrealistic results for cerebral activities I could see making the rule “compare Dexterity if the action is physical, compare Wits if the action is mental” – but if you’re going to choose one or the other (presumably for expediency and simplicity) it makes far more sense to choose Dexterity since you know the initiative system is going to be most often used in combat situations.

The next step is to determine the Goal Number for a specific action. You determine this by adding the character’s skill and the character’s characteristic together. You then roll a d20 in an attempt to roll lower than the Goal Number.

Now, as you may have already guessed, it is time to determine how successfully your character performed. In Fading Suns you accomplish this by merely looking at the number which was rolled – did you roll a 17 and succeed? You have 17 successes. Did you roll a 6 and succeed? You have 6 successes.

That may confuse some of you momentarily, but a moment’s reflection will show that it produces the same results as adding or subtracting numbers to determine a margin of success or failure – it may be a little more intuitive for some than that method, and for others it will probably be a little less. You are still more likely to succeed better if your skill-characteristic combination is high than if your skill-characteristic combination is low (since if you have a combination of only 10 you can never get 17 successes).

This interesting approach, however, does allow for an interesting set of optional rules which Fading Suns refers to as “Accents”. Essentially you either throw a lot of power into an action at the loss of expertise (making success less likely, but if you do succeed it will be more powerful) or you attempt to finesse your way through the situation with the loss of some power (making it more likely to succeed, but less powerful when you do). Essentially you decide to apply a positive or negative modifier (no greater than the skill level of the action you’re attempting) to your goal roll – if you choose to give yourself a positive modifier you make it less likely that you will succeed, but the success will be better if you do succeed. If you give yourself a negative modifier you will be more likely to succeed, but that success will be less effective.

When it is necessary to determine exactly how effective your success was (in combat for the purposes of calculating damage, for example) you compare the number of successes you received to the Victory Chart. The Victory Chart translates the number of successes into either Victory Points (which are primarily useful in determining sustained actions) or Effects Dice. You then roll the number of Effects Dice against a Goal Number of 13, counting the number of dice which succeed (not the total number of successes across all rolls). You can also choose to pull your punch and reduce the number of Effects Dice you use.

There are also some other, minor rules which effect this roll. Automatic success takes place on a roll of 1, automatic failure on a roll of 19, a critical failure on a roll of 20, differing rules for sustained actions (you have to receive a certain number of Victory Points before success is achieved), contested actions (whoever gets more successes), etc.

Finally, critical successes in Fading Suns occur when the number rolled on the d20 is identical to the Goal Number (recognizing that no number on a d20 is more likely to come up than any other). As the designers, say, the difference between a critical success for a fledgling musician and a critical success for Beethoven is that when the fledgling musician gets a critical success he manages to get through the high school concert and get a standing ovation. When Beethoven gets a critical success, he composes the 9th Symphony.


As I mentioned the combat system is a very natural extension of the basic resolution system, doing exactly what a combat system should do – providing rules for keeping track of damage done to your character and providing guidelines of sufficient strictness so that arguments over a section of the game with potentially “deadly” results are eliminated or at least kept to a minimum.

This extremely effective system, however, is presented in the most bizarre manner possible. Of the three step procedure to combat action resolution (Initiative, Goal Roll, and Damage Roll) only one is actually discussed in the main text – Initiative (which is identical to normal initiative which is described earlier in the book, but receives an equally detailed, reworded treatment). The rest of combat resolution is never discussed in the main text and is, instead, relegated to a sidebar located 2-3 pages into the chapter. Anyone familiar with other roleplaying games will immediately recognize this sidebar as the ever present “quick combat order reference” found in many games – except that in Fading Suns it is the only reference.

As a result of this short treatment the elements of combat are not well explained. This isn’t a tragic loss, since the system is merely an extension of the basic resolution system. As a result two of three steps (Initiative and the Goal Roll) are identical. The resolution of Damage, though, takes a bit of work. I had to read through the twelve half-lines of material several times before I was fairly sure I had understood what I was supposed to do. If I was successful, damage supposedly works like this:

After rolling a successful Goal Roll you determine how many Damage Dice you get. This is determined by adding the Weapon’s Damage Dice to the number of Victory Points you scored on your Goal Roll (multiply this number by 2 if you scored a critical success). You then roll the damage dice against a Goal Number of 13 – each die which rolls a success means that one point of damage was done (do not count the number of successes – count the number of dice which succeeded).

Damage which the character actually incurs is then determined by subtracting the armor value of the victim from the damage done, and subtracting that total from the victim’s Vitality. Vitality is basically a hit point system. For those who have developed a phobia against hit points from AD&D, be pacified. Since the number of hit points doesn’t inflate, it acts essentially like a standard wound level system minus the paperwork and a little bit of the so-called accuracy of wound level systems.

The remainder of the Fading Suns combat rules are dedicated to discussing specific actions, movement, and modifiers to combat goal numbers. To avoid the common complaint against World of Darkness games, actions have been specifically defined as to what attribute determines them. This creates an Action Chart which I personally find annoying, but which is the only way to solve the “problems” the Storyteller engine supposedly possesses.

Now we move into the oddities of this combat system. First, when more damage is done to a character in a single blow than his Endurance rating, the character must make an Endurance + Vigor check in order to stay conscious – if he succeeds he is stunned, if he fails he is knocked unconscious for a number of rounds equal to the amount of damage taken. This sounds pretty good, but doesn’t work. 15 seconds of proper playtesting (or just a little critical reading) would reveal that although you have made it more difficult to knockout a person with high endurance, you have also guaranteed that a person with higher endurance will tend to stay unconscious longer on average than a person with lower endurance. The rule should read “unconscious for a number of round equal to the amount of damage taken minus the victim’s endurance”.

The details on weapons (damage done, etc.) is presented, as in most games, in a series of charts. For reasons unknown the order of the columns in 1 of these charts was changed from the order in which this information is presented in all the other charts. Brilliant.

Finally, the largest idiocy of the entire game is found in “Chapter Six: Combat” – and it was the one which finally pushed me over the edge into broadly condemning the game as having been the victim of poor organization. Fading Suns handles Martial Arts, Fencing, and special actions with firearms (reloading, burst shots, etc.) by assigning special “actions” which must be learned in addition to the basic applicable skill at varying levels of difficulty. For example, you might possess a skill level of 5 in Fencing, but you’d only be able to attempt a Feint (which first requires a skill level of 5 in Fencing) if you had bought it. (The exception to this are the Firearm Actions, which only require possession of the appropriate level in the Shooting skill.)

This actually works quite nicely, here’s the problem: This is the only place in the rules these things are mentioned. All the rules for purchasing these things (both at character creation and during character advancement) are located here – and are not referenced in the handy tables three chapters earlier which supposedly summarize the point costs for all elements of character creation and advancement. The full descriptions for each action are also located here, instead of where they logically belong (back in the Skills section). It makes sense to have the entries for these actions on the Action Charts – it makes no sense to make this place the depository for this information, any more than it would make sense to put combat-related skills in this section.

Nonetheless, once you have worked your way around these impediments to your comprehension you find an elegant combat system which is easily and intuitively built off the basic resolution system in such a way that there is really very little definition between the two except in the degree of strictness in which they are applied. (I would have done without the Action Charts, but that’s just my personal opinion.)


The Psychic and Theurgic powers of the Fading Suns game can be summed up in four words: “AD&D magic done right.”

The central mechanic of both these systems are an opposed occult characteristic (Psi vs. Urge and Theurgy vs. Hubris – though this has to be inferred from context and from the character sheet because it is never explicitly explained in the text) and Wyrd points. Wyrd points are determined at character creation in various ways and can be used in non-psychic/theurgic functions as well. For a psychic they are determined from the Extrovert or Introvert characteristic (whichever is primary), for the theurgic they are determined from the Faith.

Psychic powers are split into various paths – along each path there are powers at nine discreet levels of power (there is also a 10th level, but it is not defined in the rules). To progress along a path you must buy a power at each level (so to learn a 7th level power you must first possess at least one power at each of the levels between 1 and 6). Using a Psychic requires the expenditure of a variable number of Wyrd points (depending on the power in question and the type of effect desired) and a goal roll.

There is a catch, however, a dark side to Psychic powers. This is known as the Urge, and it is a dark twin of the character. If the character ever fumbles a Psi roll, the Urge takes control of the character. There are several ways in which the character can attempt to take control back from the Urge twin, but if he fails the Urge twin will grow stronger by the attempts. The Urge possesses its own path of twisted, dark psi powers.

The Psi vs. Urge characteristics doesn’t behave quite like other opposed characteristics. It is possible to have a total Psi + Urge higher than 10. To accomplish that the character must “face his Urge” – roleplaying through a scenario and rolling some dice to see if he was successful in overcoming the Urge and improving his psychic potential. It is also possible to lose or increase Urge through actions which you take.

Theurgy is handled similarly, but differently from Psi. If Psi powers are most analogous to magic spells in AD&D (with “paths” instead of “circles” and a logical methodology behind the system), then Theurgy is akin to priestly magic in AD&D. Again, Fading Suns gets right everything that AD&D gets wrong.

Theurgic Rituals are also divided into various paths of learning – but each of these paths is unique to one sect of the Church. Theurgy also adds the mechanics of Components and Vestments. Components can be Liturgy (spoken words), Gestures, or Prayer (meditation). Vestments are various relics of the individual’s faith and belief that improve his chances of success in requesting the Pancreator’s (God’s) aid. Holy relics can also aid the attempt.

Like the power of the psychics, however, theurgy has a dark side as well – and that is the side of Hubris. Unlike the Urge the dark powers of Hubris do not take control, they merely alter what exists as the relationship between the priest and the Pancreator changes. Their effects are generally permanent (unless the character’s Hubris is reduced).


The rules of Fading Suns raise my ire because of their poor lay-out and (at times) abysmal explanation. No such claim can be laid against the setting of the game, which is expertly presented and described. No one is going to say this is a realistic future, but then it isn’t really trying to be. It is pulp science fiction at its best, with the dab of fantasy thrown into the mix.

Little is known of interstellar history before the arrival of humanity in space, but this is: Long in the past two ancient races seem to have seeded the galaxy with life and to have accomplished great technological marvels … before inexplicably disappearing. The earlier of these two races (referred to as Jumpmasters, Gatekeepers, or a handful of other names) constructed an interstellar transportation system consisting of jumpgates – gates which (as you’ll now if you’re any sort of science fiction fan) connect various solar systems at faster-than-light speeds. The younger race, known as the Successors or Marauders, apparently entered into some kind of war with the Jumpmasters. It is supposed that this Great War was the cause of their sudden disappearance – leaving behind only ruins and their direct descendant races the Ur-Ukar and Ur-Obun. This happened at approximately 100 AD.

Meanwhile, back on Earth, mankind will realize their dream of a one-world government by the 22nd century. It’s not quite all we dreamed of – although referred to as the First Republic, it is also referred to as the Human Combine because it was really controlled by oligarchic mercantile interests. It was during the time of the First Republic that mankind found the jumpgate orbiting at the outer extremities of the solar system (in the year 2305).

By 2500 AD the First Republic had spread throughout a fair portion of the galaxy, but its leadership had become ingrown – the elite of mankind was ignoring the pleas for fair leadership from the underclass. The First Republic collapsed under its own weight and ineffectiveness, and the age of the Diaspora began. A time of balkanization and independence, it saw a great confusion as man’s extra-solar colonies found new ways of life. A nobility arises. During this time period the Prophet appeared, preaching a new religion designed for the stars. His god – the Pancreator – became wildly popular. After his death the majority of his close followers would see to the development of a highly-structured Church which followed his teachings, a Church which has become ever more regimented as time goes by.

In 2700 man’s conception of himself changed radically as they encountered the first intelligent species besides themselves. The results were disastrous. The Shantor – an equine race – were subjugated and over time were banished to reservations. They have yet to recover from this maltreatment, and this once proud people are spread throughout the galaxy. Unfortunately, rather than proving the exception to the rule the treatment became a model for subsequent human treatment of intelligent species they encountered.

In 2945, however, this devil-be-damned attitude finally caught up to humanity. “Pacifying” a peaceful race they were surprised to discover this race had big friends – in this case a powerful society even more technologically advanced than humanity, known as the Vau. The Vau were willing to leave well enough alone … so long as humanity didn’t cross the line they chose to draw in the intergalactic sand.

Ten years later in 2955 mankind found their second challenge – the Ur-Ukar. The Church, however, was able to unite mankind against this common enemy. The Ukar were crushed and the Church rose to control all of humanity.

In 3500 merchant interests managed to overpower the Church’s influence and establish the Second Republic. What starts as a mercantile-controlled empire becomes a Republic. The next 500 years are the Golden Age of mankind’s existence – the Known Worlds are terraformed, government is a pure Republic, and the people are prosperous and happy.

Around the beginning of the 5th millennium, however, the Republic fell prey to mass-unemployment. The nobility (which had clung onto existence since the time of the Diaspora) leapt into the power vacuum. A Dark Age ensues and a hostile feudalism slips into place with a power balance between the lords, the Church, and the merchant guilds. Technology and society collapse and humanity loses hundreds of years worth of advancement. During this time period of terror and confusion many systems seal their jumpgates – cutting off contact with the rest of humanity. Known Space shrinks.

In 4525 a jumpgate opened onto Known Space and the Barbarian Invasions began. In 4540 Vladimir I used the Barbarian Invasions to unite humanity beneath his imperial rule. In 4550 Vladimir is successful, but is assassinated on his coronation day. For the next 450 years no emperor would rule, power passes from powerless regent to powerless regent. In 4900 a strange race known as the Symbiots attack humanity – they are capable of biologically converting any sentient into one of their own. This conflict slips into a cold war. In 4956 the Emperor Wars begin. They end in 4995 with Alexius I crowned Emperor.

Which brings us to the present day. Emperor Alexius I is interested in turning outward once again, but first he must cement his power base. The Emperor, the Lords, the Church, and the Guilds all face each other in a mad game of power and at stake are the lives and freedoms of millions. For the first time in centuries humanity has hope, but it could also plunge back into darkness all too easily.

Oh, and did I forget to mention? The stars are fading. Their light is dying, and not even the powerful science of the Second Republic could explain it when it began over half a millennia ago.


Fading Suns is a great game. The rule system it is constructed on is fantastic, although it is here (due to the poor lay-out, organization, and explanation) that the game possesses its single flaw. This system is coupled with a fantastic setting – active politically, socially and technologically it provides endless possibilities for adventure: from politics to exploration to looting to mystery.

It’s flaws are minor and it’s strengths are great. Fading Suns is definitely on my list of recommended games.

Style: 4
Substance: 4

Title: Fading Suns
Writers: Bill Bridges and Andrew Greenberg
Publisher: Holistic Design
Price: $25.00
Page Count: 260+
ISBN: 1-888906-00-6
Originally Published: 1998/06/25

One of the things I became known for with my RPGNet reviews was, for better or for worse, length. Length and completeness. I thought of my reviews as a way to have a conversation about a game, and I felt no particular compunction in a digital space about needing to cut my thoughts short. So the more complex and interesting a game was, the longer my review would be.

I mention this here because this review of the first edition of Fading Suns was my longest review to date (11 pages of single-spaced text) and, if my memory serves me correctly, it provoked a significant debate on the site about whether or not a review could be “too long”. (My review of Immortal also factored into this discussion.) The issue of whether or not anachronistic concerns about “space” have any sort of significance in a digital age probably isn’t going away any time soon. (For example, Wikipedia’s endless “relevancy” debate is riddled with it.)

Tangentially, given the fact that both Fading Suns and 3rd Edition were, in my opinion, “AD&D done right” it’s still somewhat shocking to me that the D20 version of Fading Suns was so poorly done. I still feel that a properly executed D20 conversion of Fading Suns would (a) be an excellent game and (b) add a lot great stuff to the D20 system.

For an explanation of where these reviews came from and why you can no longer find them at RPGNet, click here.

Ex-RPGNet Reviews – Pivot

December 15th, 2011

Tagline: One of four games in WOTC’s family card game line, Pivot has all the potential of becoming a classic card game.

Ultimately, Twitch was definitely the best of the games in this line. Pivot hasn’t gotten as much play through the years, but I did pull it out at a party recently and had a good time with it. I’d still recommend tracking down a copy as a quirky alternative to Uno.

Pivot - Wizards of the CoastWizards of the Coast has recently released a series of four games – Twitch, Pivot, Alpha Blitz, and Go Wild! — designed to enter the family marketplace alongside familiar games like Uno and Skip-Bo. After reading a review of Twitch I immediately went out and bought myself a copy of what sounded like a great, addictive game and was anything but disappointed (see my review of Twitch elsewhere on RPGNet).

On the strength of my extremely positive results with Twitch I went out and bought Pivot. After playing this game I would have to say that Twitch is the superior game, but Pivot is fantastic as well – as testament to that fact I’ve played it three nights in a row, and have plans to play it again this evening.

The concept, like Twitch’s, is incredibly simple: You have cards numbered from 1-80 along with a handful of Up cards, Down cards, and Pivot cards. Each player is dealt a hand of seven cards. The first player plays a card and the next player (going clockwise) must play a card higher than the one last played. Play continues in this manner until a Down card is played. When the Down card is played play now goes counterclockwise and each subsequent player must play a card lower than the one before him. This, of course, continues until an Up card is played. Pivot cards have the effect of reversing the direction of play no matter which way it is currently going (if you’re going up, a Pivot card will make you go down – if you’re going down the Pivot card will make you go up). If you can’t play you have to draw a card. If you play a card and no one else can play a card (play goes all the way around the circle and returns to you with no additional cards being played) you can play whatever card you want to. The goal is to get rid of all your cards.

That’s the game in a nutshell. In addition some of the number cards also act as specials – Extra Turn lets you take an extra turn before play goes onto the next player, Next Player Draw makes the next player draw a card before his turn, and Skip Next Player means (surprise, surprise) play skips the player after you. There’s also an optional scoring method if you want to play several games in a row to determine an outcome.

I have only one specific, quantifiable problem with this game. To understand this problem requires a bit of context: The Up card has a picture of a red arrow curving in a clockwise direction (which is the direction play continues when an Up card is in effect). The Down card, on the other hand, is a blue arrow pointing in a counterclockwise direction. The Pivot card has two arrows – one pointing clockwise and the other counterclockwise. So far so good, but for some unknown reason they chose (on the Pivot card) to color the clockwise arrow blue and the counterclockwise arrow red.

No one’s claiming that this isn’t a minor problem, but it confused us several times when we were first trying to get a hang of the game. (“What direction is play going?” “Let’s look at the arrow…” whoops…).

Here’s the final analysis: Twitch is ultra-addictive and a great game – if you haven’t bought it yet, I would say you should buy that one first. Pivot is a fairly addictive game, but also has strategy (which Twitch definitely doesn’t have).

Like Twitch, Pivot isn’t going to find a place on your shelf alongside Magic or the Dune CCG, but it is an admirable addition to your collection of games like Uno or Skip-Bo.

Style: 4
Substance: 4

Title: Pivot
Writers: Andre Francois with Jim Lin, Richard Garfield, Robert Gutschera, Paul Peterson, and Teeuwynn Woodruff
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
Price: $6.95
Page Count: n/a
ISBN: 1-57530-597-6
Originally Published: 1998/06/23

For an explanation of where these reviews came from and why you can no longer find them at RPGNet, click here.


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