The Alexandrian

Gemini Beast

December 12th, 2011

Ripped from the pages of my Ptolus campaign, this beasty was created by chaos cultists using an artifact known as the Idol of Ravvan. He was an early test of the monster creation system from Legends & Labyrinths and was specifically designed to take advantage of the Gemini figure from McFarlane’s Warriors of the Zodiac toy line (pictured below).

Gemini Beast - Warriors of the Zodiac - McFarlane Toys

GEMINI BEAST (CR 8+2*): 256 hp (HD 11d8+40), AC 20, claws +14/+14 (2d8+2d6+4), Save +11, Ability DC 18, Size Gargantuan, Speed 60 ft., Reach 20 ft.

Str 30, Dex 11, Con 18, Int 6, Wis 5, Cha 10
Skills: Climb +24, Intimidate +14, Listen +11, Spot +11
Blindsense 60 ft.

SPECIAL: The Gemini Beast is actually two creatures joined together (each possessing the stat block above). Like a mounted combatant, they take their actions simultaneously. If either moves (as a move action, full action, or 5-ft. step) they are both considered to have taken that action.

If one of the Gemini Beasts is slain, that half of the creature simply becomes inert and dead. The other half can continue taking actions normally, although it suffers a -30 ft. penalty to its speed (due to hauling the dead carcass of its twin behind it).

* Potentate.

3 Responses to “Gemini Beast”

  1. Josh says:

    This reminds me of a question I had about L&L monster creation. Given that size only affects the range of breath and gaze attacks, why does it cost so much? When I’m building a monster, making it size small just means it gets an extra power point. Increasing a monster’s size actually decreases its overall threat, which feels opposite to what I would expect. The only difference between an medium owlbear of CR X and a large one of CR X is that the medium one could have another hit die.

  2. Inaki Lind says:

    Any updates on L&L? Tomb of the Crypt Spider isn’t out, is it?

    How are the preparations for the final book coming?

    It’s been nice to see new content on the blog, but I’m interested to see what the final version of the rulebook will be.

  3. Justin Alexander says:

    I’ve run into some problems with disappearing artists, but keep an eye peeled here and the Facebook fanpage. I’ll be streaming updates starting in the New Year.

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