The Alexandrian

Dream Machine Productions is proud to announce its largest product to date. Rule Supplement 1: Mounted Combat is 90 pages long, giving you everything you’ll ever need to incorporate mounts of every size and type into your campaigns.

One of the things that sets Dream Machine’s Rule Supplements apart from the pack is the innovative system of sidebar cross-referencing that they use. If you’ve seen Ptolus (which is excellent and comes highly recommended), then you’ve seen a similar system applied to setting material. We’re expanding it and applying it to rule systems.

For example, on page 8 of Mounted Combat I look at what happens when a mount tries to squeeze into a space (one of many scenarios not address by the core rulebooks). And right in the sidebar on that page is this entry:

Penalties for Squeezing – PHB, Chapter 8,
Terrain and Obstacles: Characters move at half
speed through narrow space (at least half as
wide or high as their fighting space) and suffer a
-4 penalty on attack rolls and to AC while in the
narrow space. When moving through a space
requiring an Escape Artist check (less than half
as wide or high as the character’s fighting
space), a character cannot attack, suffers a -4
penalty to AC, and loses any Dexterity bonus to

Using this format, rules are presented exactly when and where they’re needed whenever it’s possible to do so. When the rule is too lengthy, a specific page reference is given. Not only does it make it easier to reference the rule if you need to (since you’re being told exactly where to look for it), but it keeps those page references and other unwieldy repetition out of the actual body of the text (which makes the explanation of the immediate rule being discussed smoother and easier to use).

Rule Supplement 1: Mounted Combat


Rule Supplement 1: Mounted Combat is the most complete and authoritative resource for mounts and mounted combat in the D20 System. It includes rules for:

Flying mounts
Burrowing, climbing, and swimming mounts
Large and small mounts
Intelligent mounts
Multiple riders
Riding platforms
Cavalry maneuvers
Contest Jousting
And more!

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90 pages

Inside Rule Supplement 1: Mounted Combat you’ll also find new equipment, dozens of new skill uses, expanded descriptions of the Handle Animal and Ride skills, and more than 50 feats, along with all the rules you’ll ever need for riding a mount — no need to flip back and forth between the core rulebooks!

As I talked about a couple days ago, Rule Supplement 1: Mounted Combat will be followed by Rule Supplement 2: Flight and Rule Supplement 3: Flight. We’ll be using these products to gauge whether there’s still a market for 3.5-related crunch supplements. If they’re a success, we’ll be following up with Rule Supplement 4: Advanced Skills and Rule Supplement 5: Advanced Training.

Where we’ll go from there will depend a lot on what happens to the market with the release of 4th Edition.

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