The Alexandrian


February 13th, 2007

Sorry for the long absence from updating. This was not my intention. Unfortunately, life got a bit chaotic. Back in January, shortly after posting my essay “The Stakes”, I gave my boss notice that I would be quitting at the end of February. I had it calculated out so that, with three more paychecks, my credit card debt would be paid off. My intention was to go back to freelance writing and theater. I gave the earlier-than-necessary warning so that my boss would have a chance to find a replacement and we could handle the transition smoothly. I don’t see any reason to be a jackass about these things.

Unfortunately, my boss has a different philosophy. He countered my generous offer of ample notice by firing me effective immediately. Since I was working as a resident property manager, this also mean that I had three days to move out.

Fortunately, I had already started packing things up. In addition to paying off my credit cards, I figured that I would have an entire month to gradually pack and prep things. In the past I’ve always been able to arrange things so that I move gradually from one place to another, and I figured I could manage that again. It tends to de-stress and relax the entire process.

But stress had, of course, come to find me this time.

Anyway, to cut a long story short: The move is done now. I’ve simplified my life to help me stay focused. I didn’t manage to pay off my credit cards (obviously), so I’m probably going to have to do some temping in the not-too-distant future.

But for the moment, I’m starting to find the groove for the freelance writing again. And I’ve also officially thrown my hat back into the theatrical ring: Last night my play John and Abigail, based on the letters written between John Adams and his wife Abigail during the American Revolution, was selected in the lottery for the Minnesota Fringe Festival. I’ll be posting more information about this as I have it.

In other news, you can expect some meaningful updates to the site over the next couple of weeks.

Also, effective as of today, I’m taking the forums down. They have become completely infested with spam and no one was using them in any case. I’m going to be investigating other options for instituting community feedback on the site, but have no firm timeline for that. Until then, you can always click on Contact and then send me an e-mail.

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