The Alexandrian

I’ve been cautiously optimistic about the Green Lantern film coming out because it seemed to be truly embracing the cosmic aspect of the character. The truly cosmic, science fiction elements of mainstream superheroes are an aspect which previous films have deliberately shied away from. (Rise of the Silver Surfer and X-Men 3, for example, both galloped away from Galactus and the true scope of the Phoenix Saga as quickly as possible, for example.) So seeing a film that didn’t seem afraid to shy away from some of the coolest stuff in the superhero mythos is potentially exciting.

But I’ll be honest that the trailer they’ve been showing hasn’t exactly filled me with a lot of confidence.

A few days ago, however, this footage from WonderCon was released:

And I am now 100% sold on this movie. The release date cannot get here fast enough.

If you’ve been skeptical about Green Lantern until now, check out this new footage. One can only hope that they start distributing it as the new trailer sooner rather than later, because it’s selling the movie in way that the existing trailer completely failed to do.

4 Responses to “Green Lantern – WonderCon Footage”

  1. Sad says:

    I’m sorry to say, that looks like yet another high-budget effects movie with too many effects, and not enough movie.

  2. Louis says:

    I never really got into the green lantern but I think I will like this movie.

  3. James says:

    I’m not a huge GL fan (more a Marvel fanboy than DC) and the first trailer did leave me vastly underwhelmed, but I have to confess I got all goose-bumpy when he started reciting the Oath.

    Otoh.. I think the special effects look a bit dubious in places and my big fear is that what Sad says will be absolutely true.

    I have the same fear for Thor, which I am looking forward to rather a lot…

  4. Predrag says:

    Holy crap…it gave me goosebumps…that was awesome!

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