The Alexandrian

Posts tagged ‘advanced D20 rules’

Adamantine Skeleton

“Adamantine Skeleton” is an acquired template that can be added to any skeleton.


An adamantine skeleton can be created through the use of an animate dead spell, just like a regular skeleton. In addition to the normal components of the animate dead spell, however, the creation of an adamantine skeleton requires adamantine as a material component. The amount of adamantine depends on the size of the creature being transformed.

Creature SizeAdamantine Cost
Tiny or smaller250 gp
Small500 gp
Medium1,000 gp
Large2,000 gp
Huge4,000 gp
Gargantuan8,000 gp
Colossal16,000 gp

Attacks: The ultrahard metal of the adamantine skeleton’s claws give them the natural ability to bypass hardness when sundering weapons or attacking objects, ignoring hardness less than 20. They also gain a +1 enhancement bonus on their attack rolls.

Special Qualities: Adamantine skeletons gain the following special qualities:

Damage Reduction (Ex): An adamantine skeleton has damage reduction 5/–.

Challenge Rating: Increased by +1.

This material is covered by the Open Game License.

Three Animals - Franz Marc

Go to Dream Pacts (Part 1)


Those who peer deep into the sky of the Dreaming can discover higher orders of understanding and hidden constellations hidden amongst its stars.

Spirit Circle: 7th

Pact Check DC: 30

Physical Sign: In darkness you glow as if illuminated with faint starlight (providing dim illumination within 5 feet).


  • Dislike going indoors.
  • Linger in old and historic locales.

Granted Powers:

  • Detect Scrying: At all times while bound to the Greater Face of Stars, you immediately become aware of any attempt to observe you by means of a divination (scrying) spell or effect, as per a detect scrying spell.
  • Lore of the Stars: At will you can attempt to consult the Greater Face of the Stars through its cryptic whispers (see below) to discern legends about an important person, place, or thing. This ability works as per a legend lore spell. If it would normally take more than 1 day to complete the casting of legend lore, you must form a pact with the Greater Facer of the Stars each day in order to continue your consultation of the lore of the stars.
  • Reflected Starsight: As a standard action, if you become aware that you are being scried you can immediately begin scrying the scrier as if you had successfully used your starsight ability. You can do so even if you know nothing about the scrier, and you can continue to scry him even if he ends his own scry. This reversal does not end the original scry.
  • Resist Scrying: Your connection with the Faces of Stars places part of you above the normal constraints of reality. At all times while bound to the Face of Stars, you gain a +5 bonus on saving throws to resist scrying attempts.
  • Starsight: At will you can see and hear a creature at any distance, as per a scrying spell.
  • Starsight Blast: As a standard action you can channel a blast of destructive energy through your starsight at its subject. The energy inflicts 1d4 points of damage per two effective binding levels (maximum 10d4). If the target succeeds on a Reflex save, however, the blast reflects back through the scry link and strikes you (you may attempt a Reflex save to negate the damage). In either case, the starsight blast ends the starsight.
  • Whisper of the Stars: While bound to it, the Greater Face of Stars murmurs constantly into your ears, allowing you at will as a free action to make a bardic knowledge check with a bonus equal to your effective binding level + Intelligence modifier.
  • Window to Elsewhere: Using your connection to the Face of Stars you can spend one hour creating a window-like aperture through which you can view another location, as per the window to elsewhere spell.

Level: Sor/Wiz 7
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: One hour
Range: See text
Effect: A one-way windowlike aperture
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

This spell creates a windowlike aperture through which you view another location. Unlike scrying, the window allows you to view a specific location, not a specific person. Thus, it uses a different means to determine success, more like teleporting than scrying.

The window is a vertical oval 4 feet tall. This one-way magical hole allows you to look into the desired location and observe all that transpires there, but not interact with or affect it normally. You cannot choose or change the position, orientation, or angle of the window, but if you successfully create the window to view the desired locale, it always provides a good view of the place (unless new obstructions arise in the locale).

You can use any spell that affects scrying through a window to elsewhere just as if it were a scrying spell. Any creature in the viewed location with an Intelligence of 12 or higher can notice the window by making an Intelligence check (DC 20). Even if the creature notices the window, however, it remains a one-way view, so the creature cannot look back in—he merely knows someone might be viewing him.

When creating the window, choose a place known to you for the window to look into — somewhere you have been or had described to you. To determine whether the window looks out upon the place you want it to, roll on the table on the next page.

Familiarity: “Very familiar” refers to a place where you have been very often and where you feel at home. “Studied carefully” is a place you know well, either because you’ve been there often or because you have used other means (such as scrying) to study the place. “Seen casually” is a place you have seen more than once but with which you are not very familiar. “Viewed once” is a place you have seen once, possibly using magic. “Description” is a place whose location and appearance you know through someone else’s description, perhaps even from a precise map.

“False destination” is a place that doesn’t exist, such as if you have mistranslated an ancient tome and tried to look into a nonexistent treasure vault that you believe you read about, or if a traitorous guide has carefully described an enemy’s sanctum to you wholly inaccurately. When looking into a false destination, roll 1d20+80 to obtain results on the table, rather than rolling percentile dice, since there is no real location for you to hope to see or even be off target from.

On Target: The window looks into the place you want.

Off Target: The window looks into a location a random distance away from the desired location in a random direction. Distance off target measures 1d10 × 1d10 percent of the distance between you and the original location. If the door goes to another plane, the off-target location is another plane.

Similar Area: The window looks into a location that’s visually or thematically similar to the target area. Generally, you look into the closest similar place, but since the spell has no range limit, you could conceivably look into somewhere else across the globe.

Mishap: The window’s energy explodes around you, inflicting 3d6 points of damage to you and all within 10 feet of you.

Material Component: An oval pane of quality glass with a silver frame, worth at least 500 gp

FamiliarityOn TargetOff TargetSimilar AreaMishap
Very familiar01-9708-99100-
Studied carefully01-9495-9798-99100
Seen casually01-8889-9495-9899-100
Viewed once01-7677-8889-9697-100
False destination (1d20+80)--81-9293-100


Jeladora dances through the Dreaming, wearing a flowing gown of jagged, ever-shifting light. She rules over the dappled forest light; the icy glare of the frozen snow; the umber beams of sunset; the soft glow of the campfire. She is quick and subtle; rarely seen save for a glimpse at a time.

Spirit Circle: 8th

Pact Check DC: 35

Physical Sign:A prismatic vortex which swirls around the body.


  • Laugh at inappropriate times.
  • Cannot willingly enter areas of darkness or shadow.

Granted Powers:

  • Blindsight: At all times while bound to Jeladora, out to 30 feet.
  • Displacement: At will, you can bend the light around you, creating an effect identical to a displacement spell.
  • Prismatic Spray: As a standard action, emitted from the eyes as per the spell.
  • Prismatic Sending: As a standard action, you can send either a single image, a message of no more than twenty-five words, or a single burst of colored light which appears in the air at a spot you designate within 1 mile per effective binding level. The message is refracted into many different beams of light until it is refocused at its destination, and cannot be perceived in its passage. You can cause the message to move as slowly as 1 mile per hour or as quickly as 1 mile per round.


Lightning and Thunder at Night - Charles Burchfield (partial)

A primordial storm cloud of roiling elemental forces. Murmauth is a rageful, destructive force within the Dreaming. A destroyer of imagined worlds, endlessly seeking to unmake a realm without substance.

Spirit Circle: 7th

Pact Check DC: 30

Physical Sign: Veins glow brightly through the skin in a cascade of colors according to the most recent element invoked (green for acid; blue for cold; purple for electricity; red for fire). If elemental strikes are rapidly invoked in succession, a roiling storm cloud will begin to gather around the binder’s head.


  • Quick to anger. Tempestuous.
  • Must seek revenge for any perceived slight or insult.

Granted Powers:

  • Elemental Cascade: If you use your elemental strike to charge two separate weapons with different energy types and strike a single opponent with both attacks in the same round, the target must succeed at a Fortitude save or become shaken by the elemental cascade for 1 round for every two effective binding levels.
  • Elemental Strike: As a free action, you can infuse a melee weapon (or melee touch attack) with acid, cold, electricity, or fire. Your next melee attack deals an extra 1d6 points of the chosen energy type.
  • Maelstrom’s Might: At all times while bound to Murmauth, you gain a +4 bonus to Strength.
  • Shield of Earth: At all times while bound to Murmauth, you gain a +3 enhancement bonus to natural armor. This bonus improves to +4 at 16th level and +5 at 20th level.


The skeletal, undead Knight of the Dreaming is marked by the midnight-black armor he wears and the grim, cackling laugh which echoes through the night behind him. He is the personification of broken honor.

Spirit Circle: 7th

Pact Check DC: 30

Physical Sign: Those who look closely at your eyes seem to see empty, skeletal eyesockets.


  • Cannot make any promise or oath.
  • Must kill those who beg for mercy.

Granted Powers:

  • Aura of Fear: At all times while bound to Uragog, living creatures within 5 feet must succeed at a Will save or become frightened. Creatures that make their saving throw are shaken for 1d6 rounds.
  • Death Attack: At all times while bound to Uragog, you can perform a death attack by studying a target for 3 rounds and then making a sneak attack with a melee weapon. (Once you have completed the 3 rounds of study, you must make the death attack within the next 3 rounds. If you do not possess the ability to make sneak attacks, you can still make a death attack as long as you meet the normal criteria for sneak attacks.) If the attack deals damage, the victim must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw or suffer the additional effect of either paralysis or death (your choice). The victim of a paralysis effect is paralyzed for 1d6 rounds plus 1 round per effective binding level. The victim of a death effect dies.
  • Death Knight’s Grace: At all times while bound to Uragog, you gain a +16 competence bonus to Hide and Move Silently checks.
  • Smoke Form: As a standard action, per the gaseous form spell. (You do not lose your ability to assume smoke form even though you lose all other supernatural abilities while in gaseous form.)
  • Summon Nightmare: As a standard action, you can a summon a nightmare as per a summon monster spell to serve as your mount.
  • Warrior’s Proficiencies: At all times while bound to Terrior, you are considered proficient with all simple and martial weapons, all armor (heavy, medium, and light), and all shields (including tower shields).

Horse and Hedgehog - Franz Marc (partial)

Go to Dream Pacts (Part 1)


Catar appears in the Dreaming as a whirlwind carved into the form of a human man. His voice is the howl of a tornado hushed to a roaring whisper. He is the ill wind of sour fortune and a manifestation of bad luck. He bears about him the hot, dry despair of the desert.

Those shielded by Catar’s presence, however, can twist fortune to their own ends. He makes a poor companion, but a worthy ally.

Spirit Circle: 5th

Pact Check DC: 25

Physical Sign: Hair constantly tossles as if caught in a strong wind.


  • Critique any plan with worst case scenarios.
  • Cannot gamble or play games of chance.

Granted Powers:

  • Broken Luck: At will as an immediate action, reroll one attack roll, saving throw, or skill that you have just made. You must accept the result of the reroll, even if it is worse than the original.
  • Catar’s Grace: At all times when bound to Catar, gain a +2 insight bonus to Reflex saves and Armor Class.
  • Luck’s Favor: At will as an immediate action, any luck bonuses you gain from any source are increased by +1 for 1 round.


Blessed children are the spirits of those who have yet to be born into the world. The raw future-potential of their spirits feed a vast realm within the Dreaming which is difficult or impossible for those who have been born into the world to return to again. This realm is guarded by Charabim, a powerful Spirit Lord whose blessing is often sought at moments of birth and rebirth.

Der Wächter des Paradieses - Franz StuckCharabim usually manifests as a winged man with flaming hair. He is often stern and unforgiving, but never without compassion.

Spirit Circle: 5th

Pact Check DC: 25

Physical Sign: Eyes glow with a bright, white light. White-feathered wings on the back (insufficient for flight) which also glow softly with a white light.


  • Protect the young and helpless.
  • Must attack undead.

Granted Powers:

  • Detect Undead: At will, as per the spell.
  • Hide from Undead: Activate at will as a standard action, as per the spell except the DC for intelligent undead to ignore the effect is DC 10 + ½ your effective binding level + your Charisma modifier.
  • Paralysis of the Lost Soul: As a standard action, you can make a touch attack to paralyze a living soul by temporarily returning their soul to the misty borderlands surrounding the realms of the Blessed Children within the Dreaming. The touched creature must succeed on a Will save or be paralyzed for a number of rounds equal to ½ your effective binding level. Each round on its turn, the paralyzed creature can attempt a new saving throw as a full-round action, with success returning their soul to their body and ending the effect immediately.
  • Speak with Dead: At will as a standard action, as per the spell.
  • Summon the Blessed Child: You can summon a blessed child as per a summon monster spell. You can summon no more than a single a blessed child at a time, and if the blessed child is destroyed or lost you cannot summon another for 1 hour.
Effective Binder LevelBlessed Child Summon

BALASAM (CR ½) – Good Medium Outsider (Extraplanar, Good)
DETECTION – darkvision 60 ft., Listen +8, Spot +7; Init +0
DEFENSESAC 14 (+4 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 14; hp 15 (2d8+6); DR 5/magic;  Immune unborn child immunities (ability damage, critical hits, disease, energy drain, massive damage, mind-affecting, nonlethal damage, paralysis, poison, sleep, stunning); Resist turn +3; Weakness negative turning
ACTIONSSpd fly 80 ft. (average); Melee longsword +3 (1d8+1); Ranged +2; Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.; Base Atk +2; Grapple +3
SQ +3 turn resistance, unborn spirit, darkvision 60 ft.
STR 12, DEX 10, CON 16, INT 6, WIS 12, CHA 15
FORT +6, REF +3, WILL +4
FEATS: Alertness
SKILLS: Diplomacy +4, Heal +6, Hide +5, Listen +8, Move Silently +5, Sense Motive +6, Spot +7

DAYAD (CR 4) – Good Medium Outsider (Extraplanar, Good)
DETECTION – darkvision 60 ft., Listen +13, Spot +13; hp 45 (6d8+18); Immune unborn child immunities (ability damage, critical hits, disease, energy drain, massive damage, mind-affecting, nonlethal damage, paralysis, poison, sleep, stunning); Resist turn +5; Weakness negative turning
ACTIONSSpd fly 80 ft. (perfect); Melee longsword +9/+4 (2d6+4); Ranged +6; Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.; Base Atk +6; Grapple +9; Atk Options smite undead; Combat Feats Combat Reflexes
SQ +5 turn resistance, unborn spirit, darkvision 60 ft.
STR 16, DEX 10, CON 16, INT 10, WIS 14, CHA 15
FORT +8, REF +5, WILL +7
FEATS: Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative
SKILLS: Diplomacy +4, Heal +11, Hide +9, Listen +13, Knowledge (religion) +9, Move Silently +9, Seach +9, Sense Motive +11, Spot +13

FAELOM (CR 7) – Good Medium Outsider (Extraplanar, Good)
DETECTION – darkvision 60 ft., Listen +18, Spot +18; Init +5
DEFENSESAC 17 (+1 Dex, +6 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 16; hp 85 (10d8+40); DR 10/magic; Immune unborn child immunities (ability damage, critical hits, disease, energy drain, massive damage, mind-affecting, nonlethal damage, paralysis, poison, sleep, stunning); Resist turn +5; Weakness negative turning
ACTIONSSpd fly 80 ft. (perfect); Melee greatsword +14/+9 (2d6+6); Ranged +11; Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.; Base Atk +10; Grapple +14; Atk Options smite undead; Combat Feats Combat Reflexes
SQ +5 turn resistance, unborn spirit, darkvision 60 ft.
STR 18, DEX 12, CON 18, INT 10, WIS 16, CHA 18
FORT +11, REF +8, WILL +14
FEATS: Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Iron Will
SKILLS: Diplomacy +26, Heal +16, Hide +14, Knowledge (religion) +13, Listen +18, Move Silently +14, Search +13, Sense Motive +16, Spot +1

HAALAS (CR 10) – Good Medium Outsider (Extraplanar, Good)
DETECTION – darkvision 60 ft., Listen +26, Spot +26; Init +5
DEFENSESAC 21 (+1 Dex, +10 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 20; hp 136 (16d8+64); DR 10/magic; Immune unborn child immunities (ability damage, critical hits, disease, energy drain, massive damage, mind-affecting, nonlethal damage, paralysis, poison, sleep, stunning); Resist turn +5; Weakness negative turning
ACTIONSSpd fly 100 ft. (perfect); Melee +22/+17/+12 greatsword (2d6+9); Ranged +17; Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.; Base Atk +16; Grapple +22; Atk Options smite undead; Combat Feats Combat Reflexes
SQ +5 turn resistance, unborn spirit, darkvision 60 ft.
STR 22, DEX 12, CON 18, INT 12, WIS 20, CHA 20
FORT +14, REF +13, WILL +17
FEATS: Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes
SKILLS: Diplomacy +26, Heal +24, Hide +20, Knowledge (religion) +20, Listen +26, Move Silently +20, Search +20, Sense Motive +24, Spot +26

Negative Turning Weakness: Blessed children can be turned by evil clerics or rebuked by good clerics.

Smite Undead: +2 attack bonus and +1 damage per 2 HD vs. undead.

Unborn Spirit: Immune to mind-affecting effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease. Not subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage.

Special: A good-aligned cleric can summon a blessed child using a summon monster spell. Summon monster II brings a balasam, summon monster IV brings a dayad, summon monster VI brings a faelom, an dsummon monster VIII brings a haalas.


Fassa is the drowner of sailors and the wrecker of vessels. She is also the beauty of the ocean’s ravages and the swirling of the deeps. She has storm-tousled black hair, and sea-gray eyes. Her demeanor is surprisingly placid considering the wrath of her manifested rage.

Spirit Circle: 6th

Pact Check DC: 26

Physical Sign: Anyone touched receives a small, harmless electrical shock.


  • A love of the water, but feel the need to disrupt any placid surface.

Granted Powers:

  • Freedom of Movement: As a swift action, you benefit from freedom of movement, as per the spell.
  • Immunity to Electricity: At all times while bound to Fassa, you gain immunity to electricity damage.
  • Ocean’s Friend: At all times while bound to Fassa, you gain a swim speed equal to your land speed and can use the run action while swimming in a straight line. You also gain a +8 racial bonus to Swim checks and can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered.
  • Storm’s Fury: As a swift action, you can charge a melee attack or melee touch attack with +1d6 electricity and +1d6 sonic damage. If the attack misses, the bonus damage is harmlessly discharged.


The karnaxic are strange admixtures of boiling shadow and hard, sharp metal. They are often seen running in packs, using their long, scythe-like claws to rip apart the structures of the Dreaming itself, rendering it back into great ribbon-like clouds of primordial chaos. Some view of them as mindless destroyers, while others think them a natural (albeit violent) part of the Dreaming’s chaotic nature. They have been known to pose a danger to dreamers, but most often leave them alone. They are particularly plentiful along the borderlands of the Tainted Dreaming.

Bearing features similar to the karnaxic but standing upright like a man, Lord Karnax is often seen running with them as their pactleader. He is stern of countenance, but given to feral rages. He keeps the karnaxic in check.

Spirit Circle: 6th

Pact Check DC: 26

Physical Sign: The fingers lengthen into sharp, curved points of cold iron, forming karnaxic claws.


  • A desire to take control of any situation.
  • Easily enraged by insubordination or contradiction.

Granted Powers:

  • Dream Strengthening: At all times while bound to Karnax, the saving throw DC (if any) of special abilities granted by other spirit lords you are currently bound to increase by 1 and your effective binding level is increased by 1 for the purpose of determining the effects of granted powers.
  • Karnaxic Claws: The karnaxic claws grant you one claw attack per hand dealing 1d6 points of damage (for Medium-size creatures). Claw attacks are made at your full Base Attack Bonus and you add your full Strength bonus to the damage you deal. The claws are considered cold iron weapons. You cannot use this ability if you have suppressed Karnax’ physical sign.
  • Planar Attunement: At all times while bound to Karnax, you are protected from the natural dangers of a specific plane (including dream realms). These dangers might include extreme temperatures, pervasive energy, poisonous air, and the like. This protection only extends to attributes of the plane itself (not to dangers which are merely contained within the plane). You can change the plane you’re attuned to as a standard action.
  • Rend: If you hit with all karnaxic claw attacks, you latch on your target’s body and rend their flesh. The attack automatically deals twice the normal damage of your karnaxic claw attack (including your Strength modifier) in addition to the normal damage from the claw attacks. You cannot use this ability if you have suppressed Karnax’ physical sign.


As I plunged among the shadowy mansions, along the streets from which visible twilight issued to envelop me, it seemed that I was going farther and farther away from my memories at every step. I had no idea how far I had gone, nor how long I had roamed among those houses that hardly seemed as if they could be peopled by any but the sleeping or the dead. And now I knew with a terrible certitude that this one event had broken away from the sequence of time and had found for itself a setting of appropriate gloom and solemnity; or perhaps had even built around itself the whole enormous maze of that spectral city. (Clark Ashton Smith, “A Night in Malneant”)

Within the Dreaming there lies a city in which every building is tenantless and every street lies empty. It is a dread and dreary thing. A conduit can be opened to that place, and the strength of its vast and hollow emptiness drawn into the natural world.

Spirit Circle: 6th

Pact Check DC: 27

Physical Sign: When speaking, the voice seems to reverberate with the sound of a crowded room.


  • Must seek out the company of others. Cannot stand being alone.

Granted Powers:

  • Doors of Messamis: Once per day as a standard action, you can step through one door or portal and emerge through another. In all other ways (determining range, etc.) treat this as a dimension door spell. At 10th level you can use portal step twice per day and treat it as a teleport spell. At 15th level you can use portal step three times per day and treat it as a plane shift spell.
  • Ghosts of the Empty City: As a standard action you can animate objects, as per the spell.
  • Guide to the City: At all times while bound to Messamis, you gain a +6 insight bonus to Gather Information and Knowledge (local) checks.
  • Rage of Messamis: As a swift action, you can cause a 30-ft.-radius of stone or dirt to rumble shift. Each round on your turn, creatures within the area must make a Reflex save or Balance check or fall prone. Creatures within the area can only move at half speed, attacks made by creatures standing within the area suffer a -2 penalty, and spellcasting within the area requires a Concentration check (DC 15 + spell level). The effect lasts for 1 round per effective binding level.
  • Streets of the Empty City: Even when standing on the bustling streets of a living city, a part of you dwells still on the empty streets of Messamis. At all times while bound to Messamis, you can move at your normal rate when moving through a crowd.
  • Voice of Messamis: At all times while bound to Messamis, you can speak with any citizen of a city, as per the tongues spell.


The Nentai are the three eyes of sight: Sight of the present, sight of the future, and sight of the past. They can appear floating in air; as a trio of trios in a flying eye tyrant; set as triangular gemstones upon a wall; as baubles passed between the hands of crones; and so forth.

Spirit Circle: 5th

Pact Check DC: 25

Physical Sign: Three small eyes orbit your head.


  • Must seek out and attempt to view historic events as they occur.
  • Must defer to those older and seek to protect those younger.

Granted Powers:

  • All-Around Vision: At all times while bound to the Nentai, the extra eyes of the Nentai allow you to look in any direction. You gain a +4 bonus on Spot and Search checks and opponents gain no benefit while flanking you. However, you cannot avert or close your eyes when facing a creature with a gaze attack. You cannot use this ability if you have suppressed the Nentai’s physical sign.
  • True Seeing: At all times while bound to the Nentai, as per the spell.
  • Vision of Divination: At will you can look through the eye of the Nentai to ordain the future. It requires 10 minutes to peer through the veils of time, but the result works like a divination spell except that the outcome of the goal, event, or activity must be visible from your current location. (For example, you could ask about the outcome of opening a door you could see, but not about the outcome of opening a door on the other side of town.) You cannot use this ability if you have suppressed the Nentai’s physical sign.
  • Vision of History: At will you can look through the eye of the Nentai to discern the hidden secrets of the past. It requires 1d4 x 10 minutes to peer through the veils of time, but the result works like a legend lore spell except that it can only reveal a cryptic vision of events as they occurred within sight of your present location. You cannot use this ability if you have suppressed the Nentai’s physical sign.


When one goes seeking visions of the dead within the Dreaming, they may find the gray-scaled Lord Nesserik curled upon their grave. Nesserik can be thought of as sly and cruel, but respects and embodies the divide between the quick and the dead. His voice is sibilant and his words dark.

Spirit Circle: 6th

Pact Check DC: 25

Physical Sign: Skin becomes gray-scaled and incisors grow to become Nesserik’s fangs.


  • Cannot receive magical healing unless at negative hit points.

Granted Powers:

  • Aura of Despair: At all times while bound to Nesserik, creatures within 10 feet suffer a -2 penalty on attack rolls, skill checks, saving throws, and weapon damage rolls as a mind-affecting fear effect.
  • Ethereal Sight: At will, you can see onto the Ethereal Plane. You remain simultaneously aware of the Material Plane, but are distracted by your dual vision and suffer a -2 penalty on attack rolls, skill checks, and saving throws.
  • Ghost Touch: At all times while bound to Nesserik, your melee attacks can strike incorporeal creatures. Their normal 50% chance to avoid damage does not apply.
  • Nesserik’s Fangs:  Nesserik’s fangs grant a natural bite attack that deals 1d4 points of damage and a poison that deals 1 point of Constitution damage (Fort negates). The attack can be made at will, but the poison can only by excreted once every 5 rounds. You cannot use this attack if you have suppressed Nesserik’s physical sign.
  • Pounce: At all times while bound to Nesserik, when you charge a foe you can make a full attack, including your bite attack, at the end of the charge.
  • Sense Life: At all times while bound to Nesserik, you notice and locate living creatures within 10 feet as per the blindsense ability. At will as a free action you can also sense how near living creatures within this range are to death, as per the deathwatch spell.


A great face carved from stone. A boulder which rolls forever downhill. A cliff face with eyes which peer deep into the past. Porthas can take many forms, but always he has the endurance of granite and age unaccountable. He speaks with the voice of a canyon’s erosion. Though he has little patience for the quick tempers of youth, he is slow to anger.

Spirit Circle: 5th

Pact Check DC: 25

Physical Sign: The eyes grow milky-white with age and the voice rumbles like tumbling boulders.


  • Impatience (may inflict a -2 penalty on Diplomacy checks at DM’s discretion).
  • A thirst for knowledge (must take time to study any book or other source of esoteric knowledge that comes into their possession).

Granted Powers:

  • Face of Eternity: As a move action, you reveal the face of Porthas as a gaze attack. Creatures looking up you are awed can become unable to attack you or target you with any hostile spell or effect for 1 round. The effect is broken if you take any hostile action.
  • Knowledge of Porthas: At all times while bound to Porthas, you gain a +8 bonus on Knowledge checks.
  • Read Thoughts: As a full action you can target a single creature within 5 feet per effective binding level as per a detect thoughts spell.
  • Stone’s Embrace: As a standard action, you can meld with stone, as per the spell. When you choose to step out of the stone, however, you can emerge from any surface within 5 feet per effective binding level.


Saphastos is drawn to lucid dreamers and masters of the Dreaming Arts. Many consider him to be a manifestation of the dreamer’s own dark thoughts and fears, reflected back to them through the lensing of the Dreaming. Others think him to be a dark demiurge of the Dreaming itself.

Spirit Circle: 6th

Pact Check DC: 25

Physical Sign: Although they can see normally, the binder’s eyes are shut.


  • Must treat illusions as if they were real, even if they have been disbelieved.

Granted Powers:

  • Dream Gliding: At all times while bound to Saphastos, half of you remains within the Dreaming. You gain a partial incorporeality, allowing you ignore the effects of difficult terrain and pass through enemy spaces (although not through walls or other solid barriers). Attacks of opportunity targeting you have a 50% miss chance.
  • Mind Blank: At all times while bound to Saphastos, as per the spell.
  • Major Image: As a standard action, as per the spell.
  • Phantasmal Killer: As a standard action, as per the spell, targeting any creature within 10 feet per effective binding level.

Go to Dream Pacts – Part 6: Spirit Lords of the 7th and 8th Circle

The Birth of Wolves - Franz Marc (partial)

Go to Dream Pacts (Part 1)


A large, white stag seen within the dappled forests. Lord Alladar is a powerful, totemic connection between the sentient subconscious and the rhythms of the natural world. He offers his protection to all life, but paradoxically will often lead the dream quester to visions of death. Alladar’s path follows the natural rhythms of the world and its creatures and he is often drawn to those places where that cycle has been disrupted.

Spirit Circle: 4th

Pact Check DC: 20

Physical Sign: Alladar’s antlers, a pair of pale white antlers which grow from the forehead.


  • Cannot eat meat or harm a living animal.
  • Will defend the innocent, the wrongfully injured, and the helpless.

Granted Powers:

  • Alladar’s Antlers: Alladar’s antlers grant can be used as a natural attack that deals 1d6+1 points of damage (plus 1-1/2 times your Strength bonus). The horns are considered a +1 magical weapon. You cannot use this attack if you have suppressed Alladar’s physical sign.
  • Alladar’s Insight: At all times while bound to Alladar , you gain a +4 bonus on Heal, Knowledge (nature), and Survival checks.
  • Alladar’s Immunity: At all times while bound to Alladar, you gain immunity to disease and poison, including diseases and poisons already afflicting you.
  • Alladar’s Touch: An ally who touches Alladar’s antlers benefits from delay disease and delay poison (as per the spells). At will as a standard action, you can cure 1 point of damage to a creature touching your antlers. As a full action, you can cure 1d8 points of damage + 1 per effective binding level (maximum 1d8+10).
  • Fast Healing: At all times while bound to Alladar, you gain fast healing 1. This fast healing increases by +1 every 4 levels after 4th level to a maximum of fast healing 5 (fast healing 2 at 8th level; fast healing 3 at 12th level; fast healing 4 at 16th level; fast healing 5 at 20th level).
  • Track: You can track as though you possessed the Track feat.


Baalterrok appears as a great face which appears to exude from the rock of the ground itself. He speaks with a deep, booming voice. He is surly and recalcitrant, although he had a certain fondness for dwarves and their kin.

Spirit Circle: 4th

Pact Check DC: 22

Physical Sign: A hardening of the skin as it changes to resemble rock or stone. Dexterity-based checks suffer a -2 penalty.


  • Must remain in contact with the ground at all times.
  • Prefers the dark places and hates the feel of the wind.

Granted Powers:

  • Blindsense: At all times when bound to Baalterrok, you can detect any creature in contact with the ground within 30 feet with blindsense.
  • Damage Resistance: At all times when bound to Baalterrok, you gain DR 5/adamantine.
  • Earth Mastery: At all times when bound to Baalterrok, you gain a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls if both you and your opponent are touching the ground. Airborne foes take a -1 penalty on attack rolls and weapon damage rolls against you.
  • Earthshaking Touch: As a standard action, you can touch the ground and cause every creature within 10 feet of you (either touching the ground or climbing a surface touching the ground) to make a Reflex save or fall prone. Neither you nor your summoned elemental can be knocked prone by this ability.
  • Summon Elemental: As a full round action, you can summon an earth elemental which will obey your commands. If the elemental is destroyed or lost, you cannot summon another for 1 hour.
Effective Binding LevelElemental Size


Ilsasil is not a Spirt Lord, but rather a landmark of the Dreaming (albeit a fey and ever-changing one). Ilsasil is the River of Magic, a flowing embodiment of pure magical energy which courses through the vales and byways of the Dreaming.

Although Ilsasil is not a proper Spirit Lord, similar techniques can be used to form a pact-like conduit between the River of Magic and the natural world.

Spirit Circle: 3rd

Pact Check DC: 25

Physical Sign: A rainbow halo above the head.


  • Fascinated by all magical effects.
  • Cannot resist harmless magical effects.

Granted Powers:

  • Disrupting Touch: As a standard action you can dispel magic, as per the spell, against a single target as a melee touch attack. You can only use this ability a number of times per day equal to your effective binding level.
  • Ilsasil’s Insight: At all times while bound to Ilsasil, you gain a +2 bonus to Spellcraft checks.
  • Magic Attunement: At all times while bound to Ilsasil, the save DC for effects you create using magical items is increased by 2.
  • Magesense: At will as a standard action, you can detect magical auras as per a detect magic spell.
  • Wizard’s Way: At all times while bound to Ilsasil, you can use spell trigger items as if you were a wizard of your effective binding level.


Kat in krokusveld - Herman Kruyder (partial)

Kath is a fierce tomcat and troublemaker. He’s a patron for the quick of wit and loud of mouth. He possesses a beautiful coat of shining silver fur. He has an opinion for all occasions.

Spirit Circle: 4th

Pact Check DC: 25

Physical Sign: Silver fur grows on the face and the backs of the hands.


  • Cannot forgive any insult and will seek a secret vengeance for it.
  • Must always have the last word.

Granted Powers:

  • Blinding Strike: At all times while bound to Kath, a creature suffering a critical hit from your attack must make a Fortitude saving throw or be permanently blinded.
  • Cat’s Antic: At all times while bound to Kath, when a critical hit or sneak attack is scored on you there is a 25% chance that it is negated and damage is rolled normally instead.
  • Cat’s Cunning: At all times while bound to Kath, you gain +4 insight bonus on Bluff checks.
  • Cat’s Speed: As a swift action, you gain the benefits of haste, as per the spell, for 1 round per 3 effective binding levels.


Maab is a sleek twister of fate, a sly trickster devil, and the patron of the wise, clever, and subtle. She wears a majestic coat of golden fur that glistens like precious metal. She rarely speaks, preferring to lead and show.

Spirit Circle: 3rd

Pact Check DC: 20

Physical Sign: Golden hair and golden eyes, occasionally matched with long, golden whiskers.


  • Must pocket small items that won’t be missed if the opportunity presents itself.
  • Cannot confess to wrongdoing.

Granted Powers

  • Cat’s Claw: At all times while bound to Maab you gain the ability to make sneak attacks (as per the rogue’s class ability) dealing +1d6 points of damage when you do so. You gain an additional +1d6 points of damage for every 5 effective binding levels you possess. If you already possess the ability to make sneak attacks, this bonus damage stacks.
  • Cat’s Eyes: At will you can use see invisibility, as per the spell.
  • Mad Cat’s Gaze: As a standard action you can make a gaze attack to affect a single target as per a hypnotic pattern spell. There is no limit on the duration of the effect, but the target can make an additional saving throw each round to break the effect.
  • Sense Trickery: At all times while bound to Maab, you automatically detect any attempts to use Sleight of Hand to take something from you. In addition, you gain a +4 bonus on Appraise, Sense Motive, and Spot checks made to oppose Disguise checks.


One of the Dreaming Knights, Terrior appears in a suit of pale green plate. He often appears near or on lakes. He represents chivalric grief; the losses endured in the name of true duty and faithfulness.

Spirit Circle: 3rd

Pact Check DC: 20

Physical Sign: Surrounded by a light haze of mist.


  • Must be willing to sacrifice yourself for the greater good.
  • Must comfort those in grief.

Granted Powers:

  • Aura of Grief: At all times while bound to Terrior, creatures within 10 feet must succeed at a Will save or suffer a -2 penalty on attack rolls, skill checks, saving throws, and weapon damage as a mind-affecting effect of grief.
  • Cloud Lightning: As a standard action, you can call down a bolt of lightning to strike any target within 10 feet per effective binding level. The bolt deals 1d6 points of damage plus an additional 1d6 points of damage for every three effective binding levels you possess. The target takes half damage on a successful Reflex save.
  • Veil of Mists: As a standard action, you can raise a veil of mist across the vision of any creature within 30 feet. The target must succeed on a Fortitude save or become blinded for 1 round.
  • Warrior’s Proficiencies: At all times while bound to Terrior, you are considered proficient with all simple and martial weapons, all armor (heavy, medium, and light), and all shields (including tower shields).
  • Water Breathing:At all times while bound to Terrior, you benefit from water breathing, as per the spell.
  • Water Walk: At all times while bound to Terrior, you benefit from water walk, as per the spell.


Utharah appears as a slim woman. Her eyes are milky-white and blind, but she acts with both the sureness of sight and an impossible gracefulness. Her arms taper beautifully into long, rune-carven blades.

Spirit Circle: 3rd

Pact Check DC: 22

Physical Sign: Your skin takes on the appearance of glistening metal.


  • Cannot refuse the challenge of a duel.
  • Will seek to face foes in open combat.

Granted Powers – Pact of the Blade Master:

  • Bladed Proficiency: You are proficient with all bladed weapons.
  • The Purposed Blade: You gain the benefit of the Improved Critical feat with any weapon you wield. If you already have the Improved Critical feat with that weapon, you gain a +4 bonus on the roll to confirm the threat with that weapon.
  • The Sly Blade: Add your Intelligence bonus (if any) to a single melee attack. If the attack is successful, deal 1 extra point of damage per effective binding level. This ability cannot be used against creatures immune to sneak attacks or critical hits.

Granted Powers – Pact of the Blade Dancer:

  • Bladed Proficiency: You are proficient with all bladed weapons.
  • Dance of Death: At all times while bound to Utharah, you gain the benefit of the Dance of Death feat.
  • Dancer’s Dexterity: At all times while bound to Utharah, you gain a +4 bonus to Dexterity.
  • Uncanny Dodge: At all times while bound to Utharah, you retain your Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. You still lose your Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized. If you already have uncanny dodge from another source, you automatically gain improved uncanny dodge instead.
  • Utharah’s Grace: At all times while bound to Utharah, you gain a +4 bonus on Tumble checks and Perform (dance) checks.
  • Whirlwind Attack: At all times while bound to Utharah, you gain the benefit of the Whirlwind Attack feat.

Special: When forming a pact with Utharah you choose either the Pact of the Blade Master or the Pact of the Blade Dancer. If you can form two pacts simultaneously, you can make both pacts with Utharah.

Go to Dream Pacts – Part 5: Spirit Lords of the 5th and 6th Circle

The Birth of Wolves - Franz Marc (partial)

Go to Dream Pacts (Part 1)


Appearing as either a young girl or boy, Bralla is a lost child – a symbol of either confusion or lost innocence (or both).

Spirit Circle: 1st

Binding DC: 17

Physical Sign: An extra shadow in the shape of a small child.


  • Must give aid, guidance, and direction to those who are lost.
  • Must help any child in need or pain.

Granted Powers:

  • Confusing Touch: As a standard action, a creature you touch suffers confusion, as per the spell, for 1 round per three effective binding levels you possess.
  • Purity of the Mind: At all times while bound to Bralla, you cannot be affected by mind-affecting spells or effects.


One of the Knights of the Dreaming, Cynothia appears in a suit of armor dripping with her own blood. She represents chivalric sacrifice.

Spirit Circle: 2nd

Pact Check DC: 20

Physical Sign: A coagulation of blood forms around your body, creating a suit of protective armor.


  • Will not leave an injured comrade behind.

Granted Power:

  • Blood Armor: Cynothia’s blood armor protects you. Its quality depends on your effective binding level. You do not benefit from the blood if you have suppressed Cynothia’s physical sign.
Effective Binding LevelArmor Created
2nd-4thmasterwork full plate
5th-8th+1 full plate
9th-12th+2 light fortification full plate
13th-16th+2 moderate fortification full plate
17th-19th+4 moderate fortification full plate
20th++4 heavy fortification full plate
  • Damage Reduction: Cynothia’s blood armor also grants you DR 1/piercing. This values improves by +1 per four effective binding levels (2/piercing at 4th level, 3/piercing at 8th level, and so forth). At 12th level this protection becomes DR 4/magic and piercing. You do not benefit from this damage reduction if you have suppressed Cynothia’s physical sign.
  • Shield Ally: As a standard action, you can swap locations with any visible and willing ally within 5 feet per two effective binding levels. A suit of blood armor forms around your ally, you swap places within your armor, and then the blood armor around your ally dissolves. The movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity. At 7th level you can use this power as a move action. At 13th level you can use this power as a swift action. You cannot use this power if you have suppressed Cynothia’s physical sign.
  • Warrior’s Proficiencies: At all times while bound to Terrior, you are considered proficient with all simple and martial weapons, all armor (heavy, medium, and light), and all shields (including tower shields).


Spitzer's Orion

If you climb to the top of the highest mountain and look up, the starry sky of the Dreaming will speak with you. It has seen all the things that have ever been and speaks with the weary wisdom of the world’s age.

Spirit Circle: 2nd

Pact Check DC: 18

Physical Sign: In darkness you glow as if illuminated with faint starlight (providing dim illumination within 5 feet).


  • Dislike going indoors.
  • Linger in old and historic locales.

Granted Powers:

  • Appraiser’s Loresight: As a standard action, you gain a +10 insight bonus on Appraise checks to determine the value of an item you touch.
  • Creature Loresight: As a standard action, you learn something significant about a creature (living or dead) that you touch. You can only use this ability on a particular creature once per day per five effective binding levels. Go through this list, in order, and you learn the first bit of lore you do not know:
    • Creature’s race or type
    • Creature’s name (if none, then skip)
    • Creature’s class (if none, then skip)
    • How the creature died (if not applicable, skip)
    • Creature’s most recent, basic goal (obtain food, carry out orders, etc.)
    • Creature’s attitude towards you
    • Creature that this creature interacted with most recently (other than you)
    • Creature’s most valuable possession (if any)
    • Location of the creature’s home or lair (if any)
    • Creature’s alignment
  • Memory’s Prescience: As a swift action, you know the contents of a 20-foot-radius burst centered on yourself as if you had taken 10 on a Search check in a prescient burst of how the space came to arrange itself in its current configuration. You can use this ability once per day per effective binding level.
  • Object Loresight: As a standard action, you learn something significant about an object you touch. You can only use this ability on a particular object once per day per five effective binding levels. Go through this list, in order, and you learn the first bit of lore you do not know:
    • Age of object
    • Name of the last creature to touch the object (if any, other than you)
    • Race of last creature to touch the object (if any, other than you)
    • Name of the object’s creator (a natural object was created by nature)
    • Race of the object’s creator (if any)
    • Object’s purpose
    • Materials that make up the object
    • Location of the object’s creation
    • Name of the most recent owner of the object (if any)
    • Magical ability of the object (if any, random if more than one)
  • Resist Scrying: Your connection with the Faces of Stars places part of you above the normal constraints of reality. At all times while bound to the Face of Stars, you gain a +5 bonus on saving throws to resist scrying attempts.
  • Whisper of the Stars: While bound to it, the Face of Stars murmurs constantly into your ears, allowing you at will as a free action to make a bardic knowledge check with a bonus equal to your effective binding level + Intelligence modifier.


Genna is an urban dream spirit. A small mass of animate, solidified shadow with vaguely human-like features of a particularly canine cast, Genna dislikes open confrontation. He has been known to harass dreamers, cruelly pelting them from the shadows with thrown stones and worser things. From the shadows he speaks with a sibilant venom, but when forced into an open confrontation he will whine and pout until allowed to return to the shadows he loves.

Spirit Circle: 1st

Pact Check DC: 15

Physical Sign: Shadow grows to twice its normal size.


  • Enter sunlight only if no other options exist.
  • Won’t start a fight and skittish when combat is likely.

Granted Powers:

  • Low-Light Vision: At all times while bound to Genna, you gain low-light vision. If you already had low-light vision, you gain the benefits of the Superior Low-Light Vision feat.
  • Precise Shot: At all times while bound to Genna, you gain the benefits of the Precise Shot feat.
  • Shadow Dweller: At all times while bound to Genna, gain a +4 competence bonus on Hide checks.
  • Skulk’s Proficiencies: At all times while bound to Genna, you are considered proficient with all ranged weapons.
  • Twin Shot: At all times while bound to Genna, you gain the benefits of the Twin Shot feat.


Illiki is the manifestation of the light of civilization. He appears as a mischievous, dancing flame of insatiable curiosity.

Spirit Circle: 1st

Pact Check DC: 20

Physical Sign: Hands wreathed in flame (harmless to the pact-maker).


  • Cannot use the Hide skill.
  • Must seek an explanation for the mysterious.

Granted Powers

  • Darkvision: You gain darkvision 60 feet.
  • Fire Exultation: You can shoot forth a line of fire as a standard action. The line is 10-feet per effective binding level (maximum 50 feet) and deals 1d6 points of fire damage per effective binding level (Reflex save, half damage).
  • Flaming Hands: Although Illiki’s flaming hands are generally harmless, at will as a free action you can manifest them as a true flame (which is still harmless to you). You can use the flaming hands as a natural weapon that deals 1d6 points of damage (plus your Strength bonus).


Lunesca appears a young maid with milky skin, pure white hair, and ebon eyes. She is clothed in a covering of her own feathers, which can be appear either snow-white or jet-black. A raven rests upon one of her shoulders; a dove rests upon the other. She is a friend to all birds, and while she has the intensity of the hawk she can also possess some of their flightiness of personality.

Spirit Circle: 2nd

Pact Check DC: 18

Physical Sign: A living cloak of white or black feathers, which sprout from the shoulders and fall down to the back of the knees.


  • Cannot be cruel to any bird.
  • Cannot imprison any living creature.

Granted Powers:

  • Lunesca’s Call: As a standard action, you can call either a dove or a raven. It generally takes 1d4 minutes for the bird to answer your call, but you must be in an area where birds are capable or likely to reach you. You can have a total number of doves or ravens summoned at any time equal to your effective binding level.
  • Lunesca’s Friendship: At all times while bound to Lunesca, birds have an attitude of friendly towards you. (At the DM’s discretion, this may extend to bird-like creatures which are not animals.)
  • Messenger of the Dove: As a full round action, you can dispatch a dove to deliver a message, as per an animal messenger spell.
  • Ravensight: At will, you can choose to look through the eyes of one of Lunesca’s ravens. You have complete control over the bird and can see what it sees and hear what it hears. Use the bird’s skill checks to determine the result of its actions and observations (Hide, Spot Listen, etc.). Use your skill bonuses to derive information from its observations (Knowledge, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, etc.). While looking through a raven you are oblivious to your own surroundings except through the sense of touch. As a free action you can switch your view between ravens or back yourself.
  • Swarm of Ravens: As a standard action, you can command one of Lunesca’s ravens to summon a swarm of ravens. The raven will shake loosing its feathers, and each feather will transform itself into another raven. This functions as per a summon swarm spell, except you can direct the swarm to move as you wish.
  • Voice of the Dove: Whenever one of Lunesca’s doves is present, you can speak to birds as per a speak with animals spell (using the dove as a translator).


Strange creatures of the Dreaming, masquers slip quietly into the dreams of sleepers and assume the role of actors – playing out whatever parts the dream requires. In such dreams they can often by caught from the corner of the eye – strange, ornate creatures wearing elaborately carved and painted masks.

Masquers are not integral to the Dreaming, nor do they appear in every dream. The method by which they choose which dreams to infiltrate (if there is any) is unclear, leading some to believe they are mere parasites of the Dreaming, while others venerate them as benefactors.

Although masquers are not Spirit Lords, pacts can still be formed with them normally.

Spirit Circle: 1st

Pact Check DC: 15

Physical Sign: The face becomes a featureless white mask. (The mask can be morphed using the granted disguise self power to assume any features desired, including your own.)


  • Occasionally fail to recognize their own name.
  • Insatiably curious about the personal details of other’s lives.

Granted Powers:

  • Disguise Self: As a standard action, as per the spell.
  • Masquer’s Tongue: You gain a +4 insight bonus on Diplomacy and Bluff checks. In addition, you can make a rushed Diplomacy check as a standard action and take no penalty.
  • Masquer’s Skills: When you form a pact with a masquer, you can choose a number of skills equal to your Wisdom bonus (if any). You gain +2 insight bonus to these skills.
  • Masquer’s Will: As a standard action, you can command a single creature within 30 feet as per the spell. At 8th level, your Masquer’s Will acts as a suggestion spell.

Special: You can be bound to more than one masquer at a time.


Sarnat is one of the Dreaming Guides, leading those who seek truth to the answers they desire. (At least in theory.) He wears an iron mask locked shut.

Spirit Circle: 2nd

Pact Check DC: 20

Physical Sign: The pupil of the eye becomes shaped like a keyhole.


  • Disquieted by unopened doors or similar portals.
  • Cannot leave a lock secured.
  • Must take any keys they find and seek to find the matching lock.

Granted Powers:

  • Arcane Lockbreaker: At will, you can suppress the effect of an arcane lock spell that you touch.
  • Lock’s Touch: As a swift action, you can unlock a single lock that you touch with an Open Lock DC less than or equal to twice your effective binding level.
  • Portal Step: Once per day as a standard action, you can step through one door or portal and emerge through another. In all other ways (determining range, etc.) treat this as a dimension door spell. At 10th level you can use portal step twice per day and treat it as a teleport spell. At 15th level you can use portal step three times per day and treat it as a plane shift spell.
  • Sarnat’s Gate: At 20th level once per day as a standard action, you can transform a single door or portal into a gate, as per the spell.
  • Sarnat’s Seal: Five times per day as a standard action, you can place an arcane lock on any door, chest or portal that you touch.
  • Sarnat’s Sight: As a swift action, you can use open/close as per the spell.
  • Sarnat’s Touch: You gain a +4 insight bonus on Open Lock checks.

Go to Dream Pacts – Part 4: Spirit Lords of the 3rd and 4th Circle


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