The Alexandrian

Legends & LabyrinthsWe’ve got less than 24 hours before the end of the month and our deadline for early bird completion of the $3000 landmark in the Legends & Labyrinths 8-Bit Funding project.

If we hit that landmark by midnight tonight, all Labyrinth Prowlers ($30 and up) will receive PDF copies of Mini-Adventure 1: Complex of Zombies and Mini-Adventure 2: The Black Mist as a free bonus when the project is funded.

Either way, tomorrow morning I’ll be announcing our next landmark and the bonus perks to go with it! If we hit the $3000 early bird landmark, we’ll stay on the super-charged early bird track. If we don’t, then we’ll transition onto a more traditional landmark track.

3 Responses to “Legends & Labyrinths – Early Bird Landmark Deadline TONIGHT”

  1. heromedel says:

    Justin I found this paragraph on page 12

    Immediate actions should generally
    be reserved for specific special
    abilities because being able to act
    out of turn is a major advantage.
    However, if an action is immediately
    reactive by necessity (like catching
    someone as they fall past you) it may
    be appropriate to make an exception.
    You can move diagonally past other
    impassible objects, such as pits.

    Doesn’t the last sentence not fit the paragraph?

  2. cr0m says:

    Just curious, have you hit your original funding goal or is the $3000 number it? I haven’t been paying close attention–I contributed and then zoned out for a while.

  3. Josh says:

    Sadly, we’re about $800 short and 12 hours late.

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