The Alexandrian

Posts tagged ‘red peace’

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Star Wars: Red Peace was originally designed to be the first part in a trilogy of generation-spanning scenarios: Red Peace was set during the waning days of the Clone Wars; the sequel would have been set during the Rebellion of the original trilogy; and the third scenario would have been set twenty years further in the future.

Unfortunately, my group’s experiment with Star Wars: Force and Destiny was not a success: My players did not like the game. (Nor did I.) And it also took about four times longer to accomplish anything in the system than we had anticipated. So we folded the mini-campaign before reaching the second or third scenarios.

As a result, those scenarios were never fully designed. But I’m going to share my original rough thoughts for these in case anyone might be interested.

Star Wars: Restless Sith

In Episode II: Restless Sith, twenty years have passed. The PCs have spent the intervening years studying the Red Holocron in the hopes that it would contain some clue to toppling Emperor Palpatine. They are currently hiding on the far side of the Galaxy, in a region of space outside of Imperial control, investigating information which they believe will lead them to an installation of the Jedi Empire that may contain a weapon they can use against Palpatine.

What they discover, orbiting a neutron star far beyond the common star lanes, is a Jedi Empire space station.

Star Wars: Restless Sith - Space Station

Investigating the station they would have discovered that it was a carbonite facility. They also would have inadvertently awoken the ancient caretakers of the facility: Strange droids made from some sort of malleable, silver-black metal. Bas relief glyphs run over their limbs and torso, concentrating on their faceless features. The glyph droids also exhibit a vicious pack intelligence — the more glyph droids present, the more intelligent they become.

Avoiding or bypassing the glyph droids, the PCs reach the carbonite facility where the weapon of the Jedi Empire was stored.

Unfortunately, they’ve been tricked by the Red Holocron: What they end up thawing out is not a weapon. It’s a Sith Master named Darth Victus.

I intended to end this episode in a fight with Darth Victus onboard the Jedi Empire space station. But if Darth Victus were to escape, you could extend this section of the campaign by having the PCs deal with Darth Victus’ rapidly expanding base of power. (The Empire could also become involved if Emperor Palpatine were to become aware of the ill-timed challenge to his authority.)

Star Wars: Restless Sith - Darth Victus

Star Wars: Dawn of the Droid

To fully understand Dawn of the Droid, you’ll want to start by checking out my thoughts on what a sequel Star Wars trilogy would look like (circa 2006): Episodes VII, VIII, and IX.

Dawn of the Droid takes place 20 years after Restless Sith and the Original Trilogy: The Empire has been overthrown. The New Republic is ascendant. The PCs are now part of the New Jedi Order, founded by Luke Skywalker (who has been missing for a decade) and now run by his wife Mara Jade.

The PCs have been investigating some sort of case and the leads have taken them to Halon Prime, one of the major shipyards for the Republican navy. At Halon Prime they encounter morph droids for the first time: These droids appear to be formed from some sort of black mercury; they fluidly change shape and form. And raised glyphs race across their surface, identical to those they saw on the glyph droids twenty years earlier.

(It’s around here that they might realize that they opened a Pandora’s Box by reactivating those droids.)

The culmination of Halon Prime comes when they encounter a Droid Knight — a droid somehow capable of manipulating the Force — and a droid fleet attacks the shipyards. They duel and chase the Droid Knight through the burning remnants of the Republican fleet.

In the aftermath of the battle, the PCs hook up with Mara Jade and her daughter, who have come to Halon Prime to investigate what happened to the shipyard. (As Red Peace saw the PCs cross paths with known film continuity, the vibe here would be to make it feel like they were crossing over with the continuity of  film that doesn’t actually exist.)

If you wanted to push this scenario further, you could keep the PCs intimately involved in the emerging war and eventually have them follow the clues back to Pelori IV where the Droid Uprising had its start. You could also loop them into the grail quest for the Phoenix Holocron (the Jedi mirror of the Sith’s Red Holocron), which might mean crossing paths with Luke.

Review of Force and Destiny
Force and Destiny: System Cheat Sheet
FFG Star Wars: The Big Fix
Star Wars: Red Peace

Go to Part 1

Star Wars: Red Peace - Jedi Temple on Lothal

The Jedi Temple on Lothal appears in “Path of the Jedi”,  episode 8 of Star Wars: Rebels.

ENTERING THE TEMPLE: When two Jedi synchronize their focus to create a Force harmony, the large central spire corkscrews up to reveal an entrance to the temple. One of these entrances is shown on Star Wars: Rebels, leading to an area where padawans are taken for the Test of the Cave. In reality, there are multiple rotations available depending on the harmony you create.

STANDING ORDER 429: Commander Racto will call in additional clone trooper reinforcements from the Lothal garrison. But, per standing order 429, no clone trooper can directly enter property owned by the Jedi Order. Commander Racto and his men will remain stationed outside of the Temple.

(Technically, this is actually order 42.9 — the ninth section of Order 42. But the Army of the Republic tends to just elide over the decimals. The entirety of Order 42 regulates the relationship between the Army and the Jedi Order.)

MADAME MEREEL: Madame Mereel, the caretaker of the temple, will greet the PCs. Unfortunately, Mereel has been taken over by mind control bugs: At some point, they’ll crawl out of her clothes and over her skin, penetrating into her eyes and nose and mouth. And then she’ll attack.

IG-100 DroidBefore that happens, however, she’ll offer to take them some place where they can relax and enjoy some refreshments in the “quiet peace” of the temple. (In reality, she’ll be leading them to the Cyst.) On the way there, she’ll try to learn everything she can about what brought the PCs to the temple, feign her concern about Separatist interest in the temple, and offer whatever assistance she can.

The PCs will probably figure out that something is wrong as they pass into the Cyst, and that’s also a good place for Mereel to reveal herself and ambush them with the assistance of two IG-100 droids. (If they can come up with some clever way to free her from the bugs, great. Otherwise, it’ll be a fight to the death with a Fallen Master.)


Star Wars: Red Peace - Madame Mereel

IG-100 DROIDS (x2)

Star Wars: Red Peace - IG-100


Like many Jedi Temples, the temple on Lothal has been built around a cyst of the dark side (with the temple actually serving to contain the corrosive influence of the cyst itself). Another example of a Dark Side cyst is the cave on Dagobah where Yoda tests Luke in Empire Strikes Back. Confronting the visions created by these cysts is actually part of the tests a Jedi apprentice must face before becoming a Jedi Master (as seen in Tartovsky’s animated Clone Wars mini-series).

The Red Holocron is being kept at the Heart of the Cyst. To get there, the PCs will need to navigate the cyst. This will take the form of navigating through four visions:

  • Fear
  • Anger
  • Hate
  • Suffering

These visions may take the form of dreams, premonitions, or even action sequences (like Luke dueling with Vader). However, each vision should be customized to the PCs. You can do this by either:

(A) Asking one of the players what the greatest Fear of their character is; then the next player what makes them most Angry in the universe; and so forth. (Crafting each vision based on their answer, so that the group collectively confronts the emotional baggage of the others.)

(B) Asking ALL of the players what their greatest Fear is and then crafting a vision which incorporates all of them. Including material that foreshadows the future events of your campaign would also be effective. (See Random GM Tips – Foreshadowing in RPGs for tips on doing this effectively.)


When the PCs reach the Heart of the Cyst, they’ll find the Red Holocron: Force Shades extend from the walls of the inner cyst, caressing the holocron in a shadowy dance. (The cyst is being used to reconstitute and energize the Red Holocron.)

When the PCs access the Red Holocron, the stored personality of Darth Sidious will manifest itself. With Machiavellian glee it will answer their questions and then, at a dramatically appropriate moment, the projection of Darth Sidious will reveal itself to be Emperor Palpatine.

MOMENT OF REVELATION: In that moment of revelation, there is a vergence in the Force. The actual Emperor Palpatine is simultaneously declaring the execution of Order 66. Force sensitive characters can immediately roll any non-committed Force dice they possess.

1 Force Point: They’ll see the recorded projection of Darth Sidious say the words, “Execute Order 66.” (But they will have no idea what that means.)

2 Force Points: They recognize that “Order 66” was the reflection of some larger and darker truth. The disturbance of the Force wrought by Jedi being slaughtered is felt.

4 Force Points: They will also have a vision of Commander Racto receiving the Order and preparing to murder them.

Characters with the Foresee power have their Force point results count double.


Commander Racto and his clone troopers are, in fact, preparing to ambush and slaughter the PCs when they leave the temple. The PCs will either need to fight their way through their erstwhile allies or find a way to sneak out.

Either way, they’ll be escaping into a galaxy that is actively hunting and seeking to destroy them. (The next major incident they experience will probably be receiving the emergency signal from the Jedi Temple, followed shortly thereafter by General Kenobi’s warning that the emergency signal is a fake and that the Jedi should stay away from the temple.)

Star Wars: Red Peace - Commander Racto and the Clone Troopers

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Star Wars: Red Peace - Forest Moon of Endor

There is a previously unknown covert naval yard for the Separatist Army built in orbit around Endor’s forest moon. (A half-constructed Trade Federation battleship can be seen.)

In addition to the primary naval yards, there is a huge construction facility of impossibly gargantuan proportions being built. Based on its scale, if it were to be completed, it could turn out entire fleets of Separatist Army flagships in mere days.

Fortunately, scans indicate that the entire facility is powered down except for a small landing platform. It looks like the naval yards are in the process of being mothballed.

GM BACKGROUND: This is, obviously, the same facility which will be used to construct the second Death Star in Return of the Jedi. The facility is being mothballed because Darth Sidious’ plans are in flux. The Red Holocron was brought here so that the Death Star plans could be loaded into it, preserving those plans along with the lore of the Sith. The Holocron was then sent to the Jedi Temple on Lothal (see Node 3).

LANDING PLATFORM: The landing platform consists of a small docking bay, several warehouse-size rooms laid out in a grid of corridors, and (at the top of a lift) the local control tower for the docking bay. (Another lift from this control tower heads up into the mothballed facility, although there’s not much of interest up there.)

GEONOSIAN SKELETON CREW: A small skeleton crew of Geonosians has been left to finish overseeing the shutdown of the facility.

  • Commander Andromias (a Geonosian Lieutenant General)
  • 8 Geonosians
  • 2 droidekas, 8 battledroids


Star Wars: Red Peace - Geonosian Commander


Star Wars: Red Peace - Geonosian

(use this stat block as a minion, WT = 4)


Star Wars: Red Peace - Droideka


Star Wars: Red Peace - Battle Droid Stats

EWOK SLAVES: There are also twelve Ewok slaves on the station, taken from the forest moon below. They wear slave shock collars (controlled by Andromias) and are being forced to assist in off-loading cargo.


  • Computer records indicate that encrypted schematic plans were transferred to a device featuring unrecognizable data encoding. The transfer was marked with a digital routing code labeled ER-LOTHAL-8756.
  • Questioning the Ewoks: They know that a damaged astromech droid was removed from the Red Hawk just before its departure. Astrogation or Computer checks with the astromech’s databanks will reveal the lightspeed calculations to Lothal that the astromech was making when its power converter burned out.
  • Questioning Andromias: A member of the Techno Union named Chal Bakkal took possession of an artifact from the Sith Empire. Bakkal was taking it to the Jedi Temple on Lothal. (Andromias suspects it may have been a super-weapon which will help the Separatists win the war.)


Star Wars: Red Peace - Rising Storm

Once the PCs have identified their next destination as Lothal, the Rising Storm (a Subjugator-class warship) exits hyperspace nearby. When their ship (presumably) fails to provide the proper Separatist authorization codes, the Rising Storm will begin launching fighters. If the PCs don’t dawdle, they should be able to easily outrun the Rising Storm, but there will be three waves of droid fighters that could potentially intercept them: 2 scouts, then 4, then 4 more (with a new wave arriving every 3 rounds).

The PCs need 12 rounds to escape the system, although a successful Astrogation check will reduce the time required by 1 round per Advantage.


Star Wars: Red Peace - Rising Storm


Star Wars: Red Peace - Droid Fighter


Star Wars: Red Peace - Droid Pilots

Go to Node 3: Jedi Temple of Lothal


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