The Alexandrian

Posts tagged ‘in the shadow of the spire’

Ptolus - In the Shadow of the Spire



January 5th, 2008
The 5th Day of Kadal in the 790th Year of the Seyrunian Dynasty

They headed south, down the only remaining hallway. Like the hall to the north, this hall was lined with statue niches – each containing the fiercesome aspect of an orcish warrior.

After sixty feet or so, the hall ended in another large chamber. What appeared to have once been an extremely large fountain stood in the middle of the room, but if there had once been water there it was long gone now.

On a pedestal in the center of the fountain were three statues, each depicting a wolf-like creature: One appeared to be a wolf of prodigious size. Another gaped saber-like fangs and had bony protrusions jutting from its spine, skull, and ribs down to a serpentine tail ending in a bulb of bone. The third appeared almost pantherish, with tendrils emerging from its shoulders.

“What are they?” Elestra asked.

“For those two,” Agnarr said, pointing to the second and third, “I do not know. But the one in the center is a dire wolf. They are well known in the north.”

Three more halls led away from this chamber: The ones to the west and the south were shrouded by badly tattered drapes of black cloth. To the east, the hallway stood open — but after about twenty feet was blockaded with a great mass of broken furniture, large chunks of rock, and the like.

“Who do you suppose did that?” Elestra asked, gesturing towards the blockade. (more…)


Session 14C: The Temple of Ebony

They decided to start with the hall to the east: The iron doors opened onto a large room paved in glistening ebony. It rose in three tiers. Two horrific statues stood in the corners of the second tier. To the left a twisting pillar of coiled tendrils and to the right a squat monstrosity. In the center of the third tier, at the top of the room, there was a slab of black ebony…

One of the cool things about a well-designed dungeon is that you can never be entirely sure about what sequence the PCs will encounter content in. It’s like tossing all of your scenes into a blender: Stuff will end up juxtaposed in ways you never anticipated, prompting all manner of creative interactions and dynamic consequences.

For example, the very first room of the Laboratories of the Beast features three exits. Two of these expand outwards in ever-growing, heavily xandered loops. The third exit – which PCs heading straight ahead through the initial chamber would pass through – led to a single room: The temple of the dark gods described near the beginning of this week’s journal entry.

In designing the dungeon this way, I had lightly assumed that this temple would be encountered relatively quickly: It was right at the entrance! As you can obviously see, this ended up not being the case and the PCs actually spent prodigious amounts of time exploring this dungeon complex over the course of several expeditions before finally entering the temple.

As a result, they entered the temple dedicated to the dark gods after they’d already encountered Morbion, who worshipped one of those dark gods. The intended foreshadowing, therefore, was completely inverted: Rather than, “Oh shit, here’s one of those dark gods!” it became, “Oh shit! That dark god is a bigger and older deal than we realized!”

… except the PCs didn’t actually connect the dark gods of the temple to the dark god worshipped by Morbion, so the whole thing actually became a lingering mystery rather than being thematically connected.

With all that being said, of course, the design of a dungeon DOES impart some degree of sequencing, some or most of which will stick. So this is something you want to give some thought to when you’re designing things.

CHOKEPOINTS: There are points, even in a xandered design, where certain areas will lie beyond a chokepoint. For example, it was basically impossible for the PCs to reach the Laboratory of the Beast without first passing through the Complex of Zombies. Or, “If they go to Shardworld, it’s because they definitely passed through the Portal of Shattered Obsidian.” That sort of thing.

If there’s something that the PCs should know or experience before being in a given location, place it in a chokepoint they have to pass through in order to reach that location.

Note that chokepoints can also be non-physical: You need to find the gillweed gardens before you can extensively explore the underwater portion of the complex. Or you need to find the mending stone before you can use the damaged portal without ripping yourself into a thousand shards.

Chokepoints also don’t have to boil down to a specific chamber or door or the like. They can be more abstract than that: The PCs don’t have to pass through a specific room to get to the Lilac Caverns, but they do have to pass through the Golem’s Workshop complex. I sometimes think of a dungeon has having different “phases” or regions”.

How does the idea of establishing a particular piece of knowledge or experience sync up with this concept of a phased chokepoint? Well, think about the Three Clue Rule. You want them to know that the Golem was obsessed with cloning his creator before they find the creator’s body in the Lilac Caverns? Well, every facet of the workshop can (and should!) reflect that obsession in an almost fractal way, right?

In other words, rather than locking yourself down into a specific “this is the experience they need to have”, you can can kind of spew “experience DNA” everywhere and let the actions of the PCs slowly assemble a custom experience of their own out of it.

NON-SYMMETRICAL APPROACHES: Thinking of things strictly in an “experience A before B” way is a trap, though, and you should avoid it. When you’re looking at a key room (or suite of rooms) and thinking about how it’s structured, you can also embrace the fact that there are multiple paths to that area.

One of the things you can do to make your dungeon a richer and more interesting environment is to specifically make the experience of the area different depending on which direction you approach it from. A really easy example of this is entering a Goblin Princess’ bedchamber by fighting your way through the guards outside vs. slipping in through the forgotten secret door at the back of her boudoir.

DON’T THINK ABOUT IT: The other thing to keep in mind is that you don’t actually have to try to keep all of this stuff in your head while you’re designing the dungeon. In fact, it can become way too easy to start obsessing about this, at which point you can end up with a kind of hyperthyroidic version of My Precious Encounters™, except now you’re trying to carefully cultivate specific experiences by somehow conceptually corralling an incredibly complex and dynamic scenario.

You’ll generally be happier (and have better games) if you don’t rely on things playing out in a specific sequence. And, in reality, it’s not that hard: Use situation-based design as your primary design stance and things tend to work out. This is really the same thing as Don’t Prep Plots: Don’t prep pre-packaged experiences, prep situations.

So why bring up dungeon sequencing at all? Because it WILL have an effect on how a scenario plays out, so you shouldn’t blind yourself to that or simply leave it up to blind chance. I’m just saying it should be used at a broader, more conceptual level and primarily as a diagnostic tool rather than the primary motivation for your design.

For example, consider the Goblin Caverns of the Ooze Lord scenario that ran from Session 10 through Session 13. I designed the scenario like this:

Thus, the PCs encounter the goblins suffering the ooze infection before traveling to the ooze caverns from whence the ooze infection originates.

But I could have just as easily designed the scenario like this, with virtually no changes to the local topographies:

So that when the PCs come to the checkpoint manned by the (as yet unnamed) Itarek, as described in Session 10D, they would have the choice of turning left to the clan caverns or turning right to the ooze caverns.

(This would also change the logic of the world somewhat: In the scenario-as-designed, the goblins are – wittingly or otherwise – guarding the surface world against the Ones of Ooze. In this alternate version of the scenario, it’s far more likely that the PCs will encounter ooze-goblins coming up through the Laboratory of the Beast and infiltrating Ptolus. Which is what I mean by a situation-based design stance, right? But I digress.)

You could even go one step farther with:

So that the PCs enter the ooze caverns, probably fight Morbion, and only later discover the goblins who were being victimized by them.

(This wouldn’t work at all with the original seed for the adventure, which posited that the goblins in Grayson House were refugees who fled to the surface to escape the growing threat of the ooze-goblins. We could probably just swap it up, though, and have them instead be ooze-goblins who Morbion sent to the surface as initial scouts. But I digress again.)

It shouldn’t be too difficult to see how each of these macro-sequences would fundamentally change how the resulting scenario would play out at the table, right?

The specifics, of course, are all still up in the air: As I’ve discussed in the past, I didn’t anticipate the PCs forming a long-term alliance with the Clan of the Torn Ear. But that option wouldn’t have even been on the table if I’d sequenced the dungeon in a different way.

And that’s what you have to be mindful of: Not trying to pre-control outcomes, but figuring out what the most interesting chaotic bundle of unrealized potentials is and bringing that into play.

Ptolus - In the Shadow of the Spire



January 5th, 2008
The 5th Day of Kadal in the 790th Year of the Seyrunian Dynasty

Intrigued by these discoveries, Ranthir selected one jar from each of the six rooms and slipped them into his bag of holding.

They had now opened all of the doors on the upper level and were prepared to go down to the lower level. This proved slightly troublesome: There was a ladder on the iron catwalk in the middle of the chamber, but it had been rusted into a raised position. So, in lieu of that, they simply pitoned a knotted rope to the floor and climbed down along one of the walls.

Most of the rooms on the lower level appeared to have been kennels of some sort. Those around the base of the pit itself had metal doors, but through a set of double doors in the south wall of the pit there was a long hallway flanked by nearly a dozen more rooms with wooden doors that were almost entirely rotten away from sheer age. Large channels from these rooms led out to a 6-inch wide gap in the middle of the hall’s floor. Beneath this gap there was a 50-foot-pit down which charnel waste was apparently washed.

Another door off the pit led to a room filled with weapons hung from iron racks covering the walls. All of these weapons were designed for beasts: Claw-like tines; serrated harnesses; and the like. All of them seemed to be crafted to appear as vicious and merciless as possible. Many were stained with blood. The vast array was impressive in itself, but a closer inspection revealed that most of them were unusable: Either custom-crafted for unusual creatures; with important bits rotted away; or their metal rusting and fatigued from age.


At the far end of the kennel hall, another set of iron doors led out to a hallway which took a sharp turn off to the west. From there the hallway branched again, and the decision was made – with Ranthir once again studying his partially completed map of the upper level – to return to the upper level and finish exploring there before proceeding to the lower level.

Ptolus - KihomenethothThey climbed back up their rope and returned to the first major chamber they had entered after leaving the laboratories that had been inhabited by the bloodwights: The large room flanked by four massive statues of Ghul.

From here there were four halls: To west lay the bloodwight laboratories and they had explored everything to the north. This left the hall to the east – which they could see ended in a set of large iron doors – and the hall to the south.

They decided to start with the hall to the east: The iron doors opened onto a large room paved in glistening ebony. It rose in three tiers. Two horrific statues stood in the corners of the second tier. To the left a twisting pillar of coiled tendrils and to the right a squat monstrosity.

Ptolus - Shallamoth KindredIn the center of the third tier, at the top of the room, there was a slab of black ebony with the appearance of an altar.

The room seemed permeated with a palpable sense of evil, but Tee took a deep breath and slipped through the door. A cursory examination turned up no hidden exits or treasures, but she did discover that inscriptions had been written in a strange and alien tongue upon the base of the two statues on the second tier.

Ranthir, hearing this, entered the room himself and went up to study the statues. He confirmed that the language was completely unknown and, surprisingly, his magical arts gave him no translation, either.

Tee, meanwhile, had been exploring the uppermost tier. The altar or slab in the center of this tier was completely featureless, except – Tee discovered – for a small sigil that had been carved into the rear corner of the altar:

Ranthir finished carefully copying down the inscriptions on the statues into a journal and then joined Tee to inspect the altar sigil. It wasn’t familiar to him, either, but he took the time to copy it as well.

Then they left. As they passed through the doors and shut them behind them, they could feel a palpable sense of dread sluicing off of them like an oil slick.



Session 14B: Malkeen Dawning

Before the development of the modern clone spell – a powerful magical rite that would allow a spellcrafter to duplicate his own body – the archaic version of the spell was dangerous to both subject and spellcaster. However, the now largely forgotten blood clone spell was safer, although it was not as useful (the subject would awaken an amnesiac). Most modern practitioners of the craft now considered blood clone to be only one step removed from raising the dead, since one was essentially capturing a soul which would then lose its own identity.

In this journal entry you can see a gimmick that I find appealing: The idea that the magical spells and equipment found in the core rulebook represent the current “state of the art” when it comes to magical understanding in the game world, but that, like any other body of knowledge, it was preceded by long aeons of experimentation and cruder antecedents.

And when you go poking around in the dark and dusty portions of the world (like, say, subterranean vaults) you’re likely to stumble across those antecedents (or their remnants).

Sometimes you can find weird oddities in the way this older stuff works, presenting utility which may have been lost with the more efficient modern versions. (Odd parallel with the Old School Renaissance there.) But this unexpected utility isn’t really the point; the point is to create a sense of antiquity. Or, I suppose more accurately, to give the game world actual antiquity. The sort of real depth that breathes life into a setting and makes the word “ancient” in “ancient ruins” into something that’s meaningful.

Hence the blood clone facility the PCs find here.

If you’re designing antecedent magic for your own campaign, here are a few angles to think about.

LIMITED EFFECT: Like the blood clone spell, look at a magical element and figure out how you could strip out some aspect of its utility. Just stripping out that utility and having a slightly crappier version of the spell is okay, I guess, but it’s better if you can look at that limitation and find a way to evocatively express it.

For example, a mirror image spell which was limited to casting your duplicate images into actual mirrors. Or a teleport artifact based on an older version of the spell that leaves a peephole-sized tear in reality for 1d4 minutes, making it easy for people to see where you’ve gone.

BIGGER: Look at your smartphone. Imagine how many warehouses it would have taken to house that much computing power back in the ‘40s. Now, apply the same logic to magic.

For example:


Ley-laced marble is a naturally occurring stone. During the metamorphic processes which form the marble, ley-energy permeates the impurities lacing the original sedimentary rocks. The resulting marble (which is usually found on or near ley lines) is possessed of properties similar to a pearl of power. (In fact, it’s hypothesized that pearls of power were created by reverse-engineering ley-laced marble.)

Unlike pearls of power, however, ley-laced marble is not particularly efficient in its retention of magical energy. In addition to being difficult to excavate from the ground, ley-laced marble must be maintained in such large chunks in order to maintain its properties that it is rarely if ever portable in any true sense of the word.

However, rites have been perfected which allow a piece of ley-laced marble to be keyed to a specific object. Anyone carrying the keyed object can access the powers of the ley-laced marble at a distance of 1 mile per caster level.

Later in the campaign, the PCs find the statue of an archer carved from ley-laced marble and the adamantine arrow to which the statue has been keyed in the collection of a lich. Not only does this emphasize that the lich’s legacy stretches back into time immemorial, it also creates treasure with unique interest.

SIDE EFFECTS: You could do the same thing back in Ye Olden Days, but there were consequences we no longer suffer from; kinks that generations of patient work and research have managed to work around.

For example, did you know that the earliest magical potions required you to surgically extract and pulp the brain of a freshly dead arcanist who had memorized the spell? Once established, these could be alchemically maintained sort of like sourdough starters. The problem is that sometimes the drinker of such a potion would be “infected” with the memories of the original arcanist from which the potion stock had been derived. False memories, geas-like obsessions, and other strange affectations could result.

You can also use this to push magical research in the opposite direction: Somebody figures out how to create a magic item that’s more powerful than the common variety, but they haven’t worked out all the kinks yet. For example, I had a potion master in my campaign who had developed potions with unusually powerful effects, but also unusually powerful side effects. For example:

Granite Hide: This grainy, chalk-tasting, orange liquid turns the imbiber’s skin into a pliable yet hard-as-granite substance. (Treat as stoneskin spell.) The potion lasts for 1 hour. After the potion wears off, the victim suffers 1d6 points of Dexterity damage from a calcification of the joints (temporary damage, no save).

Caster Level: 7th; Prerequisites: Brew Potion, stone skin; Market Price 2,350 gp

MISSING LINKS: Once you’ve established one piece of antecedent magic, you can also look at filling in the “missing links” between then and now. For example, later in the campaign the PCs had the opportunity to discover another blood clone facility, but in this case one which showed that the ancient arcanist had figured out how to re-imbue the clone with the original’s memories. It was still an overwrought and complicated process compared to a modern clone spell, but it’s getting closer.

As you can see, this won’t be the last time antecedent magic crops up in this campaign journal. After all, it is, as I said, a gimmick that I like.

Ptolus - In the Shadow of the Spire



January 5th, 2008
The 4th Day of Kadal in the 790th Year of the Seyrunian Dynasty

It was still the dark of night when Tee woke up to find Malkeen Balacazar in her room.

Ptolus - Malkeen BalacazarThe crime lord was sitting on the chair in the corner, the light of the bedside lamp that he must have lit casting shadows that turned the star-tattoo across his eye into a pit of darkness. “Good morning, Tee.”

Tee’s heart was trying to pound its way out of her chest. “What are you doing here?”

“I thought we had an arrangement, Mistress Tee.” Malkeen’s voice was hard and cold. “I would let you and your friends live, and you would never interfere in my business again.”

Tee glared. “And we haven’t.”

“Then explain this.” Malkeen flicked his wrist, throwing a piece of paper onto Tee’s bedcovers. It had been crumpled, burned around the edges, and badly water damaged – but Tee recognized her own handwriting. It was the note that she had written and left for Dullin at the Cloud Theater.

“Dullin was connected to you?”

“My nephew. You didn’t know?”

Tee shook he head.

“Then why were you trying to contact him?”

“We thought his life was in danger.” Tee took a deep breath, and then spilled out the story of finding the note in Helmut’s house. (Although she was deliberately vague on the details of exactly why they were in the house.)

“Do you still have this note?”

“No, but I made a copy.”

“And do you have the copy?”

She did, and was able to produce it from her bag of holding. Malkeen inspected it closely, then folded it and slipped it into a pouch on his belt. “I’ll take this with me and investigate thoroughly. And I’ll be keeping an eye on you. I hope, for your sake, that we will have no more misunderstandings.”

“So do I,” Tee said. And meant it with all her heart.

Malkeen smiled coldly and then disappeared into thin air. (more…)


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