The Alexandrian

Posts tagged ‘in the shadow of the spire’


Session 17C: Shilukar’s New Friends

The illusion might not have fooled Shilukar if he had been in his right mind, but at this point he was far from it due to the debilitating spells Ranthir had cast upon him. The elf waved his wand in the direction of the illusion (which, of course, had no effect) and banked sharply to the right – flying away from Dominic and Tee.

When characters suffer ability score damage, it’s an awesome opportunity to lean into a roleplaying challenge. This is particularly true of damage to the mental ability scores, which will directly affect the character’s personality and decision-making.

HAL-9000You can see that in this session, where Shilukar’s dwindling Intelligence score not only resulted in increasingly muddled decision-making, but also a growing sense of panic as Shilukar felt his mind slipping away from him: In a fantastical equivalent to HAL-9000, you have a character getting more and more desperate to solve a problem as it becomes more and more impossible for them to figure out how to do so.

Existential horror as a combat tactic.

But that’s just one option. Back in Session 15, we saw that ability score damage can also be played for comedic effect:

Tor, in his befuddled state, was becoming completely entranced by the Ghostly Minstrel’s performance. He began to dance and then to sing along – vigorously and loudly.

Tee, seeing what was happening, excused herself from Mand Scheben and pushed her way through the crowd to Tor’s side. “Tor! Tor!” She finally managed to get his attention. “Calm down! Look, I don’t really think you should be doing that right now.” She looked meaningfully at Tor’s acid-burned and blood-stained clothes.

Tor seemed to think about his seriously for a few moments… and then diligently began stripping off his clothes. Cheers went up from various people around the room.

“No!” Tee grabbed at him, but Tor was intent on getting his clothes off now. Looking around, Tee spotted Agnarr and urgently waved him over. Between the two of them, they were able to get Tor back up to their rooms and settled down.

If you’re feeling uncertain about how to play a modified ability score, consider querying your character by way of the game mechanics: Make an Intelligence test to see if your character is capable of thinking their way through a problem at the moment. Make a Wisdom test to see if they’re able to inhibit their impulse to take off their clothes. Make a Charisma test to see how short-tempered they are.

Note that these same principles apply to physical ability scores, with modifications to those scores being reflected in both action selection and description. Getting hammered by a 10 point loss of Strength must feel as if your body has just been brutalized by a chemotherapy treatment. Think about how a loss of Constitution would leave your character gasping for breath and struggling to wheeze out words. Describe your characters clumsily fumbling with a formal tea service or tripping over the furniture as a result of their reduced Dexterity score.

Keep in mind both the absolute rating of the ability score AND the relative change: Someone who has been knocked down to Intelligence 10 from Intelligence 18 isn’t suddenly a dithering idiot (they have a perfectly average intellect), but from their perspective it’s as if the entire world has been wrapped in gauze. (Although if the loss is permanent, it’s likely that they’ll eventually adapt to their new acuity.)

These moments also offer us an opportunity to reflect on how ability scores define our characters and what their normal ability scores really mean, although this begins to transition us into a broader discussion how we can roleplay characters with abilities – particularly mental abilities – vastly different from our own (which is, perhaps, a topic for another time).

There’s also a flipside to this: What do magic items and buffs that increase your ability scores do to your character?

Just as there should be a change in your character’s behavior if they’re blasted from Wisdom 10 to Wisdom 5, so, too, should reading a tome of clear thought that boosts your Wisdom from 10 to 15. Think about how your character’s perception of the world changes; think about how the decisions they make (and choose not to make) will change; think about how their personality will shift as a result.

Note, too, that I think there are differences between short-term buffs (which are shocks to the system, but fade relatively rapidly) and long-term alterations (which will become integrated into the character’s personality).

And while tomes are one thing, there’s actually something really fascinating about a worn magic item that permanently alters your state of consciousness (i.e., modifies your mental abilities). As you spend more and more time wearing such an item, the existence you know with that item will increasingly become your perception of self. What happens to you when you take off the item? Or have it taken from you?

True Names - Vernor VingeThere’s a transhumanist quality here, as if Vernor Vinge’s True Names would be a good source text for this: Like the character for whom part of their personality and thought process now exists in the networked computing devices, so too does the wizard with a tiara of intelligence +4 have an important part of their mind – of themselves! – tied to that item. Are they even the same person without that item? If they lose that item and they replace it with a talisman of intelligence +4, will that restore who they were? Or will they become someone else? Are all +4 boosts the same? Can you just swap out parts of your brain? Or does granting the Ship of Theseus sentience transform the paradox?

Ptolus - In the Shadow of the Spire


March 9th, 2008
The 7th Day of Kadal in the 790th Year of the Seyrunian Dynasty

Shilukar stumbled back several steps, fumbling at his belt. As Tor advanced upon him, he whipped out a wand and waved it in his direction.

Tor’s mind was suddenly flooded with a sense of contentment and ease… and an absolute certainty that Shilukar was one of his closest and dearest friends.

Shilukar gave Tor a smile that was something closer to a leer, “There’s no need for us to fight, is there?”

Tor shook his head.

Agnarr, meanwhile, was making mincemeat out of the spider-things. The doorway had become spattered with gore and, in fact, the surviving creatures had turned and fled back into their cells – better to continue their vile imprisonment than to face that whirling flurry of death.

Ranthir, however, could see that something was wrong with Tor. “Agnarr! We need you!”

Agnarr turned and raced down the side corridor. Shilukar was fumbling his key into the lock of another door as the barbarian approached. Tor turned to face his friend, “Agnarr! No! He doesn’t mean any harm! He’s my friend!”

Agnarr wasn’t to be dissuaded, but even as he pushed past Tor, Shilukar waved his wand again… and Agnarr was charmed.

“Shilukar! My friend! I’m glad we found you! We need a cure that you carry!”

Shilukar grimaced as he turned the key in the lock. “What cure?”

Agnarr frowned. “But Lord Zavere told us you had it!”

Shilukar opened his mouth to respond, but was distracted as Elestra, Ranthir, and Dominic arrived. Ranthir’s hand lashed out, delivering a powerful enchantment that befogged Shilukar’s mind. The elf stumbled back, grasping his head. Instinctively he lashed out with the wand, attempting to charm Ranthir.

The attempt failed, but Ranthir – recognizing the enchantment – put a stupid smile on his face. “Shilukar? Why are we fighting?”

The bluff worked. But Ranthir’s entire distraction had not only befuddled Shilukar, but served its larger purpose: Elestra had slipped between Shilukar and the door.

Amplifico Offundo!(more…)


Session 17B: The Coming of Shilukar

As they reached the intersection, Agnarr tried to bring his sword down upon the first of them. But before he could, the gray goblin darted to one side and used its scythe-like claws to gash the flesh of the wall. On the other side of the hall, a second goblin did the same. A thick, arterial spray of viscous blood gushed forth. The floor suddenly became slick and treacherous. Agnarr and Tor both fell, with Tor toppling backwards into Dominic and carrying him to the ground as well.

One of the cool things about D&D fantasy is that the creatures you fight are often packages of unique abilities which makes an encounter with, say, a basilisk completely different from an encounter with a hydra. This creates innate variation in tactical challenges, preventing the bevy of combat encounters that usually make up the core of a D&D scenario from becoming rote or repetitive with an absolutely minimal effort from the DM.

Hydra - LadyofHats

With that being said, our familiarity with this form factor – unique abilities being delivered by packaging them into monster stat blocks – can blind us to other vectors for delivering those encounter-defining abilities.

In other words, if you’re thinking, “I really want the PCs to fight some monsters who can do X,” it might be worthwhile to think of ways that the monsters can do that without innately possessing those abilities.

This is useful in scenarios where the PCs are facing a large number of the same type of monster over and over again. (“Oh. Look. It’s Goblin #789.”) By allowing the monster to utilize an externalized ability, you can introduce the same variety that you would normally get from varying the creature types involved. (And, yes, you could just mix in other creature types into the encounter mix, but that’s not always logical in the context of a given scenario.)

Agnarr swung his blade high and cut down into the pulpy flesh. And from the wound a spray of blood burst forth, coating the walls and floor… and Shilukar.

An even cooler feature, as seen in this week’s campaign journal, is that tactical interest which has been externalized can be seized by the PCs and turned to their advantage, encouraging creative and memorable play.

In pursuing the image of a spray of blood which works in a fashion similar to a grease spell I could have very easily made that an ability inherent to a creature. (And, in fact, I would later do so in the form of the blood terrors.) But because the goblins triggered this ability by slashing the walls, it allowed the PCs to use the same tactic to their own advantage.

Externalized tactical interest can be environmental (like the walls that can be slashed to create blood sprays). An even more straightforward variety is simply equipment: The goblin with a magic item that lets them throw a lightning bolt or grow to giant size or create a caustic cloud at the head height of a human (but which Small creatures can easily run around underneath) is distinct from a typical goblin. And just as the wall can be slashed, so the enemy’s equipment can be looted and turned to the PCs’ use (creating long-term tactical adjustments).


Back in July I talked about the importance of dynamic terrain / tactically rich environments. Some may perceive a contradiction between my argument in that essay that “you don’t need to drape mechanics over it” in order to create dynamic terrain and this essay in which I’m basically saying, “Include a wall that can be slashed to mimic the effects of a grease spell.”

The difference is one of focus, intent, and utility.

There is a difference between saying, “There is a staircase here,” and saying, “The banister is here so that characters can slide down it, so I’ve applied the Slideable tag to it so that they can do so.” The former is a statement of existence; the latter features not only what I would describe as wasted prep in the form of contingency planning, but also an overly complicated mechanical framework for interacting with the environment.

When I say, “There is a wall which gouts blood when its damaged,” the statement I’m making is, in my opinion, more similar to the former statement than the latter. Yes, there is a mechanical component. But the mechanical component exists because the properties of the wall are a unique ability. It’s the same way that punching someone with a fist is generally handled with a general purpose mechanic rather than giving individual creatures a “Punching” tag.

The distinction may be a subtle one, but I think an important one. Note, for example, that I did not specifically anticipate (or even attempt to anticipate) that the wall’s ability to spray blood would reveal the presence of an invisible adversary. That’s because my focus was on modeling the wall’s existence, not its utility.

By way of contrast, note how saying “this Banister is here so that characters can slide down it” is a statement which ideologically suggests one needs to predetermine and list all the other potential functions to which the banister might be put. (For example, “characters can seek cover behind the banister.”) Whereas, the statement “there is a staircase here” doesn’t waste any time making suppositions about how it might be used during play (even though we are immediately cognizant of the fact that it can be walked up and down).

Ptolus - In the Shadow of the Spire


March 9th, 2008
The 7th Day of Kadal in the 790th Year of the Seyrunian Dynasty

From around the corner (and out of sight) a fair voice cried out: “Fall back to me, Servant of Ravvan!”

But even as the command was given, Agnarr surged forward. His blade ripped brutally through the brute’s throat, trailing a gout of blood. The brute gave a gurgling cry, stumbled back, and fell.

The unseen voice muttered a bitter curse and then gave an arcane cry. Before any of them had a chance to react, a small dart of flame shot around the corner. Striking the wall it burst into a massive explosion.

ShilukarThe arcane flames passed quickly, leaving in their wake scorched flesh and smoldering garments. Ignoring these wounds, they rushed forward. Agnarr rounded the corner just in time to see a young and handsome elf hovering in the air and completing the incantation for a second time.

The others dived for cover as the second explosion roared around them, but Agnarr simply ignored the flames, charging forward and slamming his greatsword into the arcanist.

The elf spun away, blood gushing down his side. “You fools! You don’t know who you’re meddling with!”

Tee smirked. “I’m guessing we’re meddling with Shilukar, right?”

Shilukar cursed and waved his hand, disappearing instantly from sight.

Tee instantly whipped up her dragon pistol, firing blindly at where Shilukar had been. Unfortunately, the elf had already ducked away. “Agnarr!” she cried. “Hit the floor!”

Agnarr swung his blade high and cut down into the pulpy flesh. And from the wound a spray of blood burst forth, coating the walls and floor… and Shilukar.

Tor leapt between Agnarr’s legs, rolled to his feet, and swung away. But Tor’s blade met only air, as Shilukar – hurling epitaphs behind him – ran for the door at the end of the hall.

Tor moved to pursue, but was stopped by a cry from Ranthir: “Look out!” (more…)


Session 17A: Shilukar’s Lair

The features revealed as their hoods fell back were those of goblins – but goblins possessed of sickly gray skin. More disturbingly, the eyes and mouths of each goblin had been sewn shut with thick, black string. Despite this, all of them moved with sure, fluid motions.

In the Shadow of the Spire is actually the fifth campaign I’ve run in my Western Lands setting. I believe I’ve actually previously discussed that Ptolus first appeared at my gaming table 5+ years earlier when a group passed through the city and noted its distinctive Spire as they passed from the Southern Sea back towards Deepfall Pass in the west.

Ptolus - The City By the Spire

One of the players in that campaign, Dave, was Agnarr’s creator. Two other players had also previously played in Western Lands campaigns.

One of the cool things I think you can do when running multiple campaigns in the same setting (whether concurrently or over time) is to have crossovers between those campaigns. And also to have deep, long-term mysteries that are intrinsic to the setting and which are only slowly revealed

A good example of this sort of thing, from Monte Cook’s original Ptolus campaign, is the revelation that the entire world of Praemal is actually a planar prison for demons. Everyone else is just stuck there by accident, and the demons are constantly trying to dissolve the bonds of the prison and escape. That’s the kind of thing which can be quietly true for any number of campaigns – with various enigmas suggesting the truth only for the final revelation to really blow people’s minds.

(This particular set of metaphysics, it should be noted, isn’t true of the Western Lands, which is one of the reasons why my version of Ptolus diverges from Monte Cook’s, and does so rather severely in some key areas.)

Of course, this sort of thing doesn’t require tapping into the fundamental metaphysics of the entire campaign world. Sometimes it might be, “Hey, you know Good King George? The guy who’s been the beneficent monarch ruling over the kingdom for the last three campaigns? Turns out he’s actually a mind-controlled puppet and the whole kingdom is being run by the drow. And he has been his entire life.”

It’s also fun to have references to the PCs from the other campaigns and/or the things that they did. Those enduring legacies across years of play can really invest players into the setting, knowing that their actions will resonate not just in the campaign itself, but across campaigns. That perhaps players who they have never even met will be affected by what they’ve done today.

(The most ambitious example of this I’ve ever attempted was when the players in one campaign met the future versions of their PCs from the other campaign. Have I told that story?)

On the other hand, sometimes these crossovers are just, “Hey! Remember that cool character/monster/location from the last campaign?!”

Dave, for example, recognized the name Ritharius from that previous campaign. The revelation of Ritharius’ actions later in the campaign would have carried a little extra oomph because of that, I think. (And when Dave left the campaign I made a point of building Ritharius into Tor’s background to reposition that oomph.)

These creepy goblins are a little bit of both.

They first appeared in one of the earliest scenarios I ever ran for 3rd Edition, a remix of The Sunless Citadel in which the lower levels of the scenario had been transformed into a much more horrific venue. In both cases, the nature of these goblins points towards the much deeper truth that [SPOILERS REDACTED] and also that [SECURITY CLEARANCE REQUIRED]. But mostly they would have just been a cool cameo that players from that campaign would recognize.

Unfortunately, the player who would have recognized the goblins left the campaign before they showed up. C’est la vie.

This does highlight, however, that this technique can be of arguably limited value because there is a limited audience capable of appreciating the full context of these crossovers and callbacks. I would argue, however, that when done properly these things still have value even when no one is necessarily there to directly appreciate them.

Silmarillion - J.R.R. TolkienConsider, for example, the success J.R.R. Tolkien had in using the then-unpublished Silmarillion to create mythological depth in The Lord of the Rings. Queen Berúthiel’s cats (a reference in Lord of the Rings which, infamously unlike many of Tolkien’s other “historical” allusions, was created off-the-cuff as he was writing) are also a thing, of course, but there is, I believe, both a qualitative and practical difference between such off-the-cuff improvisations and a fully-integrated body of lore.

The problem, of course, is that creating fully-integrated bodies of lore is a time-consuming process. And as cool as it can be a player digs into something and discovers that there is, in fact, a vast ocean of lore to explored there, the odds of wasted prep are quite high. Campaigns you’ve previously run, however, are inherently “fully-integrated bodies of lore”, and thus this can work both ways: Stuff you’re calling back to is “free prep” for the current campaign (you’ve already prepped it). And, on the flip-side, designing material that’s intended to be useful for campaign after campaign after campaign can be very high value prep indeed.

And, honestly, I find these callbacks and crossovers entertaining and rewarding in their own right on a purely personal level, even if no one else at the table is ever aware of it. In that sense, I am like the watchmaker who carefully filigrees the gear of a pocket watch which the owner will never be able to see: There is a pride and a pleasure in seeing the pieces of a job well done slide into place.


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