The Alexandrian

No Time To Explain!

May 25th, 2011

This is the awesome trailer for a bizarre, time-bending video game that’s currently seeking sponsors on Kickstarter. It’s got less than a day to go, but I recommend checking it out.

I am you from the future. There is No Time To Explain. Follow m– AAAUAUUGHHH!!!! Be part of an indie game with a sense of humor.

8 Responses to “No Time To Explain!”

  1. cr0m says:

    FYI, the header image on your blog has been broken for a couple of days. Not sure if it’s me, my isp or whether it’s that way for everyone.

  2. cr0m says:

    I meant to put the url to the image in my previous post. This is the image I’m talking about:

  3. Justin Alexander says:

    Hmm… I’m not successfully replicating it. The file is there and it seems to be loading for me. What browser are you using?

  4. Doresh says:

    I can’t replicate it, too.

    (Using Firefox 4 btw)

  5. cr0m says:

    Chrome 11.0.696.71 on Windows 7.

  6. cr0m says:

    It must be Chrome. When I view the site with FF4, it looks fine.


  7. ramacity says:

    it looks good, but bizarre. I’m keen!

  8. Confanity says:

    Just out of curiosity, what’s the very last thing written in the series of dates at the end? Is that Russian? Does it actually correspond to a date of some kind, with letters corresponding to numbers as in a number of languages?

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