The Alexandrian

The Alexandrian has a newsletter!

There are a lot of ways to keep up with all the new stuff I do (including the RSS feed, following on Patreon, joining the Alexandrian Discord, or following on Twitter), but we’re designing our mailing list to be the authoritative index, including:

  • links to every Alexandrian article
  • links to patron-exclusive content
  • Youtube videos
  • Twitch highlights
  • new projects from Atlas Games
  • new projects from Dream Machine Productions
  • my appearances on podcasts, actual plays, and other content around the ‘net
  • translations of Alexandrian articles into other languages
  • plus the super secret, triple NDA-locked projects I can’t even talk about yet!

“But wait!” the informercial man who has suddenly broken into my office says. “There’s more!”

The monthly newsletter will also feature exclusive early access to community content in a cool PDF.

If you want to add the very first PDF to your collection, join the mailing list now at the link below! If all goes well, it will be going out this weekend.


5 Responses to “Join the Alexandrian Mailing List!”

  1. Geoffrey DeWitt says:

    Y’all need to kick that infomercial guy out. You let ’em hang around and they’ll never leave.

  2. Random_Phobosis says:

    Various ways of automatically getting content without having to manually check the blog mean a lot to me. Basically it means whether I’ll be reading a blog or not, because it would be impossible to stay on top of a hundred+ sources manually.

    Personally, I use RSS, so thank you very much for keeping it intact and functioning (even though it’s not that popular nowadays)!

  3. Dragonfan says:

    I joined the mailing list a several weeks ago, but I haven’t gotten any mails yet. Is this correct?

  4. Justin Alexander says:

    @Dragonfan: You should have gotten an e-mail just before Christmas. You might need to check your spam filters!

  5. Dragonfan says:

    @Justin Alexander
    I can’t find it in my spam folder either

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