The Alexandrian

Penis Envy and Psycho

August 17th, 2008

Recently, for a project I’m intermittently working on, I’ve been reading a lot of primary feminist theory. Since my thoughts on such matters have been getting regularly stimulated by this reading, it means you’re going to have to put up with me sharing some of them… particularly the ones which little bearing on my project and, thus, have no other outlet.

So let’s start with Freud’s concept of penis envy. Boiling it down to its most basic form, Freud’s theory goes something like: At some point during puberty, girls figure out that they don’t have penises and boys do. The girl, discovering this, becomes jealous that the boy has a penis and she doesn’t.

This is stupid enough — since it implicitly assumes that a vagina is the mere absence of a penis — but Freud isn’t done yet: Because the girl wants a penis, she naturally wants her father’s penis. This translates into a sexual desire for her father. And since this sexual desire for her father is forbidden, she defensively shifts her sexual desire from her father to men in general.

Freud had issues. This much is clear.

(Please note, I am not making this up. It should also be noted that, since a vagina is not the mere absence of a penis, it would make just as much sense — using Freud’s logic — to say that men are possessed of “vagina envy”.)

Which brings me to Betty Friedan’s The Feminine Mystique. Friedan makes a pretty much indisputable argument that Freud’s theory is abject bullshit: If a woman in Victorian Europe envied a penis, she did so only insofar as it represented the social justice and opportunity which was automatically afforded to men and denied to her.

In other words, Freud was a product of his time… and a sex-obsessed one at that.

However, insofar as Freud was describing in sex-obsessed and metaphoric terms a legitimate psychological facet of women in Victorian Europe — i.e., their envy of the social opportunities men possessed and they lacked — there can be valuable insight gleaned from Freud’s theory.

Because, in point of fact, Freud still isn’t done: Penis envy persists after the woman matures into a socially acceptable sexual love for men who are not her father. (I feel silly just typing that.) A woman eventually satisfies that penis envy by having a son, and thus coming into possession of a penis of her own. (I feel even sillier typing that.)

Okay, let’s strip away Freud’s sex-obsessed silliness. Metaphors aside, what the heck is he talking about?

Friedan makes the very compelling argument that, when a woman finds her own growth as an individual cut off by social injustice, she will attempt to find other outlets through which she can express herself.  And one of these outlets is through her own children: Unable to live her own life fully, the mother tries to find fulfillment through the accomplishments of her children.

In truth, we can strip the words “woman” and “mother” out of the preceding paragraph entirely: It remains equally true for all human beings. And certainly we are all familiar with both fathers and mothers trying to make their children live out their own thwarted dreams.

This is bad enough in itself, but Friedan makes the wider point that — in post-war America — the oppression of woman had reached a point in which the common housewife was becoming literally infantilized. (Her argument is lengthy, well-documented, and, frankly, horrifying to my modern eyes, even though I was already largely familiar with the societal injustices she was describing.)

In that environment, the natural impulse for women to try to live out their thwarted dreams through their children becomes even more severely damaging to the child’s psyche: The dreams and goals of the mother, having become infantilized, arrest the child’s ability to mature into an adult. The result can be grossly summarized as a “momma’s boy”.

Which brings me to the relatively random thought I wanted to share with you: I wonder how much of this emergent social phenomena in the late 1940’s, 1950’s, and early 1960’s — as revealed in painstaking detail by Friedan — resulted in both the creation and popular resonance of Psycho. In Psycho, Norman Bates is so literally trapped in an infantilized state as an extension of his mother’s will that he becomes her to some very real extent. When a woman becomes desirable to him — a symbol of sexuality and potential maturity which would break his pyschotic connection with his mother — he kills her.

To what extent did Psycho grow out of the deep social discontent that Friedan documents in The Feminine Mystique? And to what extent did audiences, experiencing that social discontent in their own lives — whether they recognized it for what it was or not — find the traumas of their own lives writ into the tragedy of the film?

Of course, on the other hand, the film can also be read as subconsciously supporting the darker side of the culture which gave it birth: Norman’s victim is portrayed, however briefly, as a successful and independent woman pursuing a career outside of the house… a direct threat to the feminine mystique of a woman finding her complete fulfillment in the duties of wife and mother. Having posed that threat to “proper womanhood”, she is violently “put in her place” by the male killer.

Did those supporting the malfunctioning society of the 1950s find as much satisfaction in the film as those who were consciously or unconsciously rebelling against it?

One Response to “Penis Envy and Psycho”

  1. Justin Alexander says:


    There was actually a ‘vagina envy’ but it wasn’t from freud himself…it was from another psychodynamicist named Horney (pronounced Horn-eye). She said that men suffer a similar envy called womb envy, or the jelousy of a woman’s ability to bare children.
    Monday, August 18, 2008, 10:21:31 AM

    Justin Alexander
    I think there’s an inherited legacy problem when it comes to studying gender roles in society… and one of those is the over-emphasis placed on gender roles in society.

    First, you have the fact that for the longest time the male was viewed as “normal” and the female was defined as an abnormal variation from that state of normalcy. This is fairly warped.

    Second, because women were oppressed they were the ones primarily responsible for breaking this old school way of thinking. But there is a very real degree to which this ends up warping the resulting memes: The question of female identity in society became heavily studied, while the question of male identity withered on the vine. The field known as Women’s Studies might have been more productive if it had been called Gender Studies. Because until you build up a meaningful understanding of what it means to be male in the same way in which we have built an understanding of what it means to be female — at least insofar as either of those questions can have meaningful and non-ephemeral answer — you end up leaving the male in the position of the “normal” baseline almost by default as you work to define the female in relation to the male.

    Third, there is that over-emphasis placed on gender roles in general. As I’ve often observed, I have more in common in terms of identity and culture and belief with most of my female friends than I do with, say, John McCain. And both John McCain and I have more in common with each other than any of us (myself, my female friends, or John McCain) have with someone living in abject poverty in Africa.

    In short, I tend to believe that — societal norms aside — gender plays a very minor role in identity. And, in fact, if you separate sexuality from that (and, again, with societal norms aside I think you can), the role gender plays is almost nonexistent.

    I also tend to believe that the terms “feminine” and “masculine” should be abolished as antiquated nonsense.

    In short, I tend to believe that we’re human beings first. And while gender certainly plays its part in terms of sexuality and reproduction, it’s not the center of our identities unless we choose to make it so.

    Also, thanks for the recommendations.
    Sunday, August 17, 2008, 7:27:03 PM

    For a much more positive and constructive take on this I suggest -Reviving Ophelia-.

    -The Feminine Mystique- is good, as is -The Beauty Myth-. I think your assessment of -Psycho- is quite accurate.

    I have yet to find a book as good as those I have mentioned that deals with male identity and society however. Everyone I’ve read falls apart at some point and starts blaming single parents families, rock music, video games, etc. They just don’t seem to want to admit that males are made of meat and some of our drives are purely biological.

    The whole “penis envy” theory has always struck me as absurd. It really is a microcosm of the late 19th C.
    Sunday, August 17, 2008, 3:09:25 PM

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