The Alexandrian

Legends & LabyrinthsAs I mentioned yesterday, Legends & Labyrinths is being initially released as an 8-Bit Funding project. Today I’m going to talk about the Funding Perks you can claim by sponsoring the project:

REGISTERED ADVENTURER ($5): You’ll be listed as a Registered Adventurer and sponsor in the L&L rulebook. You’ll also receive a PDF copy of the Black Book Beta rulebook which will be given to all sponsors as soon our goal is met.

BETA WARRIOR ($12): You’ll be a Registered Adventurer (as above), but you’ll also receive a PDF copy of the final, full-color rulebook when it’s released.

LABYRINTH PROWLER ($30): As above, but you will also receive a signed, full-color, softcover copy of the rulebook when it’s released.

LABYRINTH CONQUEROR ($35): As above, but you also get a limited edition, full-color poster commemorating the artwork you’ve helped to sponsor.

LABYRINTH EXEMPLAR ($50): One of the great things about the L&L rulebook will be the Sidebar Reference System (making it the easiest rulebook you’ll ever use). The SRS sidebars include many examples, and as an Exemplar sponsor your character will be starring in one of them! You also gain all of the above perks. (Subject to approval of your character name.)

LORD OF THE LABYRINTH ($150): As per the Labyrinth Conqueror, but you’ll be listed as a “Lord of the Labyrinth” among the sponsors. Plus you get an exclusive “LORD OF THE LABYRINTH” t-shirt. These t-shirts will only be available during this limited sponsorship period.

LEGEND IN YOUR OWN TIME ($450): As per Lord of the Labyrinth, plus your adventuring group will be immortalized in the Legends & Labyrinths rulebook: Provide us with a campaign journal describing your adventures and we’ll commission an awesome piece of art ripped right from your gaming table. (Subject to approval of content.)

INTO THE LABYRINTH ($300): As per Lord of the Labyrinth, plus Justin will personally run a 4 hour adventure for you and your group online using Google+ video chat. This also includes PDF copies of the Black Book Beta and final rulebooks for up to 5 additional players in the group (for a total of 6 including the purchasing sponsor). And the entire group will be listed as an Adventuring Party among the sponsors. (Justin has final approval over scheduling of the session. He will run the adventure for more than 6 people and everyone playing will be listed in the adventuring party, but this sponsorship only includes PDF copies for 6 players.)

(TIP: Talk to your gaming group. For six people, this sponsorship splits into reasonable $50 chunks.)

LEGEND IN YOUR OWN TIME + INTO THE LABYRINTH ($700): As per Legend in Your Own Time, plus Justin will personally run a 4 hour adventure for you and your group online using Google+ video chat. (The commissioned illustration can be taken from this online game or from your home game.) This also includes PDF copies of the Black Book Beta and final rulebooks for up to 5 additional players in the group (for a total of 6 including the purchasing sponsor). And the entire group will be listed as an Adventuring Party among the sponsors. (Justin has final approval over scheduling of the session. He will run the adventure for more than 6 people and everyone playing will be listed in the adventuring party, but this sponsorship only includes PDF copies for 6 players.)

A LOCAL LABYRINTH ($1000): As per Lord of the Labyrinth, plus Justin will personally run a 4-hour gaming session for you in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area. (Justin has final approval over scheduling of the session.)

A LABYRINTH ON THE ROAD ($1500): As per A Local Labyrinth, but Justin will run a 6-hour gaming session for you anywhere in the United States within 450 miles of Minneapolis/St. Paul. (That includes Chicago, Kansas City, Bismarck, Davenport, Milwaukee, and more.) (Justin has final approval over scheduling of the session. You must be able to provide a reasonable location for the playing of the session and the location must be within reasonable driving distance of an acceptable hotel. Winnipeg and other Canadian destinations within range may be doable. But you may need to wait until Justin gets his passport renewed.)

A LABYRINTH ANYWHERE (SOME RESTRICTIONS APPLY) ($3000): A per A Local Labyrinth, but Justin will run a 12-hour gaming session for you anywhere in the continental United States. (Justin has final approval over scheduling of the session. You must be able to provide a reasonable location for the playing of the session and the location must be within reasonable driving distance of an acceptable hotel. Justin also needs to be able to get to you, which means having an airport nearby that Justin can fly to at a reasonable ticket price.)

(If you don’t live in the continental United States, we may still be able to make arrangements. Send me an e-mail and we can hash out details.)


PDF Rulebook: $12

Softcover, Full-Color Rulebook + PDF: $30

Beyond that, I’m offering nifty perks for people who want to contribute more than that. But, for the most part, the larger contributions are there for people who want to help make this rulebook as awesome as possible.



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