The Alexandrian

Go to Part 1


  • 12 Liberty Street; San Francisco, CA
  • Half a block off Valencia Street, squeezed into a narrow shop front at the heart of the Mission District.
  • Gray-faced building with dirty white trim. Gilt letters on the glass of the door.


  • When the front door opens, an electronic “bell” plays the Imperial March from Star Wars. (“Technically it’s not in Star Wars,” Soren says. “It didn’t actually show up until Empire Strikes Back.”)
  • The ceilings are vaulted, but with the narrow spaces between a dozen or so shelves thrusting above your head the place still feels crowded and claustrophobic.
  • The shelves are stuffed with eclectic collections of electronics gear. A few smaller shelves near the front desk.

SOREN GINNIS: Either sits behind the front desk flipping through a comic book (an issue of The Invisibles by Grant Morrison) or he’s in the room at the back (and will shout that he’ll be out in just a minute).

CYPHERS: Any browsing the crowded shelves finds that many of the items cyphers. Most of these are exhausted, but two can still be used. (Soren recognizes their value and wants $100 for each “collector’s item”.)

COMPUTER RECORDS: Intellect task (difficulty 3) to access the shipping records on the store’s computer. +2 difficulty if attempting to hack the system remotely. Andrew Uller’s store account shows that electronic supplies have been shipped to three addresses:

  • 10560 Moonshine Road; Sebatopol, CA (Node 0: The House – this is also where bills are sent)
  • 8 22nd Street; San Francisco, CA (Node 2: Tomahawk Warehouse)
  • 100 John F. Shelley Drive; San Francisco, CA; with a note appended “Deliver to the Tower” (Node 3: Water Tower)


APPEARANCE: A scrawny guy with a spine welded into a permanent slouch. Greasy-haired with a greasy t-shirt.


  • Rubs his mouth with the back of his hand.
  • Darts his eyes around nervously when talking to crowds.
  • Hyperventilates if a girl flirts with him.


  • Soren collects “weird things” and conspiracy theories.
  • He’s sort of “half-quickened”: He can recognize cyphers as being special, but he doesn’t really know what they do.
  • He does know that there’s a market for the “weird stuff”. He ran off Craigslist for a couple of years, then struck it big when he found an Age Taker cypher and sold it to Sergey Brin.
  • He used the proceeds to set up Eschaton Electronics.


Andrew Ullen first came into the shop about six weeks ago. He’s been making regular purchases and special orders. He’s a good customer.

  • Physical Description: Non-descript guy, really. Always wears a suit, but never a tie. Wears weird contacts in his eyes to make them purple (which seems kind of out of character, since everything else about him feels like a muggle).

Intellect task (difficulty 4): Convince Soren to look up Andrew Uller’s file. (Or the file associated with any of the addresses the PCs know.) He can tell them the same information found in the computer records.

  • Offering a cypher counts as two assets for this test. (An exhausted cypher counts as a single asset.)

Go to Node 2: Tomahawk Warehouses

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