The Alexandrian

Archive for the ‘Site News’ category

Site Update: Redirects

March 13th, 2019

Many people sent me reports on March 12th that various links on the Alexandrian were being redirected to third-party sites. By the time I logged on, the problem appears to have gone away. There does not appear to have been a penetration into my WordPress installation. If you’re still seeing the problem, please comment here. I have contacted my hosting company, as it seems most likely the problem is on their side.

My apologies to everyone for the inconvenience.

Technoir: Kepler Station

February 10th, 2019

Technoir - Kepler Station

WRITING & DESIGN: Justin Alexander

It takes just over a full day for one of the massive climbers to claw its way up the ‘stalk from the peaks of Kilimanjaro fifty thousand kilometers below. Steiner Technology keeps twelve of them in rotation, but you’ve got to space ‘em out to control the oscillations and with only one ‘stalk in operation they all have to arrive before you can turn them around. That means ten days of backbreaking labor for the orbitmen on Kepler Station, followed by two days off while Kilimanjaro does its turn-around.

Try to steer clear of the machinations of the Methuselah Families — cryo-preserved scions overseeing vast corporate wealth from beyond a frozen almost-grave — and dance through the back-corridors 30,000 miles up with Patthar Black Baggers and the Over-Under Gang.

This is Kepler Station. Where diamonds are cheap, but oxygen is the price of life.

Technoir System Cheat Sheet
Untested Technoir: Fleeting Relationships
Technoir: The Untouched Core
Technoir and PvP
Technoir and the Three Clue Rule
Technoir: Sequences vs. Skill Challenges

Patreon Update

January 28th, 2019

The Adventurers Prepare - Alex Drummond

After some discussions with the Alexandrian Hangout Club on Saturday, I’m making a few changes to the Alexandrian Patreon.

Every $1 Patron who supports multiple posts per month (i.e., sets a monthly maximum higher than $1) will now be part of the Alexandrian Hangout Club and can participate in the monthly Q&A session with me.

I’ve also added a “Basic Tier” at $1 for those who aren’t interested in receiving invitations to the Hangout Club.

The Request Line reward, which allows you to request specific articles from me, will be dropped from $5 to $4 per post.

The Yearly Game Club reward is also dropping, from $10 to $6 per post.

Patrons of the Alexandrian also receive early access to content. At the moment, this notably includes the Preview Draft of the Alexandrian Remix of Dragon Heist. This’ll be getting updated to v2.0 within the next couple of days, but already gives all of the key content from Parts 1-5 of the Remix. So if you’ve been desperately hitting the refresh button this week because your players are about to head into Xanathar’s Lair, there may be an easier way.

Patreon for the Alexandrian

… even the smallest of pledges can add up to wondrous things.

Justin @ Atlas Games

January 22nd, 2019

Atlas Games

This is something of a belated announcement, but as of December 10th, 2018, I am now the RPG Producer and Developer at Atlas Games. (You can tell it’s the real deal because I have a staff bio and everything.)

As the RPG Producer, I’ll be taking the reins on Atlas’ award-winning games like Feng Shui, Over the Edge, Unknown Armies, and Ars Magica. I’ll also be producing and developing all new RPGs, some of which I hope to be sharing with you much sooner rather than later.

What does this mean for the Alexandrian and Technoir and my other ongoing, non-Atlas RPG projects? Very little, actually. I’ll be able to continue working on the Alexandrian and my other projects outside of Atlas business hours, and I intend to do so. That doesn’t mean there won’t be any effect, though: My writing on the Alexandrian, for example, is often heavily influenced by the games that I’m currently running and playing at my own table. Since I’ll be spending a good chunk of my first six months here getting up to speed on Feng Shui, Over the Edge, and Unknown Armies by reading everything every published for them and also running one-shots and mini-campaigns (since nothing replaces actually getting a game to the table), you probably shouldn’t be too surprised if you see me referencing them more in my examples play, Thoughts of the Day, and the like.

In any case, I’m very excited by the opportunities I’ll have at Atlas Games to continue pushing the boundaries of what RPGs are capable of, and I hope all of you can share in that excitement as we begin this journey together.

Technoir Returns!

December 11th, 2018


New Supplements and New Transmissions Coming Soon!

The high-tech, hard-boiled roleplaying of Technoir has been acquired by Dream Machine Productions, the design studio owned and operated by Justin Alexander, and will be receiving active support — including new supplements, new transmissions, and new expansions — starting in January 2019.

Technoir, an exciting cyber-noir roleplaying game featuring a radical new mechanical approach and a revolutionary plot-mapping approach to improvised scenario design, was originally launched via a trend-setting and highly successful Kickstarter campaign in 2011. Designed by Jeremy Keller, the core rulebook was released in Fall 2011, with Mechnoir — an expansion player’s guide which took the game to Mars and introduced mechanics for running mecha-based scenarios — following in the spring of 2012. The game won a Judges’ Spotlight Ennie in 2012.

At that point, unfortunately, development stalled with several of the Kickstarter stretch goals still unfulfilled, and Technoir has lain fallow for the past six years. Having secured rights to the game, however, DMP has been quietly getting the core rulebook back into distribution channels via Indie Press Revolution, revamped the Technoir website, and begun development on a suite of new supplements for the game.

Technoir - Jeremy KellerThe first and most important goal for Justin Alexander and DMP has been to, at long last, fulfill the missing stretch goals which the original 600+ Kickstarter backers have been waiting for. We know that many of them have given up hope of ever seeing these stretch goals delivered, but we recognize that without them the game would not exist and we want to do right by them. Original backers of Technoir should return to the Kickstarter campaign page, where they will find an update explaining the steps they need to follow in order to claim their stretch goals.

All of this work culminates on January 1st, with a major relaunch of Technoir featuring:

Morenoir. The original 12-page PDF stretch goal has been super-sized into a 38-page supplement featuring run-time operations, advanced options for the game, a transmission creation guide, and Jeremy’s Guide to Writing Player’s Guides for Technoir.

Indianapolis Conplex. A brand new transmission for Technoir, featuring the 6×6 Master Table of connections, events, factions, locations, objects, and threats that lie at the heart of every Technoir scenario.

Kepler Station. A twist on the typical Technoir transmission, set in the space station atop the Kilimanjaro orbital elevator. Kepler Station is more than just a highway to the solar system. It’s a city in space, with a population of 20,000 lurking within its spheres of plascrete, rock, and steel.

In addition to immediately receiving their long-awaited copies of Morenoir on January 1st, the original Kickstarter backers will also receive access to playtest copies of Hexnoir, the Technoir magic supplement. These playtest materials will include the full text of the Hexnoir supplement plus three bonus transmissions, with final PDF versions to be released within a few months after the radical new mechanics have endured a proper trial by fire.

Although this will, at long last, bring the Technoir Kickstarter to conclusion, it’s just the beginning for Technoir. Dream Machine Productions and Justin Alexander are proud to have received this baton, and they have plans to carry the torch into the neon-drenched future.

About Dream Machine Productions: DMP is the design studio and publishing house owned and operated by Justin Alexander, who is also known for his work as Lead Developer for Modiphius’ Infinity RPG, the Alexandrian (home to the Three Clue Rule, Xandering the Dungeon, Node-Based Scenario Design, and other GMing classics), and a long list of freelance work for Atlas Games, Dream Pod 9, Steve Jackson Games, Fantasy Flight Games, and others. More information can be found at

About Technoir: More information on Technoir can be found at, including a free Player’s Guide, the free Twin Cities Metroplex transmission, and other resources.



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