The Alexandrian

Gilted Fiends – Part 2

July 12th, 2011

Go to Part 1

Jacques de Gheyn - Vanitas Still Life (1603)COIN OF THE DAMNED

These foul platinum coins were forged by the followers of a dark god in the elder days of the world. On one side of the coin is stamped a mind-rending depiction of the indescribable creature to which its creators paid homage, and on the other is their ancient, unholy symbol: A broken pentagram.

Any non-evil creature who comes within 30 ft. of a coin of the damned is instantly affected as per a blasphemy spell, with the following exceptions: First, it is not a sonic effect. Second, a successful Will saving throw against DC 17 will reduce the effective level of the blasphemy by one (killed becomes paralyzed, paralyzed becomes weakened, weakened becomes dazed, and dazed becomes no effect).

Where a coin of the damned lies, good fears to tread, and as such their resting places often attract some of the foulest creatures of the world. At least one of these coins is known to lie within the lair of a black wyrm.

It is rumored by some that the coins of the damned serve an even deeper – and fouler – purpose than a mere bane upon the existence of good: They whisper that if a complete set of thirteen coins are brought together in one place, then a blood ritual carried out according to ancient rites will create a gate which will summon back the dark god of these coins to the Material Plane. Whether this is truth is a mystery lost to the ages. (Note: If the DM decides this to be true, then the coins of the damned also require a gate spell for creation, the caster level should be raised to 17th, and the market price for each coin should be raised to 350,000 gp.)

Caster Level: 13th
Prerequisities: Craft Wondrous Item, blasphemy
Market Price: 150,000 gp


There was a time when the mage Aethope had sworn that his life would be dedicated forevermore to the study of the arcane arts. That oath came to an end, however, on the night he first saw the Lady Adaire: In an instant his heart was captivated utterly by her beauty, and his dedication bent entirely upon her. Adaire returned his affections and it seemed, for awhile, that only happiness could come of Aethope’s passion

But eventually the Lady Adaire grew tired of Aethope, and her attentions turned to a new suitor, who was of her own rank and stature: The Lord Kathan. In due time the new couple were engaged, and it seemed – once more – that only happiness could come of it.

Aethope, however, had been driven into a wild and jealous rage by Adaire’s “betrayal”. He kept this rage in bitter check, however, and seemed, to all outward appearances, unaffected by his former lover’s fickleness – all the while secretly working within his erstwhile neglected laboratories upon a fiendish wedding gift.

Upon the day of the wedding Adaire and Kathan opened the carefully wrapped package which had been given to them by Aethope, and discovered twenty pieces of silver – a symbolic gift which promised them a long and happy life. But Aethope’s sorceries had transformed the gift into a vicious expression of his hatred: As Adaire touched the coins, black magic sucked away at the very essence of her soul – tarnishing the coins themselves black with corruption – and robbed her of her life.

Although Lord Kathan swore his vengeance, Aethope escaped justice – and his cursed coins disappeared with him. Where he, or his coins, may be today no one knows.

(Aethope’s coins have been enchanted with an enervation spell: Anyone touching a coin gains 1d4 negative levels, resulting in the following penalties per negative level: -1 competence penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, ability checks, and effective level. Spellcasters lose one spell or spell slot from their highest available levels. These negative levels can stack, and touching multiple coins at once will result in multiple drains. If the character survives, negative levels are regained over the course of nine hours. Undead creatures who touch one of the coins will gain 25 temporary hit points.

When one of Aethope’s coins exercises its power it will slowly tarnish – until it finally turns completely black after draining a total of 4 levels (at which point it will no longer have any effect on someone touching it). The coin will then slowly lose its tarnish over 1d20 hours, after which it will – once again – be able to use its enervation effects.

Caster Level: 7th
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, enervation
Market Price: 26,000 gp

Continued tomorrow…

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