The Alexandrian

One interesting side effect of using an encumbrance system simple enough that it actually gets used is that it tends to highlight places where the underlying mechanics don’t actually work right.

These problems, generally speaking, can be mostly seen in the largest creatures. For example, rocs are supposed to serve as mounts for storm giants. But rocs can only carry up to 7,456 pounds while flying and storm giants weigh 12,000 pounds according to the Monster Manual. (And that’s assuming that the storm giant is naked.)

I often have a strong desire, once I start tinkering with a sub-system like this, to tweak things in an effort to find solutions for these sorts of problem. But this can be something of a primrose path: Fixing the underlying problem here requires changing the design of the roc, the storm giant, or both. It’s not something that can be solved at a systemic level, and while the abstraction of the encumbrance by stone system fixes some of these problems; it also introduces others.

One tweak you might want to look at, though, is allowing flying creatures to carry up to a medium load when using the encumbrance by stone system in order to give them a larger margin of error when dealing with the abstraction of the system. (On the other hand, this really only seems to be a problem with Huge or larger mounts carrying Large or larger riders due to the cubic weight gain of larger creatures. Since this is a situation which rarely applies to PCs or their mounts, it can probably be safely sweeped under the rug labeled “I Don’t Really Care” ninety-nine times out of a hundred.)

Now, if you’re really tired of reading about encumbrance rules at this point… you’re in luck! I’m all done. My next post will have absolutely nothing to do with encumbrance.

But first:

Luke and Yoda

Luke Encumbered

That backpack looks pretty full, so call it 3 stones. And Yoda can probably be classed as a halfling at 2 stones. Call it 5 stones and Luke is moving at 9″.

It’s so easy!

2 Responses to “Thought of the Day: Random Encumbrance Thoughts”

  1. Astronut says:

    But how much does Frank Oz come in at? (Runs away very fast…)

    Seriously, I have to say I like the concept although, as for Xavin, the term does jar when not used for body weight! I’m sure I’ve seen something similar before, especially the encumbrance does not equal weight element, but I can’t remember where.

    Now, can we squeeze the (long) hundredweight in somewhere? That would be 8 stones and usually seems to be used for cargo weights 🙂

  2. (s) says:

    > “For example, rocs are supposed to serve as mounts for storm giants. […] (And that’s assuming that the storm giant is naked.)”

    You’ve created some disturbing mental images there that will haunt me in my dreams.

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