The Alexandrian

Legends & Labyrinths - Justin AlexanderThis is another “holding pattern update” for Legends & Labyrinths: I’m still not at the point where the production of the book is entirely in my hands (i.e., I’m still waiting for artists to deliver finished pieces), so I’m still not willing to start making guarantees and promise release dates (having been met with so many disappointments and setbacks over the long history of this project).

But I am, as promised, waving my hand in the air and saying, “Still here.”

Meanwhile, I have now seen work-in-progress pieces featuring the adventuring parties of both of the Legend in Your Own Time groups. Well, sort of. One of the pieces currently only has the horses and wolves the characters will be riding. But I’ve been promised that the characters will appear in the final piece! 😉

(And since this was WIP was actually delivered to me a couple of weeks ago, I should be seeing the finished piece within a few days.)

The Melee of Wolves and Horses (Work in Progress) - Alex Drummond

One Response to “Legends & Labyrinths – Final Countdown #0.2”

  1. Inaki Lind says:

    So, does this mean all the changes required to make the Black Book Beta into a finished work in terms of text are done? All the spells, monsters, editing, etc. Or will that begin once the art pieces are done? What is the status of the final product besides the aforementioned art pieces that are lacking?

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