Justin Alexander E-mail: justin@thealexandrian.net Welcome to the Alexandrian, the homepage of Justin Alexander. By trade I'm a freelance writer, and the Alexandrian was designed not only to be a site of news and updates, but also as a repository: Here you'll find my reviews, my politics, my stories, and my thoughts. I also blog at Daily Kos. In addition to the political essays which appear here at the Alexandrian, my Daily Kos blog includes more ephemeral day-to-day reactions to current political events. Quick biographical factoids: - I was born December 4th, 1979. - I live in Minneapolis, MN. - To date, my published work includes more than two hundred books, articles, and reviews. - As a writer, the work I am proudest of, to date, is John & Abigail, a play based on the letters exchanged between John and Abigail Adams. - As an actor, the work I am proudest of, to date, is Johannes Kepler in Somnium, a piece created by Jennifer Blackmer. But honorable mention must be given to my performance as Cyrano in a high school production directed by Louise Bormann. |